BRERC Record Summary
Species Recorded
Taxon Scientific Name Common Name Records Latest
alder fly, lacewing or snake fly Dichochrysa flavifrons a green lacewing 2 2008
alder fly, lacewing or snake fly Dichochrysa ventralis a green lacewing 2 1993
algae or stonewort Derbesia a Derbesia species (unidentified) 1 2013
algae or stonewort Desmidiaceae a Desmidiaceae species (unidentified) 2 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dacnusa areolaris an insect - hymenopteran 3 1995
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dapsilarthra apii a braconid wasp 2 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dendrocerus aphidum an insect - hymenopteran 2 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diadegma majale an insect - hymenopteran 1 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diadegma semiclausum an insect - hymenopteran 2 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diadegma tenuipes an insect - hymenopteran 2 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diastrophus rubi a gall wasp 15 2015
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dicaelotus pumilus an ichneumon wasp 4 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dicladocerus westwoodii a parasitic wasp 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Didineis lunicornis a solitary wasp 1 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dinocampus coccinellae a braconid wasp 1 2010
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diphyus quadripunctorius an ichneumon wasp 1 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diplazon laetatorius an ichneumon wasp 6 2016
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diplazon pectoratorius an ichneumon wasp 1 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diplazon tetragonus an ichneumon wasp 1 1994
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diplolepis eglanteriae a gall wasp 3 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diplolepis nervosa a gall wasp 4 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diplolepis rosae Robin's Pin-cushion Gall 82 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dipogon variegatus a spider-hunting wasp 2 2010
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Diprion pini a sawfly 2 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dirophanes fulvitarsis an ichneumon wasp 1 1994
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus a Dolerus species (unidentified) 4 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus aeneus a sawfly 1 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus aericeps a sawfly 1 2001
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus brevicornis a sawfly 1 1983
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus cothurnatus a sawfly 2 1983
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus ferrugatus an insect - hymenopteran 1 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus fumosus a sawfly 1 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus gessneri a sawfly 2 1971
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus gonager an insect - hymenopteran 1 2004
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus nigratus an insect - hymenopteran 1 2004
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolerus picipes a sawfly 3 2004
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolichomitus a Dolichomitus species (unidentified) 2 2011
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolichomitus agnoscendus an ichneumon wasp 2 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolichovespula media Median Wasp 25 2022
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolichovespula norwegica Norwegian Wasp 5 2004
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolichovespula saxonica Saxon Wasp 1 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dolichovespula sylvestris Tree Wasp 42 2016
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dusona a Dusona species (unidentified) 1 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dusona falcator an insect - hymenopteran 1 1995
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dusona mercator an insect - hymenopteran 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dusona prominula an insect - hymenopteran 1 1995
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dyscritulus planiceps an aphid parasitic wasp 1 2015
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Dyspetes arrogator an ichneumon wasp 3 2002
beetle Dacne bipustulata a shiny fungus beetle 2 2019
beetle Dacne rufifrons a shiny fungus beetle 9 2023
beetle Dalopius marginatus a click beetle 18 2023
beetle Dascillus cervinus Orchid beetle 1 2015
beetle Dasytes aeratus a malachite beetle 14 2022
beetle Datonychus melanostictus a weevil 6 2010
beetle Datonychus urticae a weevil 1 2008
beetle Deleaster dichrous a rove beetle 3 2022
beetle Demetrias atricapillus a ground beetle 69 2023
beetle Dendrophilus punctatus a carrion beetle 1 2016
beetle Denticollis linearis a click beetle 56 2022
beetle Deporaus betulae Birch Leaf Roller 2 2021
beetle Dermestes haemorrhoidalis a museum or larder beetle 3 2019
beetle Dermestes lardarius Bacon Beetle 2 1997
beetle Dermestes murinus a museum or larder beetle 1 1976
beetle Dermestes peruvianus a museum or larder beetle 2 2003
beetle Derocrepis rufipes a leaf beetle 3 2004
beetle Dicheirotrichus gustavii a ground beetle 7 2019
beetle Dienerella ruficollis a mould beetle 1 1978
beetle Dimetrota atramentaria a rove beetle 1 2003
beetle Dinaraea aequata a rove beetle 1 2001
beetle Dinaraea angustula a rove beetle 1 1953
beetle Diplapion stolidum a seed weevil 4 1968
beetle Diplocoelus fagi a biphyllid beetle 2 2017
beetle Donacia a Donacia species (unidentified) 2 1997
beetle Donacia bicolora a Beetle 1 2010
beetle Donacia clavipes a leaf beetle 7 2023
beetle Donacia marginata a leaf beetle 13 2022
beetle Donacia semicuprea a leaf beetle 1 1983
beetle Donacia simplex a leaf beetle 17 2021
beetle Donacia thalassina a leaf beetle 2 2011
beetle Donacia versicolorea a leaf beetle 2 2002
beetle Donacia vulgaris a leaf beetle 6 2023
beetle Dorcatoma chrysomelina a wood boring beetle 8 2021
beetle Dorcatoma flavicornis a wood boring beetle 1 2016
beetle Dorcatoma substriata a wood boring beetle 2 2018
beetle Dorcus parallelipipedus Lesser Stag Beetle 132 2023
beetle Dorytomus a Dorytomus species (unidentified) 1 2009
beetle Dorytomus dejeani a weevil 1 1983
beetle Dorytomus filirostris a weevil 3 2004
beetle Dorytomus ictor a weevil 3 2020
beetle Dorytomus rufatus a weevil 4 2018
beetle Dorytomus taeniatus a weevil 6 2018
beetle Dorytomus tortrix a weevil 2 2000
beetle Dromius agilis a ground beetle 1 1978
beetle Dromius meridionalis a ground beetle 16 2021
beetle Dromius quadrimaculatus a ground beetle 16 2022
beetle Dropephylla devillei a rove beetle 2 2016
beetle Dropephylla ioptera an insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 4 2021
beetle Dropephylla vilis a rove beetle 2 2001
beetle Drupenatus nasturtii a weevil 2 1976
beetle Drusilla canaliculata a rove beetle 30 2021
beetle Dryocoetes villosus a bark or ambrosia beetle 23 2021
beetle Dryophthorus corticalis a weevil 1 2015
beetle Dryopidae a Dryopidae species (unidentified) 3 1993
beetle Dryops a Dryops species (unidentified) 6 2012
beetle Dryops auriculatus a long-toed water beetle 1 1997
beetle Dryops ernesti a long-toed water beetle 4 2020
beetle Dryops luridus a long-toed water beetle 24 2013
beetle Dyschirius globosus a ground beetle 4 2019
beetle Dyschirius salinus a ground beetle 2 2019
beetle Dytiscidae a Dytiscidae water beetle or diving beetle (unidentified) 107 2018
beetle Dytiscus a Dytiscus species (unidentified) 74 2013
beetle Dytiscus circumflexus a water beetle 1 2013
beetle Dytiscus dimidiatus a water beetle 2 2013
beetle Dytiscus marginalis Great Diving Beetle 106 2021
beetle Dytiscus semisulcatus a water beetle 2 2002
bird Delichon sp. or Riparia sp. a martin (bird) (unidentified) 9 2018
bird Delichon urbicum House Martin 12836 2023
bird Dendrocopos a Dendrocopos woodpecker (unidentified) 13 2019
bird Dendrocopos major Great Spotted Woodpecker 22515 2024
bird Dendrocygna a dendrocygna Whistling Duck (unidentified) 1 2016
bird Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling Duck 27 2015
bird Dryobates minor Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 1212 2021
bristletail (silverfish and allies) Dilta a Dilta species (unidentified) 3 2023
bristletail (silverfish and allies) Dilta hibernica Southern Bristletail 5 2017
bug Delphax pulchellus a planthopper 4 2019
bug Deraeocoris a Deraeocoris species (unidentified) 2 2018
bug Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) flavilinea a plantbug or grassbug 49 2023
bug Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) olivaceus a plantbug or grassbug 5 2023
bug Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) ruber a plantbug or grassbug 97 2023
bug Deraeocoris (Knightocapsus) lutescens a plantbug or grassbug 47 2023
bug Derephysia (Derephysia) foliacea a lace bug 2 2020
bug Dichrooscytus rufipennis a plantbug or grassbug 1 1993
bug Dicranocephalus medius a spurgebug 2 2009
bug Dicranotropis hamata a planthopper 2 2018
bug Dictyla convergens a lace bug 1 2020
bug Dictyonota strichnocera a lace bug 1 2021
bug Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) annulatus a plantbug or grassbug 5 2019
bug Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) globulifer a plantbug or grassbug 2 1983
bug Dicyphus (Dicyphus) constrictus a plantbug or grassbug 1 1984
bug Dicyphus (Dicyphus) epilobii a plantbug or grassbug 22 2023
bug Dicyphus (Dicyphus) errans a plantbug or grassbug 15 2022
bug Dicyphus (Dicyphus) stachydis a plantbug or grassbug 13 2022
bug Ditropis pteridis a planthopper 1 2022
bug Dolycoris baccarum Hairy Shieldbug 273 2023
bug Drepanosiphum platanoidis Sycamore Aphid 65 2023
bug Drymus (Sylvadrymus) brunneus a ground bug 11 2022
bug Drymus (Sylvadrymus) ryei a ground bug 8 2019
bug Drymus (Sylvadrymus) sylvaticus a ground bug 70 2023
bug Dryophilocoris (Dryophilocoris) flavoquadrimaculatus a plantbug or grassbug 34 2022
bug Dysaphis (Dysaphis) crataegi Hawthorn-carrot Aphid 1 2021
bug Dysaphis (Dysaphis) ranunculi an aphid 1 2020
bug Dysaphis (Pomaphis) plantaginea Rosy Apple Aphid 10 1975
caddis fly Drusus annulatus a caddisfly 5 2019
crustacean Decapoda a crustacean 1 2020
crustacean Deshayesorchestia deshayesii a crustacean 1 1939
crustacean Dexamine spinosa a crustacean 1 1906
crustacean Diacyclops bicuspidatus a crustacean 1 1963
crustacean Diastylis rathkei a crustacean 1 1976
diatom Diatoma a Diatoma species (unidentified) 1 2010
earwig Dermaptera an earwig (unidentified) 51 2018
fish Dasyatis pastinaca Common Stingray 1 1997
fish Dicentrarchus labrax Sea Bass 7 2023
fish Dipturus batis Common Skate 1 1879
flea Dasypsyllus (Dasypsyllus) gallinulae subsp. gallinulae Moorhen flea 3 2005
fungus Dacrymyces capitatus a basidiomycete fungus 2 2010
fungus Dacrymyces deliquescens a basidiomycete fungus 21 2010
fungus Dacrymyces lacrymalis a basidiomycete fungus 1 2020
fungus Dacrymyces stillatus a basidiomycete fungus 55 2023
fungus Daedalea quercina a basidiomycete fungus 28 2014
fungus Daedaleopsis confragosa Blushing Bracket 161 2020
fungus Daldinia a Daldinia species (unidentified) 4 2023
fungus Daldinia concentrica King Alfred's Cakes 502 2023
fungus Dasyscyphus virgineus var. selecta an ascomycete fungus 2 1998
fungus Datronia mollis a basidiomycete fungus 31 2014
fungus Delicatula integrella a basidiomycete fungus 1 2014
fungus Dendrothele acerina a basidiomycete fungus 5 2013
fungus Dendryphion comosum a fungus 2 2010
fungus Dermea cerasi an ascomycete fungus 1 1996
fungus Dermoloma cuneifolium a basidiomycete fungus 54 2014
fungus Dermoloma josserandii a basidiomycete fungus 1 2011
fungus Dermoloma josserandii var. josserandii a fungus 1 1997
fungus Dermoloma josserandii var. phaeopodium a fungus 1 2002
fungus Dermoloma pseudocuneifolium a basidiomycete fungus 5 2013
fungus Dialonectria episphaeria an ascomycete fungus 8 2010
fungus Diaporthe eres an ascomycete fungus 3 2001
fungus Diaporthe impulsa an ascomycete fungus 1 2010
fungus Diaporthe nobilis an ascomycete fungus 13 1998
fungus Diaporthe pulla an ascomycete fungus 1 1996
fungus Diaporthe pustulata an ascomycete fungus 1 2010
fungus Diaporthe samaricola a fungus 12 2015
fungus Diaporthe strumella an ascomycete fungus 1 2005
fungus Diatrype bullata an ascomycete fungus 3 1999
fungus Diatrype disciformis an ascomycete fungus 40 2013
fungus Diatrypella favacea an ascomycete fungus 25 2012
fungus Diatrypella quercina an ascomycete fungus 45 2013
fungus Diatrype stigma an ascomycete fungus 138 2014
fungus Dichomitus campestris a basidiomycete fungus 1 1997
fungus Diplocarpa bloxamii an ascomycete fungus 1 2012
fungus Diplocarpon earlianum an ascomycete fungus 1 2015
fungus Diplocarpon mespili an ascomycete fungus 3 2020
fungus Diplocarpon rosae Rose Black-spot 4 2020
fungus Disciotis venosa Bleach Cup 12 2019
fungus Discocistella grevillei an ascomycete fungus 1 1999
fungus Ditiola peziziformis a basidiomycete fungus 1 2000
fungus Dothidella ulmi a fungus 3 2018
harvestman Dicranopalpus ramosus (sensu lato (pre 2015)) a harvestman 57 2020
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Dendrocoelum a Dendrocoelum species (unidentified) 1 1993
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Dendrocoelum lacteum a flatworm 23 2019
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Dugesia a Dugesia species (unidentified) 2 2016
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Dugesiidae a Dugesiidae species (unidentified) 2 2023
lichen Dendrographa decolorans a lichen 3 2011
lichen Dermatocarpon miniatum a lichen 4 2018
lichen Dermatocarpon miniatum var. miniatum a lichen 2 2005
lichen Dimerella pineti a lichen 2 1991
lichen Diploicia canescens a lichen 25 2020
lichen Diploschistes gypsaceus a lichen 1 1988
lichen Diploschistes scruposus a lichen 3 2016
lichen Diplotomma alboatrum a lichen 18 2016
lichen Diplotomma hedinii a lichen 3 2014
lichen Diplotomma venustum a lichen 2 2004
lichen Dirina massiliensis f. sorediata (sensu auct. brit.) a lichen 4 2011
liverwort Diplophyllum albicans White Earwort 4 2022
mammal Dama dama Fallow Deer 40 2020
mammal - marine Delphinus delphis Common Dolphin 1 2003
millipede Diplopoda a millipede (unidentified) 20 2023
mollusc Deroceras a Deroceras slug (unidentified) 3 2023
mollusc Deroceras (Deroceras) agreste Field Slug 1 2019
mollusc Deroceras (Deroceras) invadens Chestnut Slug 6 2023
mollusc Deroceras (Deroceras) laeve Marsh Slug 4 1999
mollusc Deroceras (Deroceras) reticulatum Netted Slug 72 2023
mollusc Discus (Gonyodiscus) rotundatus Rounded Snail 112 2023
mollusc Dreissena polymorpha Zebra Mussel 2 2019
moss Dialytrichia mucronata Pointed Lattice-moss 2 2023
moss Dicranella heteromalla Silky Forklet-moss 35 2023
moss Dicranella schreberiana Schreber's Forklet-moss 9 2023
moss Dicranella staphylina Field Forklet-moss 1 2015
moss Dicranella varia Variable Forklet-moss 16 2023
moss Dicranoweisia cirrata Common Pincushion 30 2023
moss Dicranum a Dicranum species (unidentified) 1 1932
moss Dicranum bonjeanii Crisped Fork-moss 2 1991
moss Dicranum montanum Mountain Fork-moss 7 2000
moss Dicranum scoparium Broom Fork-moss 66 2023
moss Dicranum spurium Rusty Fork-moss 1 2023
moss Didymodon a Didymodon species (unidentified) 1 2023
moss Didymodon fallax Fallacious Beard-moss 107 2023
moss Didymodon icmadophilus (sensu J. Ku?era) Slender Beard-moss 1 2011
moss Didymodon insulanus Cylindric Beard-moss 94 2023
moss Didymodon luridus Dusky Beard-moss 33 2023
moss Didymodon nicholsonii Nicholson's Beard-moss 30 2023
moss Didymodon rigidulus Rigid Beard-moss 36 2023
moss Didymodon sinuosus Wavy Beard-moss 30 2023
moss Didymodon tophaceus Olive Beard-moss 16 2023
moss Didymodon vinealis Soft-tufted Beard-moss 71 2023
moss Distichium capillaceum Fine Distichium 1 1963
moss Ditrichum a Ditrichum species (unidentified) 1 1997
moss Ditrichum flexicaule Bendy Ditrichum 9 2005
moss Ditrichum gracile Slender Ditrichum 11 2023
moss Drepanocladus aduncus Kneiff's Hook-moss 11 2022
moss Drepanocladus polygamus Fertile Feather-moss 1 1963
moth or butterfly - butterfly Danaus plexippus Monarch (or Milkweed) 6 2007
moth or butterfly - butterfly Dryas julia subsp. delila Julia 1 2015
moth or butterfly - macro moth Daphnis nerii Oleander Hawk-moth 2 2001
moth or butterfly - macro moth Dasypolia templi Brindled Ochre 4 1981
moth or butterfly - macro moth Deilephila elpenor Elephant Hawk-moth 2160 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Deilephila porcellus Small Elephant Hawk-moth 387 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Deileptenia ribeata Satin Beauty 51 2017
moth or butterfly - macro moth Deltote pygarga Marbled White Spot 190 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Deltote uncula Silver Hook 1 1981
moth or butterfly - macro moth Denticucullus pygmina Small Wainscot 39 2018
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diachrysia chrysitis Burnished Brass 1691 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diaphora mendica Muslin Moth 1433 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diarsia brunnea Purple Clay 201 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diarsia dahlii Barred Chestnut 6 2007
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diarsia mendica Ingrailed Clay 602 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diarsia mendica mendica an Ingrailed Clay 178 2016
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diarsia rubi Small Square-spot 2265 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Diloba caeruleocephala Figure of Eight 84 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Drepana falcataria Pebble Hook-tip 328 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Drepana falcataria subsp. falcataria a Pebble Hook-tip 4 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Drymonia dodonaea Marbled Brown 9 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Drymonia ruficornis Lunar Marbled Brown 194 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Dryobota labecula a moth 1 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Dryobotodes eremita Brindled Green 98 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Dypterygia scabriuscula Bird's Wing 6 1995
moth or butterfly - macro moth Dysstroma citrata a moth 4 2015
moth or butterfly - macro moth Dysstroma citrata citrata Dark Marbled Carpet 53 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Dysstroma truncata Common Marbled Carpet 4271 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dahlica inconspicuella Lesser Lichen Case-bearer 1 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Delplanqueia a Delplanqueia pyralid moth (unidentified) 1 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Delplanqueia dilutella a pyralid moth 69 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria badiella a micro-moth 3 2003
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria chaerophylli a micro-moth 4 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria daucella a micro-moth 74 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria douglasella a micro-moth 3 1994
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria pimpinellae a micro-moth 1 2009
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria pulcherrimella a micro-moth 1 1991
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria radiella Parsnip Moth 102 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Depressaria ultimella a micro-moth 9 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Diasemia reticularis a pyralid moth 1 1956
moth or butterfly - micro moth Diasemiopsis ramburialis a pyralid moth 1 2014
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichomeris alacella a micro-moth 3 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichomeris marginella Juniper Webber 57 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha a Dichrorampha species (unidentified) 6 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha acuminatana a tortrix moth 51 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha aeratana a tortrix moth 6 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha alpinana a tortrix moth 31 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha flavidorsana a tortrix moth 4 2014
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha petiverella Common Drill 21 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha plumbagana a tortrix moth 4 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha plumbana a tortrix moth 16 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha senectana a tortrix moth 3 2010
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha sequana a tortrix moth 5 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha simpliciana a tortrix moth 8 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dichrorampha vancouverana a tortrix moth 7 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Digitivalva pulicariae a micro-moth 46 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dioryctria a Dioryctria species (unidentified) 6 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dioryctria abietella a pyralid moth 39 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dioryctria schuetzeella a pyralid moth 1 2005
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dioryctria simplicella a pyralid moth 1 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dioryctria sylvestrella a moth 8 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Diplodoma laichartingella a bagworm moth 1 2015
moth or butterfly - micro moth Ditula angustiorana Red-barred Tortrix 387 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Diurnea fagella March Tubic 266 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Diurnea lipsiella a micro-moth 2 2010
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dolicharthria punctalis a pyralid moth 1 1906
moth or butterfly - micro moth Donacaula forficella a pyralid moth 50 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Donacaula mucronella a pyralid moth 2 2008
moth or butterfly - micro moth Duponchelia fovealis a pyralid moth 2 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Dyseriocrania subpurpurella a micro-moth 58 2020
plant Dactylis a Dactylis species (unidentified) 2 2014
plant Dactylis glomerata Cock's-foot 7959 2023
plant Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata a flowering plant 1 1921
plant Dactylorhiza a Dactylorhiza orchid (unidentified) 24 2023
plant Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted-orchid 1054 2023
plant Dactylorhiza fuchsii x maculata = D. x transiens a marsh-orchid 6 2009
plant Dactylorhiza fuchsii x praetermissa = D. x grandis a marsh-orchid 23 2019
plant Dactylorhiza incarnata Early Marsh-orchid 2 1986
plant Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnata an early marsh-orchid 2 1946
plant Dactylorhiza kerryensis Western Marsh-orchid 3 1999
plant Dactylorhiza maculata Heath Spotted-orchid 97 2019
plant Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorum a heath spotted-orchid 28 2011
plant Dactylorhiza maculata x praetermissa = D. x hallii a marsh-orchid 5 2015
plant Dactylorhiza praetermissa Southern Marsh-orchid 283 2022
plant Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides Narrow-leaved Marsh-orchid 18 2011
plant Dahlia a Dahlia species (unidentified) 2 1971
plant Danthonia decumbens Heath-grass 257 2019
plant Daphne a Daphne species (unidentified) 1 1993
plant Daphne laureola Spurge-laurel 401 2021
plant Daphne mezereum Mezereon 3 1991
plant Darmera peltata Indian Rhubarb 3 2023
plant Datura ferox Angel's-trumpets 2 1957
plant Datura stramonium Thorn-apple 41 2020
plant Daucus a Daucus species (unidentified) 1 2011
plant Daucus carota Wild Carrot 2194 2023
plant Daucus carota subsp. carota a wild carrot 246 2023
plant Davidia involucrata Dove-tree 10 2023
plant Deschampsia a Deschampsia species (unidentified) 1 1984
plant Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hair-grass 2234 2023
plant Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. alpina Alpine Hair-grass 2 2005
plant Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. cespitosa a tufted hair-grass 2 2005
plant Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. parviflora a tufted hair-grass 1 1923
plant Deschampsia flexuosa Wavy Hair-grass 84 2019
plant Descurainia pinnata Tansy-mustard 1 1922
plant Descurainia sophia Flixweed 9 2003
plant Deutzia × magnifica a Deutzia shrub 1 1984
plant Dianthus armeria Deptford Pink 1 1936
plant Dianthus barbatus Sweet William 6 2019
plant Dianthus deltoides Maiden Pink 4 2008
plant Dianthus gratianopolitanus Cheddar Pink 18 2018
plant Digitalis a Digitalis species (unidentified) 3 2015
plant Digitalis lutea Straw Foxglove 3 1999
plant Digitalis purpurea Foxglove 794 2023
plant Digitaria ciliaris Tropical Finger-grass 1 1984
plant Digitaria ischaemum Smooth Finger Grass 1 2013
plant Digitaria sanguinalis Hairy Finger-grass 31 2017
plant Dioscorea communis Black Bryony 3804 2023
plant Diplotaxis a wall-rocket (unidentified) 12 2018
plant Diplotaxis erucoides White Wall-rocket 2 2019
plant Diplotaxis muralis Annual Wall-rocket 327 2023
plant Diplotaxis tenuifolia Perennial Wall-rocket 254 2023
plant Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua a wall-rocket 1 2003
plant Dipsacus a teasel (unidentified) 74 2023
plant Dipsacus fullonum Wild Teasel 3193 2023
plant Dipsacus fullonum (sensu lato) Wild Teasel sens. lat. 52 2010
plant Dipsacus laciniatus a flowering plant 2 2023
plant Dipsacus pilosus Small Teasel 276 2022
plant Dipsacus sativus Fuller's Teasel 1 1931
plant Dittrichia graveolens Stinking Fleabane 2 1934
plant Doronicum pardalianches Leopard's-bane 31 2019
plant Dorycnium hirsutum Canary Clover 2 2004
plant Draba muralis Wall Whitlowgrass 15 2018
plant Dracocephalum parviflorum a flowering plant 2 1931
plant Dracunculus vulgaris Dragon Arum 2 2019
plant Dryopteridaceae a Dryopteridaceae species (unidentified) 1 2023
plant Dryopteris a buckler-fern (unidentified) 14 2023
plant Dryopteris affinis Scaly Male Fern 425 2023
plant Dryopteris affinis subsp. affinis a buckler-fern 14 2024
plant Dryopteris borreri a buckler-fern 17 2023
plant Dryopteris carthusiana Narrow Buckler-fern 29 2021
plant Dryopteris dilatata Broad Buckler-fern 1443 2023
plant Dryopteris filix-mas Male Fern 2927 2023
plant Dryopteris filix-mas agg. Male Fern agg. 330 2023
plant Dryopteris x complexa nothosubsp. Complexa a buckler-fern 1 2007
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Diadumene lineata Orange-striped Anemone 1 2016
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Dynamena pumila a Sea-fan/Sea Anemone/Jellyfish 1 1937
slime mould Diderma hemisphaericum a slime mould 2 2005
slime mould Diderma spumarioides a slime mould 2 2008
slime mould Didymium a Didymium species (unidentified) 1 1997
slime mould Didymium bahiense a slime mould 1 1995
slime mould Didymium difforme a slime mould 4 2008
slime mould Didymium megalosporum a slime mould 1 2006
slime mould Didymium melanospermum a slime mould 1 2017
slime mould Didymium squamulosum a slime mould 8 2008
spider Diaea dorsata a crab spider 12 2020
spider Dictyna a Dictyna species (unidentified) 4 2023
spider Dictyna arundinacea a mesh webbed spider 24 2013
spider Dictyna latens a mesh webbed spider 2 1999
spider Dictyna uncinata a mesh webbed spider 9 1999
spider Dicymbium nigrum a money spider 7 2019
spider Diplocephalus cristatus a money spider 1 1991
spider Diplocephalus latifrons a money spider 2 1997
spider Diplocephalus permixtus a money spider 1 1988
spider Diplocephalus picinus a money spider 8 1996
spider Diplostyla concolor a money spider 19 2003
spider Dismodicus bifrons a money spider 3 1999
spider Dolomedes fimbriatus Raft Spider 1 2002
spider Drapetisca socialis a money spider 6 2012
spider Drassodes cupreus a ground spider 8 2020
spider Drassodes lapidosus a ground spider 13 2020
spider Drassodes lapidosus/cupreus a ground spider 1 2012
spider Drassodes pubescens a ground spider 2 1989
spider Drassyllus pusillus a ground spider 3 2003
spider Dysdera a Woodlouse Spider (unidentified) 3 2017
spider Dysdera crocata Woodlouse Spider 52 2023
spider Dysdera erythrina a Woodlouse Spider 19 2018
spider Dysderidae a Dysderidae species (unidentified) 2 2023
springtail Deuterosminthurus pallipes a springtail (Collembola) 6 2021
springtail Dicyrtoma fusca a springtail (Collembola) 1 2020
springtail Dicyrtomidae a Dicyrtomidae species (unidentified) 1 2014
springtail Dicyrtomina a Dicyrtomina species (unidentified) 3 2023
springtail Dicyrtomina ornata a springtail (Collembola) 2 2023
springtail Dicyrtomina saundersi a springtail (Collembola) 9 2020
true fly - Dasineura a Dasineura species (unidentified) 1 2018
true fly - Dasiops mucronatus a fly 2 2013
true fly - Dasiops spatiosus a fly 1 1948
true fly - Delia a Delia species (unidentified) 7 2013
true fly - Delia florilega a fly 10 2013
true fly - Delia lamelliseta a fly 1 2004
true fly - Delia platura a fly 27 2020
true fly - Desmometopa sordida a fly 1 2004
true fly - Dexia rustica a parasitic fly 1 2021
true fly - Dexiosoma caninum a parasitic fly 5 2013
true fly - Diastata adusta a fly 3 2009
true fly - Diastata costata a fly 1 2009
true fly - Diastata fuscula a fly 18 2022
true fly - Dichetophora obliterata a snail-killing fly 3 2004
true fly - Dicraeus fennicus a fly 1 2008
true fly - Dicraeus ingratus a fly 7 2006
true fly - Dicraeus napaeus a fly 2 2002
true fly - Dicraeus scibilis a fly 5 2008
true fly - Dicraeus styriacus a fly 1 2006
true fly - Dicraeus tibialis a fly 9 2008
true fly - Dicraeus vagans a fly 21 2008
true fly - Dilophus bispinosus a st mark's fly 1 2020
true fly - Dilophus febrilis Fever Fly 89 2023
true fly - Dilophus femoratus a st mark's fly 1 2000
true fly - Dinera carinifrons a parasitic fly 1 1979
true fly - Diplonevra florescens a scuttle fly 2 2020
true fly - Diplonevra funebris a scuttle fly 3 2013
true fly - Diplonevra nitidula a scuttle fly 3 2008
true fly - Diplonevra pilosella a scuttle fly 3 2004
true fly - Diplotoxa messoria a fly 12 2022
true fly - Diptera a true fly (unidentified) 72 2023
true fly - Discocerina obscurella a shore fly 2 2000
true fly - Discomyza incurva a shore fly 6 2009
true fly - Ditrichophora calceata a shore fly 4 2001
true fly - Ditrichophora fuscella a shore fly 2 2000
true fly - Dixella a Dixella species (unidentified) 5 2013
true fly - Dolichopodidae a Dolichopodidae fly species (unidentified) 1 2008
true fly - Dolichopodinae a Dolichopodinae species (unidentified) 2 2021
true fly - Dorycera graminum Phoenix Fly 3 2014
true fly - Dorylomorpha hungarica a big-headed fly 6 2001
true fly - Dorylomorpha imparata a big-headed fly 1 2003
true fly - Dorylomorpha xanthopus a big-headed fly 2 2001
true fly - Drino lota a parasitic fly 1 2002
true fly - Drosophila busckii a fruit fly 1 2015
true fly - Drosophila confusa a fruit fly 4 2001
true fly - Drosophila helvetica a fruit fly 1 2006
true fly - Drosophila immigrans a fruit fly 2 2001
true fly - Drosophila melanogaster a fruit fly 1 2003
true fly - Drosophila obscura a fruit fly 4 2020
true fly - Drosophila phalerata a fruit fly 3 2003
true fly - Drosophila picta a fruit fly 2 2009
true fly - Drosophila subobscura a fruit fly 3 2021
true fly - Drosophila transversa a fruit fly 1 1997
true fly - Drosophila tristis a fruit fly 1 2000
true fly - Drosophilidae a Drosophilidae species (unidentified) 8 2018
true fly - Drymeia brumalis a muscid fly 1 1998
true fly - Dryomyza flaveola a fly 2 2003
true fly - Dryomyzidae a Dryomyzidae species (unidentified) 1 1997
true fly - Dufouria chalybeata a parasitic fly 2 2001
true fly - Dufouria nigrita a parasitic fly 3 2004
true fly - cranefly Dicranomyia autumnalis a cranefly 2 2021
true fly - cranefly Dicranomyia chorea a cranefly 21 2022
true fly - cranefly Dicranomyia fusca a cranefly 7 2022
true fly - cranefly Dicranomyia mitis (sensu lato) a cranefly 4 2003
true fly - cranefly Dicranomyia modesta a cranefly 31 2022
true fly - cranefly Dicranophragma adjunctum a cranefly 4 2022
true fly - cranefly Dicranota a Dicranota cranefly (unidentified) 11 2018
true fly - cranefly Dicranota claripennis a cranefly 4 2022
true fly - cranefly Dicranota lucidipennis a cranefly 2 2003
true fly - cranefly Dicranota pavida a cranefly 2 2003
true fly - cranefly Dicranota subtilis a cranefly 1 2003
true fly - cranefly Diogma glabrata a cranefly 3 2022
true fly - (diptera) Delia radicum an insect - true fly (Diptera) 4 2003
true fly - (diptera) Dicranomyia melleicauda subsp. complicata an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2009
true fly - (diptera) Dictenidia bimaculata an insect - true fly (Diptera) 2 2017
true fly - (diptera) Ditaeniella grisescens an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2001
true fly - (diptera) Dolichocephala oblongoguttata an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2003
true fly - (diptera) Drosophila suzukii Spotted-Winged Drosophila 38 2021
true fly - hoverfly Dasysyrphus albostriatus a hoverfly 27 2023
true fly - hoverfly Dasysyrphus pinastri a hoverfly 3 2006
true fly - hoverfly Dasysyrphus tricinctus a hoverfly 17 2021
true fly - hoverfly Dasysyrphus venustus (sensu lato) a hoverfly 30 2021
true fly - hoverfly Didea fasciata a hoverfly 4 2016
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura acrophila a gall midge 1 1999
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura crataegi a gall midge 1 2012
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura filipendulae a gall midge 1 1999
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura fraxinea a gall midge 2 2001
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura fraxini a gall midge 8 2023
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura marginemtorquens a gall midge 1 1999
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura pustulans a gall midge 2 2015
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura rosae a gall midge 1 1999
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura tiliae a gall midge 5 2023
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura ulmaria a gall midge 14 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dasineura urticae Nettle Pouch Gall 19 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Diadocidia ferruginosa a fungus gnat 6 2001
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Diadocidia spinosula a fungus gnat 3 2000
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Didymomyia tiliacea a gall midge 3 2022
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Ditomyia fasciata a fungus gnat 2 2000
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixa nubilipennis a meniscus midge 3 2003
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixa submaculata a meniscus midge 6 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixella aestivalis a meniscus midge 34 2013
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixella amphibia a meniscus midge 16 2013
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixella attica a meniscus midge 2 2009
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixella autumnalis a meniscus midge 12 2004
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixella martinii a meniscus midge 1 1983
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixella serotina a meniscus midge 1 2009
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dixidae a meniscus midge (unidentified) 19 2013
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Docosia fuscipes a fungus gnat 12 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Docosia gilvipes a fungus gnat 1 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Docosia moravica a fungus gnat 7 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Docosia sciarina a fungus gnat 8 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Dynatosoma reciprocum a fungus gnat 2 2020
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Dithryca guttularis a gall fly 1 1990
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Diaphorus oculatus a dolichopodid fly 4 1999
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dioctria atricapilla Violet Black-legged Robberfly 22 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dioctria baumhaueri Stripe-legged Robberfly 6 2023
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dioctria linearis Small Yellow-legged Robberfly 9 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dioctria rufipes Common Red-legged Robberfly 26 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichocephala guttata a dance fly 1 2000
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichocephala irrorata a dance fly 1 2001
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus andalusiacus a dolichopodid fly 1 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus brevipennis a dolichopodid fly 4 2021
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus campestris a dolichopodid fly 2 2002
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus clavipes a dolichopodid fly 2 2016
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus diadema a dolichopodid fly 2 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus festivus a dolichopodid fly 15 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus griseipennis a dolichopodid fly 47 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus latilimbatus a dolichopodid fly 11 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus nitidus a dolichopodid fly 1 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus notatus a dolichopodid fly 1 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus nubilus a dolichopodid fly 15 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus pennatus a dolichopodid fly 5 1983
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus picipes a dolichopodid fly 4 2001
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus planitarsis a dolichopodid fly 2 1984
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus plumipes a dolichopodid fly 45 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus popularis a dolichopodid fly 9 2020
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus simplex a dolichopodid fly 4 2000
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus subpennatus a dolichopodid fly 1 1983
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus trivialis a dolichopodid fly 33 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus ungulatus a dolichopodid fly 18 2015
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus urbanus a dolichopodid fly 2 2001
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus virgultorum a dolichopodid fly 2 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus vitripennis a dolichopodid fly 1 2021
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dolichopus wahlbergi a dolichopodid fly 10 2008
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Drapetis exilis a dance fly 1 1979
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Drapetis pusilla a dance fly 1 2004
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Drapetis simulans a dance fly 2 2004
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Dysmachus trigonus Fan-bristled Robberfly 3 2016
tunicate (urochordata) Dendrodoa grossularia Baked Bean Ascidian 3 1995
water flea Daphnia a Daphnia water flea (unidentified) 47 2015
water flea Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) magna a water flea 5 1984
water flea Daphnia (Daphnia) hyalina a water flea 2 1982
water flea Daphnia (Daphnia) longispina a water flea 7 1995
water flea Disparalona rostrata a water flea 1 1991
worm Dendrobaena attemsi an earthworm 5 2017
worm Dendrobaena hortensis an earthworm 2 2017
worm Dendrobaena octaedra Octagonal-tailed Worm 3 2017
worm Dendrobaena pygmaea an earthworm 1 2015
worm Dendrobaena veneta an earthworm 6 2020