BRERC Record Summary
Species Recorded
Taxon Scientific Name Common Name Records Latest
amphibian Lissotriton helveticus Palmate Newt 782 2023
amphibian Lissotriton vulgaris Smooth Newt 1421 2024
amphibian Lissotriton vulgaris or Lissotriton helveticus Smooth Newt or Palmate Newt 38 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lamprotatus annularis a chalcid wasp 1 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum a Lasioglossum solitary or mining bee (unidentified) 17 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum albipes a solitary bee 19 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum calceatum Common Furrow Bee 90 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum cupromicans a solitary bee 1 2005
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum fratellum a solitary bee 1 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum fulvicorne Chalk Furrow Bee 14 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum laevigatum a solitary bee 6 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum lativentre a solitary bee 4 2004
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum leucopus a solitary bee 11 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum leucozonium a solitary bee 33 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum malachurum a solitary bee 9 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum minutissimum Least Mining Bee 5 2018
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum morio Brassy Mining Bee 45 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum parvulum a solitary bee 11 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum pauxillum a solitary bee 16 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum prasinum a solitary bee 2 1999
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum punctatissimum a solitary bee 1 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum smeathmanellum a solitary bee 18 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum villosulum Shaggy Furrow Bee 20 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasioglossum zonulum a solitary bee 1 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasius a Lasius species (unidentified) 5 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasius alienus an ant 19 2005
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasius brunneus Brown Ant 15 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasius flavus Yellow Meadow Ant 208 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasius fuliginosus Jet Ant 13 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasius mixtus an ant 2 1999
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lasius niger Small Black Ant 198 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Leptocampoplex cremastoides an insect - hymenopteran 1 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Leptothorax acervorum Slender Ant 1 2001
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lindenius albilabris a solitary wasp 3 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Liposthenus latreillei a gall wasp 7 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lissonota coracina an insect - hymenopteran 2 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lissonota fundator an insect - hymenopteran 1 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lissonota quadrinotata an insect - hymenopteran 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lissonota semirufa an insect - hymenopteran 1 1995
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lissonota setosa an insect - hymenopteran 2 2011
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lissonota tenerrima an insect - hymenopteran 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lonchidia clavicornis a small parasitic wasp 1 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Lysiphlebus fabarum an aphid parasitic wasp 2 2003
beetle Laccobius a Laccobius species (unidentified) 35 2013
beetle Laccobius bipunctatus a scavenger water beetle 115 2013
beetle Laccobius colon a scavenger water beetle 27 2011
beetle Laccobius minutus a scavenger water beetle 47 2016
beetle Laccobius sinuatus a scavenger water beetle 3 2011
beetle Laccobius striatulus a scavenger water beetle 3 2013
beetle Laccophilus a Laccophilus species (unidentified) 5 2011
beetle Laccophilus hyalinus a water beetle 47 2013
beetle Laccophilus minutus a water beetle 82 2014
beetle Laemostenus terricola a ground beetle 7 2021
beetle Lagria hirta a darkling beetle 106 2023
beetle Lampyris noctiluca Glow-worm 272 2023
beetle Larinus planus a weevil 17 2022
beetle Lasiorhynchites cavifrons a leafroller weevil 2 1991
beetle Lathrobium brunnipes a rove beetle 11 2020
beetle Lathrobium fovulum a rove beetle 1 2014
beetle Lathrobium fulvipenne a rove beetle 9 2015
beetle Lathrobium impressum a rove beetle 1 2015
beetle Lathrobium quadratum a rove beetle 1 2004
beetle Latridius assimilis a mould beetle 4 2016
beetle Latridius minutus a mould beetle 4 2016
beetle Latridius porcatus a latridius beetle 1 2001
beetle Leiodes calcarata a round fungus beetle 3 2020
beetle Leiodes litura a round fungus beetle 4 2020
beetle Leiodes rugosa a round fungus beetle 1 2020
beetle Leiopus a Leiopus species (unidentified) 2 2017
beetle Leiopus nebulosus (sens. lat., pre 2009) a longhorn beetle 11 2019
beetle Leiosoma deflexum a weevil 19 2020
beetle Leistus a Leistus species (unidentified) 1 2023
beetle Leistus ferrugineus a ground beetle 18 2021
beetle Leistus fulvibarbis a ground beetle 27 2022
beetle Leistus rufomarginatus a ground beetle 17 2023
beetle Leistus spinibarbis a ground beetle 12 2018
beetle Leistus terminatus a ground beetle 3 2020
beetle Lema cyanella a leaf beetle 4 2017
beetle Leptacinus pusillus a rove beetle 1 1998
beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Colorado Beetle 1 2004
beetle Leptinus testaceus a nest beetle 7 2021
beetle Leptura a Leptura species (unidentified) 1 2013
beetle Leptura quadrifasciata a longhorn beetle 3 2008
beetle Leptusa fumida a rove beetle 1 2001
beetle Leptusa ruficollis a rove beetle 1 2001
beetle Lesteva longoelytrata a rove beetle 5 2020
beetle Lesteva punctata a rove beetle 1 2014
beetle Lesteva sicula an insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 1 2016
beetle Lesteva sicula subsp. heeri a rove beetle 22 2022
beetle Licinus punctatulus a ground beetle 2 1987
beetle Lilioceris lilii Lily Beetle 94 2023
beetle Limnebius nitidus a small water beetle 3 2013
beetle Limnius a Limnius species (unidentified) 1 2012
beetle Limnius volckmari a riffle beetle 10 2000
beetle Limnobaris dolorosa a weevil 9 2021
beetle Limnobaris t-album a weevil 8 2021
beetle Limnoxenus niger a scavenger water beetle 2 1983
beetle Limobius borealis a weevil 3 1979
beetle Liophloeus tessulatus a weevil 27 2023
beetle Liopterus haemorrhoidalis a water beetle 25 2013
beetle Lissodema denticolle a false weevil 2 2017
beetle Litargus connexus a hairy fungus beetle 2 2020
beetle Lithocharis nigriceps a rove beetle 1 2015
beetle Lobrathium multipunctum a rove beetle 1 2002
beetle Lochmaea caprea Willow Leaf Beetle 12 2021
beetle Lochmaea crataegi Hawthorn Leaf Beetle 39 2023
beetle Lochmaea suturalis Heather Beetle 2 2017
beetle Longitarsus a Longitarsus species (unidentified) 2 2012
beetle Longitarsus anchusae a leaf beetle 5 2022
beetle Longitarsus atricillus a leaf beetle 1 2015
beetle Longitarsus dorsalis a leaf beetle 6 2019
beetle Longitarsus exoletus a leaf beetle 2 2001
beetle Longitarsus flavicornis a leaf beetle 10 2019
beetle Longitarsus gracilis a leaf beetle 3 2015
beetle Longitarsus jacobaeae a leaf beetle 5 2023
beetle Longitarsus kutscherae a leaf beetle 2 2016
beetle Longitarsus luridus a leaf beetle 9 2022
beetle Longitarsus melanocephalus a leaf beetle 16 2022
beetle Longitarsus membranaceus a leaf beetle 1 1999
beetle Longitarsus nigrofasciatus a leaf beetle 1 2016
beetle Longitarsus parvulus Flax Flea Beetle 19 2022
beetle Longitarsus pratensis a leaf beetle 2 2021
beetle Longitarsus succineus Chrysanthemum Flea Beetle 4 2003
beetle Longitarsus suturellus a leaf beetle 6 2020
beetle Lordithon lunulatus a rove beetle 4 2020
beetle Loricera pilicornis a ground beetle 53 2022
beetle Lucanus cervus Stag Beetle 2 1985
beetle Luperus longicornis a leaf beetle 8 2019
beetle Lycoperdina bovistae a false ladybird 4 2021
beetle Lyctus brunneus Brown Powder-post Beetle 1 1990
beetle Lythraria salicariae Loosestrife Flea Beetle 2 2000
bird Lanius collurio Red-backed Shrike 97 2021
bird Lanius excubitor Great Grey Shrike 79 2022
bird Lanius senator Woodchat Shrike 143 2017
bird Laridae a gull or tern species (unidentified) 82 2022
bird Larus a gull (unidentified) 1065 2024
bird Larus argentatus Herring Gull 31328 2024
bird Larus argentatus argentatus Herring Gull ssp. argentatus 12 2019
bird Larus cachinnans Caspian Gull 18 2019
bird Larus canus Common Gull 7928 2023
bird Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull 127 2022
bird Larus fuscus Lesser Black-backed Gull 27801 2024
bird Larus fuscus fuscus Baltic Gull 3 2017
bird Larus fuscus graellsii British Lesser Black-backed Gull 4 2016
bird Larus fuscus intermedius Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius 59 2021
bird Larus fuscus x argentatus Lesser Black-backed Gull x Herring Gull 17 2019
bird Larus glaucoides Iceland Gull 117 2022
bird Larus glaucoides kumlieni Kumlien's Iceland Gull 7 2014
bird Larus hyperboreus Glaucous Gull 23 2021
bird Larus marinus Great Black-backed Gull 9413 2023
bird Larus michahellis Yellow-legged Gull 2573 2022
bird Larus smithsonianus American herring Gull 1 2017
bird Leucophaeus atricilla Laughing Gull 49 2020
bird Leucophaeus pipixcan Franklin's Gull 10 2008
bird Limnodromus scolopaceus Long-billed Dowitcher 11 2009
bird Limosa a godwit (unidentified) 5 2017
bird Limosa lapponica Bar-tailed Godwit 2200 2022
bird Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit 8600 2022
bird Limosa limosa islandica Black-tailed Godwit (islandica) 367 2020
bird Linaria cannabina Linnet 14759 2023
bird Linaria flavirostris Twite 141 2015
bird Locustella luscinioides Savi's Warbler 1 1986
bird Locustella naevia Grasshopper Warbler 2247 2023
bird Loxia curvirostra Crossbill 423 2022
bird Lullula arborea Woodlark 117 2022
bird Luscinia megarhynchos Nightingale 217 2021
bird Luscinia svecica Bluethroat 2 2010
bird Lymnocryptes minimus Jack Snipe 1978 2022
booklouse or barklouse Lepinotus patruelis a booklouse or barklouse 1 1980
booklouse or barklouse Loensia fasciata a booklouse or barklouse 2 2020
booklouse or barklouse Loensia variegata a booklouse or barklouse 2 2009
bristletail (silverfish and allies) Lepisma saccharina Silver Fish 8 2018
bug Lamproplax picea a ground bug 1 2014
bug Lamprotettix nitidulus a leafhopper 15 2022
bug Laodelphax striatella a planthopper 1 1995
bug Ledra aurita a leafhopper 13 2022
bug Legnotus limbosus a shield bug 25 2023
bug Leptoglossus occidentalis Western Conifer Seed Bug 17 2024
bug Leptopterna a Leptopterna species (unidentified) 4 2014
bug Leptopterna dolabrata Meadow Plant Bug 269 2023
bug Leptopterna ferrugata a plantbug or grassbug 12 2022
bug Lichtensia viburni Viburnum Scale 1 2015
bug Limnoporus rufoscutellatus a pondskater 1 1991
bug Limotettix striola a leafhopper 3 2022
bug Lindbergina aurovittata a leafhopper 2 2021
bug Linnavuoriana sexmaculata a leafhopper 1 2002
bug Liocoris tripustulatus a plantbug or grassbug 262 2023
bug Livia juncorum a jumping plantlouse 4 2022
bug Lopus decolor a plantbug or grassbug 3 2021
bug Loricula pselaphiformis a minute bug 1 2020
bug Lyctocoris (Lyctocoris) campestris Debris Bug 1 1900
bug Lygocoris a Lygocoris species (unidentified) 1 2016
bug Lygocoris (Lygocoris) pabulinus Common Green Capsid 103 2023
bug Lygocoris (Lygocoris) rugicollis Apple Capsid 4 2022
bug Lygus a Lygus species (unidentified) 2 2018
bug Lygus maritimus a plantbug or grassbug 5 2019
bug Lygus pratensis a plantbug or grassbug 10 2021
bug Lygus rugulipennis European Tarnished Plant Bug 27 2022
bug Lygus wagneri a plantbug or grassbug 2 2017
caddis fly Lepidostoma basale a caddisfly 3 2019
caddis fly Lepidostoma hirtum a caddisfly 3 2019
caddis fly Lepidostomatidae a Lepidostomatidae caddisfly (unidentified) 1 2003
caddis fly Leptoceridae a Leptoceridae caddisfly (unidentified) 27 2004
caddis fly Leptocerus tineiformis a caddisfly 5 2022
caddis fly Limnephilidae a Limnephilidae caddisfly (unidentified) 49 2018
caddis fly Limnephilus a Limnephilus species (unidentified) 25 2023
caddis fly Limnephilus affinis a caddisfly 11 2016
caddis fly Limnephilus auricula a caddisfly 22 2023
caddis fly Limnephilus decipiens a caddisfly 1 2013
caddis fly Limnephilus flavicornis a caddisfly 21 2021
caddis fly Limnephilus hirsutus a caddisfly 1 2013
caddis fly Limnephilus lunatus a caddisfly 90 2022
caddis fly Limnephilus marmoratus a caddisfly 55 2022
caddis fly Limnephilus rhombicus a caddisfly 5 2018
caddis fly Limnephilus sparsus a caddisfly 10 2022
caddis fly Limnephilus vittatus a caddisfly 8 2021
caddis fly Lype reducta a caddisfly 4 2018
centipede Lamyctes emarginatus One-eyed centipede 1 1994
centipede Lithobiomorpha a Lithobiomorpha species (unidentified) 2 2023
centipede Lithobius a Lithobius species (unidentified) 12 2023
centipede Lithobius (Lithobius) borealis a centipede 1 1995
centipede Lithobius (Lithobius) calcaratus a centipede 1 2000
centipede Lithobius (Lithobius) forficatus Common lithobius 26 2022
centipede Lithobius (Lithobius) macilentus a centipede 1 1987
centipede Lithobius (Lithobius) melanops a centipede 3 2018
centipede Lithobius (Lithobius) variegatus Variegated Centipede 49 2023
centipede Lithobius (Monotarsobius) crassipes Thick-legged lithobius 1 2009
centipede Lithobius (Sigibius) microps Least lithobius 14 2011
crustacean Lepas (Anatifa) anatifera Goose Barnacle 2 2019
crustacean Lepas (Anatifa) hillii a crustacean 2 2019
crustacean Lernaeenicus sprattae a crustacean 2 1941
crustacean Lernaeocera lusci a crustacean 1 1938
crustacean Liocarcinus holsatus Flying Crab 2 1940
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Lestes a Lestes species (unidentified) 3 2020
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Lestes barbarus Shy Emerald Damselfly 1 2006
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Lestes sponsa Emerald Damselfly 443 2021
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Libellula a Libellula species (unidentified) 3 2012
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Libellula depressa Broad-bodied Chaser 1363 2023
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Libellula fulva Scarce Chaser 398 2022
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Libellula quadrimaculata Four-spotted Chaser 295 2023
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Libellulidae a Libellulidae species (unidentified) 7 2018
earwig Labia minor Lesser Earwig 15 2021
fish Labrus bergylta Ballan Wrasse 1 1879
fish Labrus mixtus Cuckoo Wrasse 1 1938
fish Lamna nasus Porbeagle shark 1 1871
fish Lampetra a lamprey (unidentified) 1 1993
fish Lampetra fluviatilis River Lamprey 2 1939
fish Lampetra planeri Brook Lamprey 5 2002
fish Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Sail Fluke 2 1933
fish Leuciscus idus Orfe 2 2000
fish Leuciscus leuciscus Dace 37 2018
fish Leucoraja naevus Cuckoo Ray 2 1940
fish Limanda limanda Dab 2 1993
fish Liparis liparis Sea Snail 2 1940
fish Liza ramada Thin-lipped Mullet 2 2016
fish Lophius piscatorius Angler Fish 2 1908
fish Lota lota Burbot 3 1938
fungus Laccaria amethystina a fungus 42 2023
fungus Laccaria bicolor a basidiomycete fungus 1 1984
fungus Laccaria laccata Amethyst Deceiver 272 2023
fungus Laccaria pumila a fungus 1 2000
fungus Laccaria purpureobadia a basidiomycete fungus 6 2020
fungus Lachnella alboviolascens a basidiomycete fungus 1 2001
fungus Lachnella villosa a basidiomycete fungus 2 2008
fungus Lachnum aeruginellum an ascomycete fungus 1 1995
fungus Lachnum apalum a fungus 1 2008
fungus Lachnum brevipilosum (non Lachnum brevipilum (Höhn.) Nannf., 1932) an ascomycete fungus 5 2008
fungus Lachnum carneolum var. longisporum a fungus 2 2013
fungus Lachnum niveum an ascomycete fungus 12 2014
fungus Lachnum rhytismatis an ascomycete fungus 1 1997
fungus Lachnum virgineum an ascomycete fungus 8 2014
fungus Lacrymaria lacrymabunda Weeping Widow 58 2020
fungus Lactarius acerrimus a russula or milk-cap 23 2013
fungus Lactarius acris a russula or milk-cap 1 1994
fungus Lactarius aurantiacus a russula or milk-cap 9 2012
fungus Lactarius azonites a russula or milk-cap 7 2000
fungus Lactarius blennius Slimy Milk-cap 23 2013
fungus Lactarius camphoratus Curry-scented Milk-cap 7 2014
fungus Lactarius chrysorrheus a russula or milk-cap 7 2005
fungus Lactarius circellatus a russula or milk-cap 5 1997
fungus Lactarius citriolens a russula or milk-cap 1 2009
fungus Lactarius controversus a russula or milk-cap 4 2014
fungus Lactarius cyathula a russula or milk-cap 3 1998
fungus Lactarius decipiens a russula or milk-cap 2 2005
fungus Lactarius deliciosus Saffron Milk-cap 2 2004
fungus Lactarius deterrimus a russula or milk-cap 28 2015
fungus Lactarius fluens a russula or milk-cap 2 2012
fungus Lactarius fuliginosus a russula or milk-cap 1 1997
fungus Lactarius fulvissimus a russula or milk-cap 51 2014
fungus Lactarius glyciosmus Coconut-scented Milk-cap 20 2018
fungus Lactarius hepaticus a russula or milk-cap 2 2010
fungus Lactarius lacunarum a russula or milk-cap 8 2003
fungus Lactarius mairei a russula or milk-cap 3 2010
fungus Lactarius obscuratus a russula or milk-cap 13 2020
fungus Lactarius omphaliiformis a fungus 1 2003
fungus Lactarius pallidus a russula or milk-cap 4 2011
fungus Lactarius plumbeus a fungus 1 1970
fungus Lactarius pterosporus a fungus 2 2002
fungus Lactarius pubescens a russula or milk-cap 11 2017
fungus Lactarius pyrogalus Fiery Milkcap 23 2014
fungus Lactarius quietus Oak Milk-cap 66 2013
fungus Lactarius romagnesii a fungus 1 2013
fungus Lactarius rufus Rufous Milk-cap 3 2010
fungus Lactarius semisanguifluus a russula or milk-cap 49 2015
fungus Lactarius serifluus a russula or milk-cap 1 2010
fungus Lactarius spinosulus a russula or milk-cap 1 1998
fungus Lactarius stephensii a fungus 1 1959
fungus Lactarius subdulcis a russula or milk-cap 62 2014
fungus Lactarius subumbonatus a fungus 9 2014
fungus Lactarius tabidus a russula or milk-cap 48 2018
fungus Lactarius theiogalus a russula or milk-cap 1 2005
fungus Lactarius torminosus Woolly Milk-cap 15 2010
fungus Lactarius turpis Ugly Milk-cap 10 2010
fungus Lactarius uvidus a russula or milk-cap 9 2007
fungus Lactarius vellereus Fleecy Milk-cap 2 2002
fungus Lactarius vietus Grey Milk-cap 3 2010
fungus Lactarius volemus a russula or milk-cap 1 1995
fungus Lactarius zonarius a russula or milk-cap 33 2009
fungus Laetiporus sulphureus Chicken of the Woods 98 2023
fungus Lanzia echinophila an ascomycete fungus 1 2008
fungus Lasiosphaeria ovina an ascomycete fungus 2 1998
fungus Lecanora achariana a fungus 1 2005
fungus Leccinum a fungus 1 2009
fungus Leccinum aerugineum a fungus 10 2009
fungus Leccinum aurantiacum a bolete 2 2005
fungus Leccinum holopus a bolete 2 2002
fungus Leccinum pseudoscabrum a bolete 2 1994
fungus Leccinum scabrum Brown Birch-bolete 39 2019
fungus Leccinum variicolor a bolete 11 2010
fungus Leccinum versipelle Orange Birch-bolete 1 2002
fungus Lentinellus cochleatus a basidiomycete fungus 4 2013
fungus Lentinus brumalis a basidiomycete fungus 26 2014
fungus Lentinus tigrinus a basidiomycete fungus 1 2007
fungus Lentomitella cirrhosa an ascomycete fungus 1 2005
fungus Lenzites betulina a basidiomycete fungus 9 2013
fungus Leotia lubrica Jelly Baby Fungus 15 2019
fungus Lepiota a Lepiota species (unidentified) 1 1982
fungus Lepiota boudieri an agaric 33 2014
fungus Lepiota brunneoincarnata an agaric 1 1997
fungus Lepiota castanea an agaric 27 2020
fungus Lepiota cingulum a fungus 1 2008
fungus Lepiota clypeolaria an agaric 2 1999
fungus Lepiota cristata Stinking Parasol 161 2014
fungus Lepiota echinella a fungus 2 2008
fungus Lepiota echinella var. echinella an agaric 14 2010
fungus Lepiota eriophora an agaric 2 1999
fungus Lepiota felina an agaric 8 2002
fungus Lepiota forquignonii an agaric 1 2002
fungus Lepiota fuscovinacea an agaric 1 2005
fungus Lepiota grangei an agaric 4 2015
fungus Lepiota griseovirens an agaric 4 2012
fungus Lepiota ignivolvata an agaric 1 1999
fungus Lepiota magnispora an agaric 5 2020
fungus Lepiota obscura a fungus 3 2000
fungus Lepiota ochraceofulva an agaric 9 2009
fungus Lepiota oreadiformis an agaric 61 2020
fungus Lepiota pseudolilacea an agaric 33 2013
fungus Lepiota subalba an agaric 3 2006
fungus Lepiota subgracilis an agaric 4 1997
fungus Lepiota subincarnata an agaric 33 2012
fungus Lepiota sublaevigata a fungus 1 1996
fungus Lepiota tomentella an agaric 13 2004
fungus Lepiota xanthophylla an agaric 4 2004
fungus Lepista a Lepista species (unidentified) 1 2017
fungus Lepista flaccida Tawny Funnel 153 2022
fungus Lepista luscina a basidiomycete fungus 3 2000
fungus Lepista nuda Wood Blewit 207 2023
fungus Lepista panaeolus a fungus 28 2015
fungus Lepista saeva Field Blewit 31 2023
fungus Lepista sordida a basidiomycete fungus 33 2020
fungus Leptosphaeria acuta a fungus 47 2013
fungus Leptosphaeria doliolum a fungus 6 1997
fungus Leptospora rubella a fungus 1 1997
fungus Leptosporomyces mutabilis a basidiomycete fungus 2 2000
fungus Leptostroma eupatorii a fungus 2 2010
fungus Leptotrochila cerastiorum an ascomycete fungus 1 2023
fungus Leratiomyces ceres Redlead Roundhead 3 2021
fungus Leratiomyces squamosus var. squamosus an agaric 1 1997
fungus Leucoagaricus badhamii an agaric 6 2020
fungus Leucoagaricus brunneocingulatus an agaric 1 1995
fungus Leucoagaricus crystallifer a fungus 2 2013
fungus Leucoagaricus leucothites an agaric 29 2006
fungus Leucoagaricus nympharum an agaric 2 1996
fungus Leucoagaricus pilatianus an agaric 2 2005
fungus Leucoagaricus serenus an agaric 10 2020
fungus Leucoagaricus sericifer an agaric 2 2014
fungus Leucocoprinus brebissonii an agaric 16 2020
fungus Leucocoprinus cepistipes an agaric 1 1999
fungus Leucopaxillus giganteus Giant Funnel-cap 2 2000
fungus Leveillula verbasci a conidial powdery mildew 4 2008
fungus Lichenoconium xanthoriae a fungus 1 2020
fungus Lichenomphalia velutina a basidiomycete fungus 1 1995
fungus Lichina confinis an ascomycete fungus 1 1991
fungus Limacella delicata a fungus 1 2006
fungus Limacella delicata var. delicata a basidiomycete fungus 3 2006
fungus Limacella delicata var. glioderma a basidiomycete fungus 4 1999
fungus Limacella delicata var. vinosorubescens a fungus 13 2008
fungus Limacella ochraceolutea a basidiomycete fungus 16 2004
fungus Litschauerella clematidis a basidiomycete fungus 3 2010
fungus Lopadostoma turgidum an ascomycete fungus 1 2005
fungus Lycoperdon dermoxanthum Dwarf Bovist 5 1985
fungus Lycoperdon echinatum Hedgehog Puffball 24 2022
fungus Lycoperdon excipuliforme Pestle-Shaped Puffball 90 2019
fungus Lycoperdon lividum Grassland Puffball 34 2017
fungus Lycoperdon mammiforme Flaky Puffball 12 2013
fungus Lycoperdon molle Soft-Spined Puffball 7 2018
fungus Lycoperdon nigrescens Blackish Puffball 40 2013
fungus Lycoperdon (non Pers.) a lycoperdon puffball or earth star (unidentified) 8 2019
fungus Lycoperdon perlatum Puffball 217 2019
fungus Lycoperdon pratense Meadow Puffball 186 2023
fungus Lycoperdon pyriforme Stump Puffball 201 2023
fungus Lycoperdon umbrinum Umber-brown Puffball 4 2003
fungus Lycoperdon utriforme Mosaic Puffball 9 2020
fungus Lyophyllum a Lyophyllum species (unidentified) 1 2000
fungus Lyophyllum connatum a basidiomycete fungus 3 2013
fungus Lyophyllum crassifolium a fungus 12 2001
fungus Lyophyllum decastes a basidiomycete fungus 29 2020
fungus Lyophyllum eustygium a fungus 8 2013
fungus Lyophyllum immundum a basidiomycete fungus 4 1996
fungus Lyophyllum loricatum a basidiomycete fungus 6 2004
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Leptophyes a Leptophyes species (unidentified) 1 2009
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Leptophyes punctatissima Speckled Bush Cricket 652 2023
harvestman Leiobunum a Leiobunum species (unidentified) 2 2023
harvestman Leiobunum blackwalli a harvestman 19 2020
harvestman Leiobunum rotundum a harvestman 55 2022
harvestman Lophopilio palpinalis a harvestman 10 2010
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Lineus ruber a ribbon worm (Nemertinea) 6 1976
lichen Lecanactis abietina a lichen 10 2016
lichen Lecania atrynoides a lichen 1 1991
lichen Lecania cuprea a lichen 2 2018
lichen Lecania cyrtella a lichen 7 2014
lichen Lecania erysibe s. lat. a lichen 12 2008
lichen Lecania inundata a lichen 1 2014
lichen Lecania naegelii a lichen 4 2016
lichen Lecania rabenhorstii a lichen 2 2010
lichen Lecania turicensis a lichen 1 2010
lichen Lecanographa lyncea a lichen 1 1996
lichen Lecanora a Lecanora species (unidentified) 1 2023
lichen Lecanora albella a lichen 7 2010
lichen Lecanora albellula a lichen 1 2017
lichen Lecanora argentata a lichen 1 2014
lichen Lecanora campestris a lichen 5 2023
lichen Lecanora campestris subsp. campestris a lichen 23 2014
lichen Lecanora carpinea a lichen 7 2020
lichen Lecanora chlarotera a lichen 68 2020
lichen Lecanora compallens a lichen 4 2010
lichen Lecanora conferta a lichen 2 2011
lichen Lecanora confusa a lichen 8 2016
lichen Lecanora conizaeoides a lichen 4 2020
lichen Lecanora conizaeoides f. conizaeoides a lichen 9 2010
lichen Lecanora expallens a lichen 28 2014
lichen Lecanora gangaleoides a lichen 2 1998
lichen Lecanora helicopis a lichen 1 1991
lichen Lecanora horiza a lichen 1 2017
lichen Lecanora intricata a lichen 5 2004
lichen Lecanora muralis (sensu auct.) a lichen 22 2023
lichen Lecanora orosthea a lichen 3 2011
lichen Lecanora polytropa a lichen 7 2020
lichen Lecanora pulicaris a lichen 2 2011
lichen Lecanora rugosella a lichen 1 1996
lichen Lecanora rupicola var. rupicola a lichen 2 2011
lichen Lecanora saligna a lichen 1 1991
lichen Lecanora soralifera a lichen 1 1985
lichen Lecanora sulphurea a lichen 2 2008
lichen Lecanora symmicta a lichen 10 2011
lichen Lecanora varia a lichen 3 2020
lichen Lecidea fuscoatra s. lat. a lichen 2 2011
lichen Lecidea lithophila a lichen 1 2009
lichen Lecidella a Lecidella species (unidentified) 1 2013
lichen Lecidella asema a lichen 2 2004
lichen Lecidella carpathica a lichen 1 2012
lichen Lecidella elaeochroma a lichen 26 2023
lichen Lecidella elaeochroma f. elaeochroma a lichen 45 2016
lichen Lecidella scabra a lichen 19 2020
lichen Lecidella stigmatea a lichen 23 2020
lichen Lepraria a Lepraria lichen (unidentified) 9 2023
lichen Lepraria chrysodeta a lichen 1 1985
lichen Lepraria finkii a lichen 13 2020
lichen Lepraria incana s. lat. a lichen 31 2017
lichen Lepraria membranacea a lichen 1 1985
lichen Lepraria nivalis a lichen 5 2023
lichen Lepraria vouauxii a lichen 1 2002
lichen Leptogium a Leptogium species (unidentified) 2 2018
lichen Leptogium cochleatum a lichen 1 1975
lichen Leptogium diffractum a lichen 1 1988
lichen Leptogium gelatinosum a lichen 10 2020
lichen Leptogium massiliense a lichen 2 2016
lichen Leptogium plicatile a lichen 4 2016
lichen Leptogium schraderi a lichen 6 2018
lichen Leptogium teretiusculum a lichen 1 1988
lichen Leptogium turgidum a lichen 4 2018
lichen Lichens a Lichens species (unidentified) 1 2023
lichen Lichen (unidentified) a Lichen species (unidentified) 9 2018
lichen Lobaria pulmonaria a lichen 1 2013
liverwort Leiocolea badensis Scarce Notchwort 2 1990
liverwort Leiocolea turbinata Top Notchwort 10 2020
liverwort Lejeunea cavifolia Micheli's Least Pouncewort 10 2021
liverwort Lejeunea lamacerina Western Pouncewort 3 1998
liverwort Lepidozia reptans Creeping Fingerwort 14 2022
liverwort Lophocolea bidentata Bifid Crestwort 100 2023
liverwort Lophocolea heterophylla Variable-leaved Crestwort 51 2023
liverwort Lophozia ventricosa Tumid Notchwort 1 1991
liverwort Lunularia a Lunularia species (unidentified) 1 1940
liverwort Lunularia cruciata Crescent-cup Liverwort 58 2023
mammal Lepus europaeus Brown Hare 1206 2024
mammal Lutra lutra Otter 3851 2023
mammal - marine Lagenorhynchus albirostris White-beaked Dolphin 1 1936
mayfly Leptophlebiidae a Leptophlebiidae mayfly (unidentified) 4 2000
mollusc Lacuna pallidula Pallid Chink Shell 2 1986
mollusc Lasaea adansoni a non-marine mollusc 1 1912
mollusc Lauria (Lauria) cylindracea Chrysalis Snail 30 2023
mollusc Lehmannia marginata Tree Slug 28 2023
mollusc Lepidochitona (Lepidochitona) cinerea Grey Chiton 7 2022
mollusc Limacus a Limacus species (unidentified) 3 2023
mollusc Limacus flavus Yellow Slug 9 2021
mollusc Limacus maculatus Irish Yellow Slug 24 2023
mollusc Limapontia depressa a mollusc 1 1971
mollusc Limax a Limax keelback slug (unidentified) 2 2008
mollusc Limax cinereoniger Ash-grey Slug 5 1998
mollusc Limax flavus agg. a mollusc 1 2007
mollusc Limax maximus Great Grey Slug 52 2023
mollusc Limecola balthica Baltic Tellin 27 2019
mollusc Limnaeidae a Limnaeidae species (unidentified) 1 1988
mollusc Littorina fabalis a mollusc 1 1995
mollusc Littorina littorea Common Periwinkle 14 2019
mollusc Littorina obtusata Flat Periwinkle 25 1976
mollusc Littorina saxatilis/arcana Rough Periwinkle 17 2015
mollusc Loligo forbesii Common Squid 1 1938
mollusc Lutraria lutraria Common Otter Shell 1 1937
mollusc Lymnaea a Lymnaea species (unidentified) 7 2019
mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis Great Pond Snail 309 2023
mollusc Lymnaea (Stagnicola) a mollusc 1 2017
mollusc Lymnaeidae a Lymnaeidae pond snail (unidentified) 46 2021
mollusc Lymnaeoidea a Lymnaeoidea freshwater snail (unidentified) 1 2023
moss Leptobryum pyriforme Golden Thread-moss 3 2020
moss Leptodictyum riparium Kneiff's Feather-moss 14 2021
moss Leptodontium flexifolium Bent-leaved Beard-moss 1 1990
moss Leskea polycarpa Many-fruited Leskea 1 2016
moss Leucobryum glaucum Large White-moss 1 2000
moss Leucobryum juniperoideum Smaller White-moss 3 2019
moss Loeskeobryum brevirostre Short-beaked Wood-moss 6 2017
moth or butterfly - butterfly Lasiommata megera Wall 1238 2021
moth or butterfly - butterfly Limenitis camilla White Admiral 290 2023
moth or butterfly - butterfly Lycaena phlaeas Small Copper 4618 2023
moth or butterfly - butterfly Lycaena phlaeas eleus a small copper 398 2007
moth or butterfly - butterfly Lycaena phlaeas phlaeas a Moth/Butterfly - Butterfly 3 2023
moth or butterfly - butterfly Lycaenidae a blue or a copper or a hairstreak butterfly (unidentified) 11 2013
moth or butterfly - butterfly Lycaenidae sp. (a blue butterfly unidentified) a blue butterfly (unidentified) 74 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lacanobia contigua Beautiful Brocade 2 1993
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lacanobia oleracea Bright-line Brown-eye 3981 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lacanobia suasa Dog's Tooth 59 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lacanobia thalassina Pale-shouldered Brocade 60 2018
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lacanobia w-latinum Light Brocade 137 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lampropteryx otregiata Devon Carpet 3 2019
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lampropteryx suffumata Water Carpet 145 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Laothoe populi Poplar Hawk-moth 1207 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Larentia clavaria Mallow 31 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lasiocampa quercus Oak Eggar 231 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lasiocampa trifolii Grass Eggar 1 1949
moth or butterfly - macro moth Laspeyria flexula Beautiful Hook-tip 605 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lateroligia ophiogramma Double Lobed 66 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lenisa geminipuncta Twin-spotted Wainscot 18 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lepidoptera a butterfly or moth (unidentified) 180 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Leucania comma Shoulder-striped Wainscot 521 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Leucania loreyi Cosmopolitan 2 2006
moth or butterfly - macro moth Leucania obsoleta Obscure Wainscot 76 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Leucania putrescens Devonshire Wainscot 2 1960
moth or butterfly - macro moth Leucoma salicis White Satin Moth 30 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Ligdia adustata Scorched Carpet 694 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lithophane leautieri a moth 74 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lithophane leautieri hesperica Blair's Shoulder-knot 790 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lithophane ornitopus Grey Shoulder-knot 179 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lithophane ornitopus lactipennis a moth 5 2004
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lithophane semibrunnea Tawny Pinion 55 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lithophane socia Pale Pinion 172 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lithosia quadra Four-spotted Footman 59 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Litoligia literosa Rosy Minor 168 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lobophora halterata Seraphim 87 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lomaspilis marginata Clouded Border 782 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lomographa bimaculata White-pinion Spotted 238 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lomographa temerata Clouded Silver 1220 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Luperina testacea Flounced Rustic 2192 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lycia hirtaria Brindled Beauty 711 2024
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lycophotia porphyrea True Lover's Knot 98 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lygephila pastinum Blackneck 126 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Lymantria monacha Black Arches 373 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lampronia capitella Currant Shoot Borer 2 2008
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lampronia corticella Raspberry Moth 4 2014
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lampronia fuscatella a longhorn moth 2 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lampronia luzella a longhorn moth 2 1908
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lampronia morosa a longhorn moth 4 2017
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lathronympha strigana Red Piercer 80 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Leucoptera laburnella Laburnum Leaf Miner 19 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Leucoptera laburnella form wailesella a micro-moth 2 2001
moth or butterfly - micro moth Leucoptera malifoliella Pear Leaf Blister Moth 5 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Leucoptera spartifoliella a micro-moth 3 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Leucospilapteryx omissella a micro-moth 1 2001
moth or butterfly - micro moth Limnaecia phragmitella a micro-moth 108 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lobesia abscisana Smoky-barred Marble 250 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lobesia littoralis a tortrix moth 42 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lobesia reliquana a tortrix moth 9 2011
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lozotaenia forsterana a tortrix moth 123 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lozotaeniodes formosana a tortrix moth 121 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Luffia ferchaultella a bagworm moth 15 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Lyonetia clerkella Apple Leaf Miner 494 2023
moth or butterfly - moth (macro or micro not listed) moth Lasiocampidae a Lasiocampidae species (unidentified) 1 2023
plant Laburnum a laburnum (unidentified) 9 2023
plant Laburnum anagyroides Laburnum 157 2020
plant Lactuca a Lactuca species (unidentified) 1 2023
plant Lactuca saligna Least Lettuce 2 1928
plant Lactuca serriola Prickly Lettuce 1050 2023
plant Lactuca serriola subsp. integrifolia a flowering plant 10 2011
plant Lactuca serriola subsp. serriola a flowering plant 8 2016
plant Lactuca tatarica Blue Lettuce 4 2013
plant Lactuca virosa Great Lettuce 100 2023
plant Lagarosiphon major Curly Waterweed 24 2018
plant Lagurus ovatus Hare's-tail 10 2023
plant Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow Archangel 539 2023
plant Lamiastrum galeobdolon montanum montanum a flowering plant 1 1998
plant Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum Variegated Yellow Archangel 151 2023
plant Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. galeobdolon a yellow archangel 8 2020
plant Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. montanum a yellow archangel 1020 2016
plant Lamium a dead-nettle (unidentified) 13 2021
plant Lamium album White Dead-nettle 4121 2023
plant Lamium amplexicaule Hen-bit Dead-nettle 124 2023
plant Lamium confertum Northern Dead-nettle 2 1922
plant Lamium hybridum Cut-leaved Dead-nettle 30 2020
plant Lamium maculatum Spotted Dead-nettle 33 2019
plant Lamium orvala a flowering plant 1 2019
plant Lamium purpureum Red Dead-nettle 2906 2023
plant Lamprocapnos a Lamprocapnos species (unidentified) 1 2013
plant Lappula squarrosa Bur Forget-me-not 7 2003
plant Lapsana communis Nipplewort 3507 2023
plant Lapsana communis subsp. communis a nipplewort 5 2004
plant Larix a larch (unidentified) 40 2018
plant Larix decidua Larch 375 2023
plant Larix decidua pendula Weeping European Larch 1 2011
plant Larix decidua x kaempferi = L. x marschlinsii Hybrid Larch 33 2019
plant Larix kaempferi Japanese Larch 16 2016
plant Larix laricina American Larch 2 1984
plant Lathraea clandestina Purple Toothwort 24 2023
plant Lathraea squamaria Toothwort 274 2023
plant Lathyrus a Lathyrus pea (unidentified) 10 2013
plant Lathyrus annuus Fodder Pea 4 1959
plant Lathyrus aphaca Yellow Vetchling 16 2017
plant Lathyrus cicera a flowering plant 2 2014
plant Lathyrus clymenum a flowering plant 2 1930
plant Lathyrus grandiflorus Two-flowered Everlasting-pea 5 1987
plant Lathyrus hierosolymitanus a flowering plant 1 1937
plant Lathyrus inconspicuus a flowering plant 2 1940
plant Lathyrus latifolius Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea 165 2022
plant Lathyrus linifolius Bitter-vetch 151 2022
plant Lathyrus linifolius var. tenuifolius a flowering plant 1 2006
plant Lathyrus nissolia Grass Vetchling 419 2022
plant Lathyrus odoratus Sweet Pea 4 2019
plant Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling 4627 2023
plant Lathyrus sativus Indian Pea 2 2017
plant Lathyrus sylvestris Narrow-leaved Everlasting-pea 168 2020
plant Lathyrus tuberosus Tuberous Pea 7 1999
plant Lauraceae a Lauraceae species (unidentified) 1 2022
plant Laurus nobilis Bay 136 2019
plant Lavandula a Lavandula species (unidentified) 13 2021
plant Lavandula angustifolia Garden Lavender 18 2015
plant Lavatera maritima a flowering plant 1 1979
plant Legousia hybrida Venus's-looking-glass 52 2010
plant Lemna a duckweed (unidentified) 120 2020
plant Lemnaceae a Lemnaceae species (unidentified) 30 2018
plant Lemna gibba Fat Duckweed 261 2019
plant Lemna minor Common Duckweed 1814 2023
plant Lemna minuta Least Duckweed 209 2019
plant Lemna trisulca Ivy-leaved Duckweed 532 2023
plant Leontodon a hawkbit (unidentified) 148 2019
plant Leontodon hispidus Rough Hawkbit 1994 2023
plant Leontodon hispidus x saxatilis a hawkbit 2 2016
plant Leontodon saxatilis Lesser Hawkbit 793 2021
plant Leonurus cardiaca Motherwort 2 2019
plant Lepidium bonariense Argentine Pepperwort 2 1922
plant Lepidium campestre Field Pepperwort 130 2019
plant Lepidium coronopus Swine-cress 924 2020
plant Lepidium didymum Lesser Swine-cress 943 2022
plant Lepidium draba Hoary Cress 381 2023
plant Lepidium draba subsp. chalepense a hoary cress 1 1991
plant Lepidium draba subsp. draba a hoary cress 4 2023
plant Lepidium graminifolium Tall Pepperwort 3 1925
plant Lepidium heterophyllum Smith's Pepperwort 11 2004
plant Lepidium latifolium Dittander 14 2011
plant Lepidium perfoliatum Perfoliate Pepperwort 4 1939
plant Lepidium ruderale Narrow-leaved Pepperwort 24 2017
plant Lepidium sativum Garden Cress 6 2016
plant Lepidium virginicum Least Pepperwort 13 2019
plant Leptochloa a Leptochloa species (unidentified) 1 2021
plant Leptospermum a myrtle (unidentified) 1 2002
plant Leucanthemum a Leucanthemum species (unidentified) 6 2023
plant Leucanthemum lacustre x maximum = L. x superbum Shasta Daisy 34 2017
plant Leucanthemum vulgare Oxeye Daisy 4562 2023
plant Leucojum a Leucojum species (unidentified) 1 2012
plant Leucojum aestivum Summer Snowflake 11 2023
plant Leucojum aestivum subsp. pulchellum a summer snowflake 13 2011
plant Leucojum vernum Spring Snowflake 2 2009
plant Leycesteria a Leycesteria species (unidentified) 12 2015
plant Leycesteria formosa Himalayan Honeysuckle 111 2020
plant Leymus arenarius Lyme-grass (plant) 30 2017
plant Ligustrum a privet (unidentified) 635 2023
plant Ligustrum lucidum Tree Privet 7 2015
plant Ligustrum ovalifolium Garden Privet 380 2023
plant Ligustrum vulgare Wild Privet 3771 2023
plant Liliaceae a Liliaceae species (unidentified) 2 2020
plant Liliopsida a Liliopsida species (unidentified) 1 2023
plant Lilium martagon Martagon Lily 2 1998
plant Limnanthes douglasii Meadow-foam 3 2015
plant Limonium binervosum Rock Sea-Lavender 4 1999
plant Limonium binervosum agg. Rock Sea-Lavender [agg.] 20 2003
plant Limonium platyphyllum Sea-lavender 1 2018
plant Limonium procerum a Rock Sea-lavender 3 2014
plant Limonium procerum subsp. procerum a Rock Sea-lavender 21 2012
plant Limonium vulgare Common Sea-lavender 61 2022
plant Limosella aquatica Mudwort 4 2003
plant Linaria a Linaria species (unidentified) 9 2020
plant Linaria alpina a flowering plant 1 2002
plant Linaria dalmatica Balkan Toadflax 1 1933
plant Linaria maroccana Annual Toadflax 5 2023
plant Linaria purpurea Purple Toadflax 589 2023
plant Linaria purpurea x repens = L. x dominii a toadflax 4 2009
plant Linaria repens Pale Toadflax 86 2012
plant Linaria supina Prostrate Toadflax 7 1999
plant Linaria vulgaris Common Toadflax 735 2023
plant Linaria vulgaris x repens = L. x sepium a flowering plant 5 2008
plant Linum bienne Pale Flax 86 2021
plant Linum catharticum Fairy Flax 1142 2020
plant Linum perenne Perennial Flax 2 2013
plant Linum usitatissimum Flax 38 2020
plant Liquidambar a Liquidambar species (unidentified) 1 2015
plant Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 23 2019
plant Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree 47 2023
plant Listera a twayblade (unidentified) 5 2016
plant Lithocarpus edulis Japanese Stone-oak 1 2005
plant Lithodora diffusa a flowering plant 1 2012
plant Lithospermum a Lithospermum species (unidentified) 1 1993
plant Lithospermum arvense Field Gromwell 22 2002
plant Lithospermum officinale Common Gromwell 223 2023
plant Lithospermum purpureocaeruleum Purple Gromwell 59 2020
plant Littorella uniflora Shoreweed 3 2016
plant Lobelia a lobelia (unidentified) 5 2019
plant Lobelia erinus Garden Lobelia 35 2020
plant Lobularia maritima Sweet Alison 163 2023
plant Lolium a Lolium species (unidentified) 16 2021
plant Lolium multiflorum Italian Rye-grass 482 2020
plant Lolium multiflorum x temulentum a rye-grass 1 1930
plant Lolium perenne Perennial Rye-grass 6304 2023
plant Lolium perenne x multiflorum = L. x boucheanum Hybrid Rye-grass 12 2002
plant Lolium persicum a flowering plant 2 1955
plant Lolium rigidum Mediterranean Rye-grass 3 1954
plant Lolium temulentum Darnel 11 1985
plant Lonicera a honeysuckle (unidentified) 111 2023
plant Lonicera caprifolium Perfoliate Honeysuckle 4 1992
plant Lonicera caprifolium x etrusca = L. x italica Garden Honeysuckle 1 1999
plant Lonicera fragrantissima x standishii = L. x purpusii Winter Flowering Honeysuckle 3 2018
plant Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle 32 2023
plant Lonicera nitida Wilson's Honeysuckle 308 2023
plant Lonicera periclymenum Honeysuckle 2782 2023
plant Lonicera pileata Box-leaved Honeysuckle 19 2023
plant Lonicera xylosteum Fly Honeysuckle 9 2011
plant Lotus a bird's-foot-trefoil (unidentified) 82 2023
plant Lotus angustissimus Slender Bird's-foot-trefoil 3 2005
plant Lotus corniculatus Common Bird's-foot-trefoil 5375 2023
plant Lotus corniculatus var. sativus a bird's-foot-trefoil 2 2017
plant Lotus pedunculatus Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil 1137 2020
plant Lotus tenuis Narrow-leaved Bird's-foot-trefoil 63 2019
plant Luma apiculata Chilean Myrtle 5 2000
plant Lunaria annua Honesty 457 2023
plant Lunaria rediviva a honesty 1 2005
plant Lupinus a Lupin (unidentified) 2 2012
plant Lupinus angustifolius Narrow-leaved Lupin 5 1985
plant Lupinus arboreus Tree Lupin 3 1999
plant Lupinus arboreus x polyphyllus = L. x regalis Russell Lupin 3 2000
plant Luzula A wood-rush (unidentified) 10 2023
plant Luzula campestris Field Wood-rush 1702 2023
plant Luzula multiflora Heath Wood-rush 80 2019
plant Luzula multiflora subsp. congesta a heath wood-rush 7 2015
plant Luzula multiflora subsp. multiflora a heath wood-rush 1 2015
plant Luzula pilosa Hairy Wood-rush 182 2023
plant Luzula sylvatica Great Wood-rush 132 2023
plant Lychnis a lychnis plant (unidentified) 10 2021
plant Lycium a teaplant (unidentified) 6 2000
plant Lycium barbarum Duke of Argyll's Teaplant 62 2016
plant Lycium chinense Chinese Teaplant 20 2010
plant Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato 48 2020
plant Lycopus europaeus Gipsywort 667 2023
plant Lysimachia a Lysimachia species (unidentified) 2 2015
plant Lysimachia nemorum Yellow Pimpernel 274 2019
plant Lysimachia nummularia Creeping-Jenny 750 2023
plant Lysimachia punctata Dotted Loosestrife 48 2019
plant Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow Loosestrife 59 2018
plant Lythrum hyssopifolia Grass-poly 2 1930
plant Lythrum junceum False Grass-poly 3 2005
plant Lythrum portula Water Purslane 5 2016
plant Lythrum salicaria Purple-loosestrife 731 2023
reptile Lacerta a Lacerta species (unidentified) 1 2010
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Laomedea flexuosa a Sea-fan/Sea Anemone/Jellyfish 2 1974
slime mould Lamproderma columbinum a slime mould 3 2008
slime mould Leocarpus fragilis a slime mould 1 2013
slime mould Licea belmontiana a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Licea biforis a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Licea bryophila a slime mould 3 2008
slime mould Licea eleanorae a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Licea kleistobolus a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Licea marginata a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Licea microscopica a slime mould 4 2008
slime mould Licea operculata a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Licea parasitica a slime mould 6 2008
slime mould Licea pygmaea a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Licea sambucina a slime mould 2 2008
slime mould Licea variabilis a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Lindbladia tubulina a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Lycogala a Lycogala species (unidentified) 6 2023
slime mould Lycogala epidendrum a slime mould 55 2023
slime mould Lycogala terrestre a slime mould 46 2017
spider Labulla thoracica a money spider 11 2017
spider Larinioides cornutus Furrow Orbweaver 66 2023
spider Larinioides sclopetarius an orb-weaver spider 3 2018
spider Lathys humilis a mesh webbed spider 5 1999
spider Latrodectus sp. a widow spider (unidentified) 1 1992
spider Lepthyphantes a Lepthyphantes money spider (unidentified) 4 2020
spider Lepthyphantes leprosus a money spider 5 2014
spider Lepthyphantes minutus a money spider 5 1997
spider Linyphia hortensis a money spider 13 2012
spider Linyphia triangularis a money spider 40 2023
spider Linyphiidae a money spider (unidentified) 18 2023
spider Liocranum rupicola a running foliage spider 2 2013
spider Lophomma punctatum a money spider 1 2012
spider Lycosidae a wolf spider (unidentified) 25 2023
springtail Lepidocyrtus cyaneus a springtail (Collembola) 2 2021
stonefly Leuctra a leuctra stonefly (unidentified) 11 2012
stonefly Leuctra geniculata a stonefly 1 2022
stonefly Leuctra nigra a stonefly 2 2000
tapeworm (cestoda) Ligula intestinalis a tapeworm (Cestoda) 2 1939
tick or mite (acarine) Lebertia a Lebertia species (unidentified) 2 1991
tick or mite (acarine) Limnesia a Limnesia species (unidentified) 3 1991
true fly - Lasiambia brevibucca a fly 2 2020
true fly - Lasiochaeta pubescens a fly 1 2022
true fly - Lasiomma seminitidum a fly 2 2002
true fly - Lauxaniidae a Lauxaniidae species (unidentified) 2 2010
true fly - Leiomyza laevigata a fly 1 1996
true fly - Leiomyza scatophagina a fly 1 2000
true fly - Leptocera fontinalis a lesser dung fly 2 2002
true fly - Leptocera nigra a lesser dung fly 4 2022
true fly - Leptogaster a Leptogaster species (unidentified) 1 2014
true fly - Leptopa filiformis a dung fly 1 1999
true fly - Leptosciarella pilosa a fly 1 1997
true fly - Leptosciarella trochanterata a fly 2 2020
true fly - Leucophenga maculata a fruit fly 3 2003
true fly - Leucophora personata a fly 2 2006
true fly - Limnellia quadrata a shore fly 3 2001
true fly - Limnellia stenhammari a shore fly 1 1994
true fly - Limnia a snail-killing fly (unidentified) 1 2011
true fly - Limnia unguicornis a snail-killing fly 31 2022
true fly - Limnophora maculosa a muscid fly 2 2022
true fly - Limnophora tigrina a muscid fly 4 2002
true fly - Limnospila albifrons a muscid fly 1 2000
true fly - Limonia a Limonia species (unidentified) 1 1997
true fly - Limoniidae a Limoniidae species (unidentified) 2 2023
true fly - Limoniinae a Limoniinae species (unidentified) 1 2023
true fly - Limosina silvatica a lesser dung fly 1 2002
true fly - Lipara lucens a fly 8 2015
true fly - Lipara rufitarsis a fly 1 2001
true fly - Lipoptena cervi Deer Ked 9 2021
true fly - Liriomyza a Liriomyza species (unidentified) 1 2015
true fly - Liriomyza amoena a leaf-mining fly 8 2023
true fly - Liriomyza centaureae a leaf-mining fly 1 2021
true fly - Liriomyza congesta a leaf-mining fly 3 2022
true fly - Liriomyza erucifolii a leaf-mining fly 1 2001
true fly - Liriomyza eupatorii a leaf-mining fly 8 2023
true fly - Liriomyza flaveola a leaf-mining fly 5 2003
true fly - Liriomyza flavopicta a leaf-mining fly 2 2006
true fly - Liriomyza hieracii a leaf-mining fly 1 2006
true fly - Liriomyza orbona a leaf-mining fly 1 2001
true fly - Liriomyza pascuum a leaf-mining fly 2 2022
true fly - Liriomyza phryne a leaf-mining fly 1 2001
true fly - Liriomyza strigata a leaf-mining fly 3 2020
true fly - Liriomyza tragopogonis a leaf-mining fly 2 2004
true fly - Liriomyza valerianae a leaf-mining fly 1 2020
true fly - Lispe litorea a muscid fly 2 2009
true fly - Lispe pygmaea a muscid fly 2 2004
true fly - Lispe tentaculata a muscid fly 2 2000
true fly - Lispocephala brachialis a muscid fly 1 1964
true fly - Lispocephala erythrocera a muscid fly 7 2009
true fly - Lispocephala spuria a muscid fly 1 1964
true fly - Lonchaea chorea a fly 3 2000
true fly - Lonchaea fraxina a fly 1 1977
true fly - Lonchaea fugax a fly 1 2006
true fly - Lonchaea postica a fly 1 2020
true fly - Lonchoptera a Lonchoptera species (unidentified) 2 2015
true fly - Lonchoptera bifurcata a pointed-wing fly 47 2022
true fly - Lonchoptera lutea a pointed-wing fly 48 2022
true fly - Lonchoptera tristis a pointed-wing fly 4 2003
true fly - Lonchopteridae a Lonchopteridae species (unidentified) 1 1997
true fly - Lophosia fasciata a parasitic fly 2 1999
true fly - Lordiphosa fenestrarum a fruit fly 5 2009
true fly - Lotophila atra a lesser dung fly 7 2013
true fly - Lucilia a Lucilia true fly (unidentified) 33 2023
true fly - Lucilia ampullacea a blue bottle or green bottle 2 2020
true fly - Lucilia caesar a blue bottle or green bottle 39 2021
true fly - Lucilia illustris a blue bottle or green bottle 3 2009
true fly - Lucilia richardsi a blue bottle or green bottle 1 2002
true fly - Lucilia sericata a blue bottle or green bottle 20 2022
true fly - Lucilia silvarum a blue bottle or green bottle 2 2010
true fly - Lunatipula a Lunatipula species (unidentified) 2 2010
true fly - Lycoriella ingenua a fly 1 2020
true fly - Lycoriella sativae a fly 2 1998
true fly - Lydella grisescens a parasitic fly 4 2006
true fly - Lydella stabulans a parasitic fly 4 2012
true fly - cranefly Limonia flavipes a cranefly 7 2019
true fly - cranefly Limonia macrostigma a cranefly 3 2022
true fly - cranefly Limonia nubeculosa a cranefly 69 2022
true fly - cranefly Limonia phragmitidis a cranefly 11 2022
true fly - cranefly Limonia trivittata a cranefly 3 2021
true fly - cranefly Lipsothrix remota a cranefly 4 2022
true fly - (diptera) Lasiambia palposa agg. an insect - true fly (Diptera) 2 2009
true fly - (diptera) Lasiosina intermedia an insect - true fly (Diptera) 2 2013
true fly - (diptera) Leptosciarella cerifera an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2003
true fly - (diptera) Leptosciarella fuscipalpa an insect - true fly (Diptera) 2 2021
true fly - (diptera) Liriomyza pisivora an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2020
true fly - hoverfly Lejogaster metallina a hoverfly 14 2022
true fly - hoverfly Lejogaster tarsata a hoverfly 1 2020
true fly - hoverfly Leucozona glaucia a hoverfly 49 2016
true fly - hoverfly Leucozona laternaria a hoverfly 21 2022
true fly - hoverfly Leucozona lucorum a hoverfly 131 2023
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Lasioptera rubi a gall midge 1 2004
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Leia bilineata a fungus gnat 1 1998
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Leia bimaculata a fungus gnat 2 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Leia cylindrica a fungus gnat 2 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Leia fascipennis a fungus gnat 2 2000
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Leia winthemii a fungus gnat 1 2001
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Limnophyes minimus a non-biting midge 2 1983
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Leopoldius signatus a fly 6 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Lasiopogon cinctus Spring Heath Robberfly 1 2006
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Leptarthrus brevirostris Slender-footed Robberfly 2 1992
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Leptogaster cylindrica Striped Slender Robberfly 74 2023
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Leptogaster guttiventris Dashed Slender Robberfly 4 2020
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Leptopeza flavipes a dance fly 5 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Liancalus virens a dolichopodid fly 7 2016
woodlouse Lekanesphaera hookeri a woodlouse or sea slater 1 1906
woodlouse Lekanesphaera monodi a woodlouse or sea slater 1 2019
woodlouse Lekanesphaera rugicauda a woodlouse or sea slater 3 1939
woodlouse Ligia oceanica Sea Slater 24 2023
woodlouse Ligidium hypnorum a woodlouse 31 2015
woodlouse Limnoria lignorum Gribble 3 1939
worm Lanice conchilega Sand Mason Worm 1 1972
worm Lepidonotus squamatus an annelid 3 1937
worm Lumbricidae an earthworm (unidentified) 30 2023
worm Lumbriculus variegatus an oligochaete 5 2020
worm Lumbricus a Lumbricus Earthworm (unidentified) 5 2016
worm Lumbricus castaneus Chestnut Worm 55 2020
worm Lumbricus festivus Ruddy Worm 4 2017
worm Lumbricus rubellus Red Worm 42 2020
worm Lumbricus terrestris Common Earthworm 51 2020