BRERC Record Summary
Species Recorded
Taxon Scientific Name Common Name Records Latest
alder fly, lacewing or snake fly Sialidae a Sialidae species (unidentified) 5 2018
alder fly, lacewing or snake fly Sialis an alder fly (unidentified) 21 2023
alder fly, lacewing or snake fly Sialis fuliginosa an Alder Fly 1 1997
alder fly, lacewing or snake fly Sialis lutaria an Alder Fly 55 2023
alder fly, lacewing or snake fly Sympherobius (Niremberge) pellucidus a brown lacewing 1 2012
algae or stonewort Seaweed a Seaweed species (unidentified) 7 2019
algae or stonewort Solieria a Solieria species (unidentified) 1 2019
algae or stonewort Spirogyra a Spirogyra green algae (unidentified) 1 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sapyga quinquepunctata a solitary wasp 4 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Scambus brevicornis an ichneumon wasp 2 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Scambus elegans an ichneumon wasp 3 2006
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Scambus inanis an ichneumon wasp 3 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Scambus signatus an insect - hymenopteran 2 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Scelio walkeri a parasitic wasp 5 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Schizopyga frigida an ichneumon wasp 5 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Seladerma tarsale a chalcid wasp 1 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Selandria serva a sawfly 5 2022
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sirex juvencus a woodwasp 1 1987
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sirex noctilio Lesser Horntail Wasp 3 1996
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Spalangia cameroni a chalcid wasp 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecidae a Sphecidae wasp (unidentified) 2 2018
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes a Sphecodes species (unidentified) 10 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes crassus a solitary bee 4 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes ephippius a solitary bee 12 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes ferruginatus a solitary bee 4 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes geoffrellus a solitary bee 5 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes gibbus a solitary bee 5 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes hyalinatus a solitary bee 13 2006
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes monilicornis a solitary bee 15 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes niger a solitary bee 3 2006
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes puncticeps a solitary bee 1 2006
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes reticulatus a solitary bee 5 2001
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphecodes rubicundus a solitary bee 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sphegigaster pallicornis a chalcid wasp 1 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Spilomena curruca a solitary wasp 1 2001
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stauropoctonus bombycivorus an ichneumon wasp 1 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stelis ornatula a solitary bee 5 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stenamma debile an insect - hymenopteran 1 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stenodontus marginellus an ichneumon wasp 1 2013
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stenomacrus laricis an insect - hymenopteran 2 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stethomostus fuliginosus a sawfly 1 1983
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stigmus solskyi a solitary wasp 3 2006
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stilbops vetula an ichneumon wasp 2 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stilpnus gagates an insect - hymenopteran 1 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Stromboceros delicatulus a sawfly 1 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Strongylogaster multifasciata a sawfly 1 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sussaba cognata an ichneumon wasp 3 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sussaba dorsalis an ichneumon wasp 1 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sussaba pulchella an ichneumon wasp 8 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sycophila biguttata a chalcid wasp 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Sycophila variegata a chalcid wasp 1 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Symmorphus a Symmorphus species (unidentified) 1 2010
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Symmorphus bifasciatus a potter wasp or mason wasp 8 2007
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Symmorphus gracilis a potter wasp or mason wasp 5 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Symphyta a sawfly or a horntail or a wood wasp (unidentified) 8 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus albipes a gall wasp 3 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus apicalis a gall wasp 1 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus gallaepomiformis a gall wasp 46 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus incrassatus a gall wasp 1 1996
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus nervosus a gall wasp 8 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus pallicornis a gall wasp 2 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus pallidipennis a gall wasp 5 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus reinhardi a gall wasp 64 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synergus umbraculus a gall wasp 26 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Synopeas sp. a Synopeas species (unidentified) 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Syrphoctonus fissorius an ichneumon wasp 1 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Syrphoctonus tarsatorius an ichneumon wasp 4 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Syrphophilus tricinctorius an ichneumon wasp 3 2008
beetle Salpingus planirostris a false weevil 19 2020
beetle Salpingus ruficollis a false weevil 6 2020
beetle Saprinus planiusculus a carrion beetle 2 1996
beetle Saprinus semistriatus a carrion beetle 4 2003
beetle Scaphidema metallicum a darkling beetle 2 1997
beetle Scaphidium quadrimaculatum a shining fungus beetle 15 2019
beetle Scaphisoma agaricinum a shining fungus beetle 2 2015
beetle Scaphisoma boleti a shining fungus beetle 1 2016
beetle Scarabaeidae a Scarabaeidae species (unidentified) 6 2023
beetle Sciaphilus asperatus a Strawberry Root Weevil 11 2022
beetle Sciodrepoides fumatus a round fungus beetle 12 2017
beetle Sciodrepoides watsoni a round fungus beetle 12 2020
beetle Scirtes a Scirtes species (unidentified) 1 1983
beetle Scirtes hemisphaericus a marsh beetle 27 2002
beetle Scirtes orbicularis a marsh beetle 7 1999
beetle Scirtidae a Scirtidae species (unidentified) 65 2018
beetle Scolytus a Scolytus species (unidentified) 1 2013
beetle Scolytus intricatus a bark or ambrosia beetle 6 2017
beetle Scolytus mali Large Fruit Bark Beetle 7 2020
beetle Scolytus rugulosus Fruit Bark Beetle 8 2017
beetle Scolytus scolytus Large Elm Bark Beetle 12 2016
beetle Scopaeus sulcicollis a rove beetle 1 2008
beetle Scraptia testacea a tumbling flower beetle 1 2016
beetle Scydmaenus tarsatus a small antlike beetle 3 2021
beetle Scydmoraphes helvolus a small antlike beetle 1 2016
beetle Scymnus auritus a ladybird 2 2019
beetle Scymnus frontalis a ladybird 6 2019
beetle Scymnus haemorrhoidalis a ladybird 3 2019
beetle Sepedophilus bipunctatus a rove beetle 1 2001
beetle Sepedophilus littoreus a rove beetle 2 2018
beetle Sepedophilus marshami a rove beetle 3 2015
beetle Sepedophilus testaceus a rove beetle 4 2001
beetle Serica brunnea Brown Chafer 18 2021
beetle Sericoderus a Sericoderus minute fungus beetle (unidentified) 20 2021
beetle Sericoderus brevicornis a minute fungus beetle 10 2021
beetle Sericoderus lateralis a minute fungus beetle 12 2019
beetle Sermylassa halensis a leaf beetle 20 2019
beetle Siagonium quadricorne a rove beetle 15 2020
beetle Silpha atrata Black Snail Beetle 41 2023
beetle Silpha atrata subsp. atrata a Beetle 1 2021
beetle Silpha laevigata a sexton beetle 3 2013
beetle Silpha obscura a sexton beetle 2 2010
beetle Silpha tristis a sexton beetle 15 2023
beetle Silphidae a Silphidae species (unidentified) 1 2018
beetle Simplocaria semistriata a pill beetle 5 2011
beetle Sinodendron cylindricum Rhinoceros Beetle 32 2023
beetle Sitona a Sitona species (unidentified) 5 2023
beetle Sitona ambiguus a weevil 17 2010
beetle Sitona cylindricollis a weevil 1 2018
beetle Sitona hispidulus Clover-root Weevil 34 2020
beetle Sitona humeralis a weevil 8 2019
beetle Sitona lepidus a weevil 31 2021
beetle Sitona lineatus Pea and Bean Weevil 98 2023
beetle Sitona puncticollis a weevil 10 2019
beetle Sitona striatellus a weevil 7 2016
beetle Sitona sulcifrons a Clover Weevil 10 2020
beetle Sitona suturalis a weevil 45 2018
beetle Sitona waterhousei a weevil 4 2018
beetle Soronia a Soronia species (unidentified) 1 2023
beetle Soronia grisea a pollen or sap beetle 17 2022
beetle Soronia punctatissima a pollen or sap beetle 5 2020
beetle Sphaeridium bipustulatum a scavenger water beetle 5 2022
beetle Sphaeridium lunatum a scavenger water beetle 4 2019
beetle Sphaeridium scarabaeoides a scavenger water beetle 21 2022
beetle Sphaeriestes reyi a false weevil 1 1998
beetle Sphaeroderma rubidum a leaf beetle 6 2017
beetle Sphaeroderma testaceum a leaf beetle 14 2022
beetle Sphaerosoma quercus a false ladybird 1 2001
beetle Sphindus dubius a slime mould beetle 1 2001
beetle Sphinginus lobatus a malachite beetle 1 2022
beetle Squamapion atomarium a seed weevil 2 1968
beetle Squamapion flavimanum a seed weevil 8 2010
beetle Staphylinidae a rove beetle (unidentified) 22 2023
beetle Staphylinini a Staphylinini species (unidentified) 1 2023
beetle Staphylinus a Staphylinus species (unidentified) 1 2008
beetle Staphylinus caesareus a rove beetle 2 2002
beetle Staphylinus dimidiaticornis a rove beetle 7 2021
beetle Staphylinus erythropterus a rove beetle 4 2021
beetle Stegobium paniceum Biscuit Beetle 4 2017
beetle Stenagostus rhombeus a click beetle 8 2020
beetle Stenelmis canaliculata a riffle beetle 1 1996
beetle Stenichnus collaris a small antlike beetle 2 2020
beetle Stenocarus ruficornis a weevil 1 1978
beetle Stenocorus meridianus a longhorn beetle 23 2022
beetle Stenolophus mixtus a ground beetle 7 2020
beetle Stenolophus skrimshiranus a ground beetle 2 1986
beetle Stenopelmus rufinasus Azolla Weevil 23 2004
beetle Stenopterapion meliloti a seed weevil 3 2001
beetle Stenostola dubia a longhorn beetle 4 2007
beetle Stenurella melanura a longhorn beetle 19 2022
beetle Stenurella nigra a longhorn beetle 1 2016
beetle Stenus a Stenus species (unidentified) 9 2023
beetle Stenus aceris a rove beetle 6 2021
beetle Stenus bifoveolatus a rove beetle 2 2002
beetle Stenus bimaculatus a rove beetle 8 2020
beetle Stenus binotatus a rove beetle 6 2021
beetle Stenus brunnipes a rove beetle 15 2022
beetle Stenus canescens a rove beetle 3 2004
beetle Stenus cicindeloides a rove beetle 18 2022
beetle Stenus clavicornis a rove beetle 59 2021
beetle Stenus flavipes a rove beetle 12 2021
beetle Stenus fulvicornis a rove beetle 27 2021
beetle Stenus geniculatus a rove beetle 1 2015
beetle Stenus impressus a rove beetle 44 2022
beetle Stenus juno a rove beetle 5 2015
beetle Stenus latifrons a rove beetle 12 2019
beetle Stenus nanus a rove beetle 5 2022
beetle Stenus nitidiusculus a rove beetle 11 2022
beetle Stenus ossium a rove beetle 21 2021
beetle Stenus pallipes a rove beetle 1 2015
beetle Stenus pallitarsis a rove beetle 2 1983
beetle Stenus picipennis a rove beetle 2 2009
beetle Stenus picipes a rove beetle 16 2022
beetle Stenus providus a rove beetle 3 2021
beetle Stenus pusillus a rove beetle 1 2015
beetle Stenus similis a rove beetle 2 2017
beetle Stenus solutus a rove beetle 3 2004
beetle Stenus subaeneus a rove beetle 1 2016
beetle Stenus tarsalis a rove beetle 4 2022
beetle Stephostethus alternans a mould beetle 1 2020
beetle Stephostethus lardarius a mould beetle 1 1992
beetle Stethorus punctillum a ladybird 1 2022
beetle Stictoleptura rubra a longhorn beetle 2 2011
beetle Stictotarsus duodecimpustulatus a water beetle 5 2000
beetle Stilbus testaceus a smut beetle 10 2019
beetle Stomis pumicatus a ground beetle 9 2015
beetle Stricticollis tobias an antlike beetle 1 2015
beetle Strigocis bicornis a small fungus beetle 2 2020
beetle Strophosoma melanogrammum Nut Leaf Weevil 10 2021
beetle Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata 24-spot Ladybird 193 2023
beetle Sunius bicolor a rove beetle 1 2019
beetle Sunius propinquus a rove beetle 16 2022
beetle Suphrodytes dorsalis (s. lat.) a water beetle 26 2012
beetle Suphrodytes figuratus a water beetle 1 2013
beetle Symbiotes latus a false ladybird 3 2021
beetle Syntomus foveatus a ground beetle 10 2021
beetle Syntomus obscuroguttatus a ground beetle 8 2019
beetle Syntomus truncatellus a ground beetle 2 2021
beetle Synuchus vivalis a ground beetle 15 2020
bird Saxicola rubetra Whinchat 3257 2022
bird Saxicola rubicola Stonechat 10348 2024
bird Scolopacidae a wader (unidentified) 4 2021
bird Scolopax rusticola Woodcock 726 2023
bird Serinus canaria Canary 2 2018
bird Serinus serinus Serin 4 2017
bird Sitta europaea Nuthatch 11429 2024
bird Somateria mollissima Eider 149 2022
bird Spatula clypeata Shoveler 9166 2024
bird Spatula cyanoptera Cinnamon Teal 3 1994
bird Spatula discors Blue-winged Teal 14 2003
bird Spatula querquedula Garganey 2446 2022
bird Spinus spinus Siskin 6982 2024
bird Stercorarius a skua (unidentified) 29 2022
bird Stercorarius longicaudus Long-tailed Skua 10 2021
bird Stercorarius parasiticus Arctic Skua 375 2022
bird Stercorarius pomarinus Pomarine Skua 128 2021
bird Stercorarius skua Great Skua 255 2022
bird Sterna a tern (unidentified) 31 2019
bird Sterna dougallii Roseate Tern 13 2019
bird Sterna hirundo Common Tern 1601 2022
bird Sterna hirundo or Sterna paradisaea Common Tern or Arctic Tern 25 2014
bird Sterna paradisaea Arctic Tern 868 2022
bird Sterna paradisaea/hirundo Commic Tern 96 2021
bird Sternula albifrons Little Tern 224 2022
bird Streptopelia a Streptopelia species (unidentified) 1 2016
bird Streptopelia decaocto Collared Dove 39233 2024
bird Streptopelia turtur Turtle Dove 874 2022
bird Strigidae sp. or Tytonidae sp (unidentified owl) an owl (unidentified) 38 2018
bird Strigiformes a Strigiformes species (unidentified) 3 2023
bird Strix aluco Tawny Owl 8032 2024
bird Sturnidae a Sturnidae species (unidentified) 10 2023
bird Sturnus vulgaris Starling 55843 2024
bird Sylvia a Sylvia species (unidentified) 3 2023
bird Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap 36615 2024
bird Sylvia borin Garden Warbler 2432 2023
bird Sylviidae a warbler (sylviidae species unidentified) 16 2013
bird Syrmaticus reevesii Reeves's Pheasant 1 2018
booklouse or barklouse Stenopsocus immaculatus (sensu lato) a booklouse or barklouse 3 2009
bug Salda littoralis a shore bug 1 2015
bug Saldula orthochila a shore bug 1 2015
bug Saldula pallipes a shore bug 1 1978
bug Saldula palustris a shore bug 11 2022
bug Saldula pilosella a shore bug 5 2015
bug Saldula saltatoria Common Shorebug 16 2021
bug Sardius argus a leafhopper 1 2019
bug Schizaphis (Schizaphis) graminum an aphid 1 2008
bug Sciocoris (Sciocoris) cursitans Sandrunner 22 2023
bug Scolopostethus a Scolopostethus species (unidentified) 1 2016
bug Scolopostethus affinis a ground bug 18 2021
bug Scolopostethus decoratus a ground bug 3 1999
bug Scolopostethus grandis a ground bug 9 2022
bug Scolopostethus pictus a ground bug 1 2005
bug Scolopostethus puberulus a ground bug 4 2018
bug Scolopostethus thomsoni a ground bug 53 2022
bug Sehirus luctuosus a shield bug 13 2023
bug Sigara a Sigara waterman (unidentified) 77 2013
bug Sigara (Halicorixa) stagnalis a waterboatman 5 2002
bug Sigara (Pseudovermicorixa) nigrolineata a waterboatman 21 2003
bug Sigara (Retrocorixa) semistriata a waterboatman 4 2004
bug Sigara (Sigara) dorsalis a waterboatman 97 2013
bug Sigara (Subsigara) distincta a waterboatman 15 2004
bug Sigara (Subsigara) falleni a waterboatman 29 2018
bug Sigara (Subsigara) fossarum a waterboatman 31 2013
bug Sigara (Vermicorixa) lateralis a waterboatman 40 2020
bug Siphoninus phillyreae Ash Whitefly 1 2018
bug Sitobion a Sitobion aphid (unidentified) 1 2014
bug Sitobion (Sitobion) avenae Grain Aphid 34 1985
bug Sitobion (Sitobion) fragariae Blackberry-Cereal Aphid 43 2008
bug Spanioneura fonscolombii a jumping plantlouse 2 2015
bug Staticobium staticis an aphid 1 2022
bug Stenocranus major a planthopper 1 2004
bug Stenocranus minutus a planthopper 13 2022
bug Stenodema a Stenodema species (unidentified) 2 2015
bug Stenodema (Brachystira) calcarata a plantbug or grassbug 73 2022
bug Stenodema (Stenodema) holsata a plantbug or grassbug 5 2012
bug Stenodema (Stenodema) laevigata a plantbug or grassbug 348 2023
bug Stenotus binotatus Timothy Grassbug 174 2023
bug Sthenarus rotermundi a plantbug or grassbug 1 2021
bug Stictopleurus abutilon a ground bug 3 2023
bug Stictopleurus punctatonervosus a ground bug 5 2022
bug Streptanus aemulans a leafhopper 2 2019
bug Streptanus sordidus a leafhopper 6 2023
bug Stygnocoris fuligineus a ground bug 5 2019
bug Stygnocoris rusticus a ground bug 5 2020
bug Stygnocoris sabulosus a ground bug 21 2021
caddis fly Sericostoma personatum a caddisfly 26 2022
caddis fly Sericostomatidae a Sericostomatidae caddisfly (unidentified) 4 2000
caddis fly Silo pallipes a caddisfly 2 2019
caddis fly Stenophylax a Stenophylax caddisfly (unidentified) 3 2023
caddis fly Stenophylax or a Micropterna (unidentified) a Stenoflax or a Micropterna caddisfly (unidentified) 1 2021
caddis fly Stenophylax permistus a caddisfly 31 2022
caddis fly Synagapetus dubitans a caddisfly 1 2019
centipede Scutigera coleoptrata House Centipede 7 2023
centipede Strigamia acuminata Shorter Red Centipede 2 1994
centipede Strigamia crassipes Longer Red Centipede 2 1999
centipede Strigamia maritima Maritime Centipede 2 1978
clubmoss and quillworts Selaginella kraussiana Kraus's Clubmoss 5 2023
cockroach Supella longipalpa Brown-banded Cockroach 1 2017
crustacean Sacculina carcini a crustacean 1 1938
crustacean Schistomysis spiritus a crustacean 1 1939
crustacean Semibalanus balanoides Acorn barnacle 8 2014
crustacean Sphaeroma serratum a crustacean 4 1940
diatom Staurosira construens a diatom 1 2015
diatom Staurosira elliptica a diatom 2 2015
diatom Staurosirella pinnata a diatom 2 2015
diatom Surirella a Surirella species (unidentified) 1 2010
diatom Synedra a Synedra species (unidentified) 1 2010
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Sympetrum a darter dragonfly (unidentified) 32 2018
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Sympetrum danae Black Darter 9 2011
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Sympetrum flaveolum Yellow-winged Darter 20 1995
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Sympetrum fonscolombii Red-veined Darter 30 2020
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Sympetrum sanguineum Ruddy Darter 379 2022
dragonfly, hawker or damselfly Sympetrum striolatum Common Darter 3698 2023
fish Salmo salar Atlantic Salmon 7 2008
fish Salmo trutta Brown/Sea Trout 5 2008
fish Salmo trutta subsp. fario Brown Trout 124 2022
fish Salmo trutta subsp. trutta Sea Trout 1 2002
fish Sardina pilchardus Pilchard 1 1639
fish Scardinius erythrophthalmus Rudd 14 2018
fish Scomber scombrus Mackerel 2 1940
fish Scophthalmus maximus Turbot 5 2008
fish Scophthalmus rhombus Brill 2 1938
fish Scyliorhinus canicula Lesser Spotted Dogfish 6 2017
fish Scyliorhinus stellaris Nursehound 3 2017
fish Solea solea Sole 14 2015
fish Spinachia spinachia Sea (Fifteen-spined) Stickleback 2 1938
fish Spondyliosoma cantharus Black Sea-bream 1 1938
fish Sprattus sprattus Sprat 9 1941
fish Squalius cephalus Chub 35 2019
fish Squalus acanthias Spurdog 3 2012
fish Squatina squatina Angel shark 1 1939
fish Symphodus melops Corkwing Wrasse 1 1938
fish Syngnathus acus Greater Pipefish 1 1940
flea Spilopsyllus cuniculi rabbit flea 1 1976
fungus Sarcomyxa serotina a basidiomycete fungus 11 2014
fungus Sarcopyrenia gibba var. geisleri a lichen 2 2011
fungus Sarcoscypha a Sarcoscypha species (unidentified) 5 2017
fungus Sarcoscypha austriaca Scarlet Elf Cup 66 2024
fungus Sarcoscypha coccinea a fungus 18 2015
fungus Sawadaea bicornis a conidial powdery mildew 14 2014
fungus Sawadaea tulasnei a fungus 2 2022
fungus Schizophyllum commune a basidiomycete fungus 9 2023
fungus Schizopora paradoxa Split Porecrust 67 2020
fungus Scleroderma an Scleroderma earthball (unidentified) 1 2006
fungus Scleroderma areolatum Leopard-spotted Earthball 54 2013
fungus Scleroderma bovista Potato Earthball 2 2009
fungus Scleroderma citrinum Common Earthball 81 2014
fungus Scleroderma spadiceum a fungus 1 2000
fungus Scleroderma verrucosum Scaly Earthball 36 2023
fungus Scutellinia scutellata a fungus 13 2012
fungus Scutellinia subhirtella a fungus 1 2003
fungus Scutellinia umbrorum a fungus 3 2012
fungus Sebacina incrustans a basidiomycete fungus 5 2008
fungus Seifertia azaleae a fungus 2 2010
fungus Septoria a Septoria species (unidentified) 1 1998
fungus Septoria chamaecysti a fungus 1 1998
fungus Septoria clematidis a fungus 1 2008
fungus Septoria convolvuli a fungus 2 2008
fungus Septoria cornicola a fungus 6 2013
fungus Septoria scabiosicola a fungus 36 2023
fungus Septoria sorbi a fungus 2 2001
fungus Septoria stachydis a late blight fungus 1 2011
fungus Simocybe centunculus a fungus 1 2013
fungus Simocybe centunculus var. centunculus Dingy Twiglet 7 2002
fungus Simocybe haustellaris an agaric 3 2008
fungus Simocybe sumptuosa an agaric 13 2013
fungus Sistotrema brinkmannii a basidiomycete fungus 1 2010
fungus Skeletocutis amorpha a basidiomycete fungus 5 2013
fungus Skeletocutis lenis a basidiomycete fungus 1 1999
fungus Skeletocutis semipileata Hazel Bracket 18 2016
fungus Sowerbyella radiculata a fungus 2 2012
fungus Sparassis crispa Cauliflower Fungus 4 2013
fungus Spermosporina aricola a fungus 3 2015
fungus Sphaceloma a Sphaceloma species (unidentified) 1 2018
fungus Sphaerotheca erigerontis a fungus 1 2011
fungus Sphaerulina azaleae a fungus 5 2013
fungus Sphaerulina hyperici a fungus 1 1998
fungus Sphaerulina rehmiana a fungus 2 2010
fungus Sphinctrina turbinata a fungus 1 1996
fungus Spinellus fusiger a zygomycete fungus 2 2011
fungus Sporendocladia fumosa a fungus 1 2012
fungus Steccherinum fimbriatum a basidiomycete fungus 2 2018
fungus Steccherinum ochraceum a basidiomycete fungus 5 2020
fungus Stenocybe pullatula a fungus 1 2018
fungus Stephanospora caroticolor Carroty False Truffle 1 1959
fungus Stereum a Stereum species (unidentified) 5 2023
fungus Stereum complicatum a fungus 1 2000
fungus Stereum gausapatum Bleeding Oak Crust 32 2023
fungus Stereum hirsutum Hairy Curtain Crust 223 2023
fungus Stereum ochraceoflavum a basidiomycete fungus 13 2005
fungus Stereum rameale a basidiomycete fungus 7 2020
fungus Stereum rugosum Bleeding Broadleaf Crust 74 2020
fungus Stereum sanguinolentum Bleeding Conifer Crust 7 2020
fungus Stereum subtomentosum Yellowing Curtain Crust 31 2014
fungus Stictis radiata a fungus 1 2000
fungus Stigmidium a Stigmidium species (unidentified) 1 2012
fungus Strigula jamesii an ascomycete fungus 1 2018
fungus Strigula taylorii an ascomycete fungus 3 2010
fungus Strobilurus esculentus a basidiomycete fungus 3 2014
fungus Stropharia a Stropharia species (unidentified) 1 2016
fungus Stropharia aeruginosa Verdigris Agaric 9 2011
fungus Stropharia caerulea Blue Roundhead 69 2020
fungus Stropharia coronilla an agaric 43 2013
fungus Stropharia inuncta an agaric 27 2013
fungus Stropharia luteonitens an agaric 1 2003
fungus Stropharia pseudocyanea an agaric 19 2014
fungus Stropharia semiglobata Dung Roundhead 146 2023
fungus Stropholoma aurantiacum an agaric 2 2015
fungus Strossmayeria basitricha an ascomycete fungus 1 2013
fungus Suillus bovinus a bolete 4 1999
fungus Suillus collinitus a bolete 1 2015
fungus Suillus granulatus a bolete 63 2014
fungus Suillus grevillei Larch Bolete 22 2014
fungus Suillus luteus Slippery Jack 3 2006
fungus Suillus viscidus a bolete 4 2009
fungus Synchytrium mercurialis a chytridiomycete fungus 1 2017
fungus Synchytrium taraxaci Dandelion Chytrid 1 2016
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Stenobothrus lineatus Stripe-Winged Grasshopper 65 2016
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Schmidtea a Schmidtea marine flatworm (unidentified) 3 2023
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Schmidtea lugubris a flatworm 3 2012
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Schmidtea polychroa a flatworm 2 1997
lichen Sarcogyne regularis a lichen 8 2014
lichen Scoliciosporum chlorococcum a lichen 9 2018
lichen Scoliciosporum umbrinum a lichen 9 2004
lichen Solenopsora candicans a lichen 11 2018
lichen Squamarina cartilaginea a lichen 9 2020
lichen Staurothele a Staurothele species (unidentified) 1 2002
lichen Staurothele caesia a lichen 2 2018
lichen Staurothele guestphalica a lichen 2 2018
lichen Staurothele rupifraga a lichen 1 2018
lichen Strangospora pinicola a lichen 1 1991
lichen Synalissa ramulosa a lichen 3 2005
liverwort Saccogyna viticulosa Straggling Pouchwort 1 2019
liverwort Scapania aspera Rough Earwort 8 2023
liverwort Scapania nemorea Grove Earwort 1 2019
liverwort Solenostoma gracillimum Crenulated Flapwort 2 1963
mammal Sciurus a squirrel (unidentified) 10 2021
mammal Sciurus carolinensis Grey Squirrel 3713 2024
mammal Sorex a shrew (unidentified) 70 2022
mammal Sorex araneus Common Shrew 208 2023
mammal Sorex minutus Pygmy Shrew 79 2024
mammal Soricidae a Soricidae species (unidentified) 1 2023
mammal Sus scrofa Wild Boar 3 2005
mayfly Serratella ignita a mayfly 12 2021
millipede Stosatea italica a blaniulid snake millipede 1 2022
mollusc Scrobicularia plana Peppery Furrow Shell 3 1939
mollusc Segmentina a Segmentina species (unidentified) 1 2016
mollusc Selenochlamys ysbryda Ghost Slug 3 2020
mollusc Sepia officinalis Common Cuttlefish 15 2019
mollusc Sepia orbignyana a mollusc 1 2019
mollusc Sepiola atlantica Little Cuttlefish 2 1938
mollusc Snails a snail (unidentified) 118 2023
mollusc Sphaeriidae a Sphaeriidae orb mussel (unidentified) 49 2018
mollusc Sphaerium an Sphaerium orb mussel (unidentified) 58 2013
mollusc Sphaerium corneum Horny Orb Mussel 148 2023
mollusc Sphaerium lacustre Lake Orb Mussel 56 2015
mollusc Sphaerium nucleus a mollusc 4 2012
mollusc Stagnicola fuscus a mollusc 107 2013
mollusc Stagnicola palustris/fuscus/corvus (agg.) Marsh Pond Snail 117 2007
mollusc Stylommatophora a Stylommatophora species (unidentified) 2 2023
mollusc Succinea a Succinea species (unidentified) 4 1998
mollusc Succinea putris Amber Snail 76 2020
mollusc Succineidae a Succineidae species (unidentified) 73 2014
moss Sanionia uncinata Sickle-leaved Hook-moss 3 2007
moss Schistidium apocarpum Sessile Grimmia 10 2010
moss Schistidium apocarpum (sensu lato) a moss 5 2004
moss Schistidium crassipilum Thickpoint Grimmia 65 2023
moss Sciuro-hypnum populeum Matted Feather-moss 10 2023
moss Scleropodium a Scleropodium feather-moss (unidentified) 2 1998
moss Scleropodium cespitans Tufted Feather-moss 1 1998
moss Scorpidium scorpioides Hooked Scorpion-moss 1 1995
moss Scorpiurium circinatum Curving Feather-moss 5 2023
moss Seligeria acutifolia Sharp Rock-bristle 2 1990
moss Seligeria pusilla Dwarf Rock-bristle 5 2016
moss Sematophyllum substrumulosum Bark Signal-moss 1 2018
moss Sphagnum fimbriatum Fringed Bog-moss 2 2006
moss Sphagnum palustre a moss 1 2006
moss Streblotrichum convolutum var. convolutum a Lesser Bird's-claw Beard-moss 7 2023
moss Syntrichia a Syntrichia species (unidentified) 3 2023
moss Syntrichia laevipila Small Hairy Screw-moss 50 2023
moss Syntrichia laevipila var. laevipila a small hairy screw-moss 1 1991
moss Syntrichia montana Intermediate Screw-moss 94 2023
moss Syntrichia papillosa Marble Screw-moss 23 2023
moss Syntrichia ruralis Great Hairy Screw-moss 46 2023
moss Syntrichia ruralis (sensu lato) a moss 7 2011
moss Syntrichia ruralis var. ruraliformis Sand-hill Screw-moss 5 2020
moth or butterfly - butterfly Satyridae a Satyridae species (unidentified) 4 2009
moth or butterfly - butterfly Satyrium w-album White-letter Hairstreak 333 2022
moth or butterfly - butterfly Speyeria aglaja Dark Green Fritillary 416 2021
moth or butterfly - butterfly Speyeria aglaja aglaja Dark Green Fritillary form aglaja 85 2011
moth or butterfly - macro moth Saturnia pavonia Emperor (Moth) 7 2013
moth or butterfly - macro moth Schrankia costaestrigalis Pinion-streaked Snout 91 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Schrankia taenialis White-lined Snout 15 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scoliopteryx libatrix Herald 468 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula a Scopula species (unidentified) 2 2013
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula emutaria Rosy Wave 2 1979
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula floslactata a moth 26 2021
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula floslactata form floslactata Cream Wave 94 2020
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula imitaria Small Blood-vein 1193 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula immutata Lesser Cream Wave 45 2021
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula marginepunctata Mullein Wave 31 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scopula ternata Smoky Wave 2 2019
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scotopteryx bipunctaria Chalk Carpet 65 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scotopteryx chenopodiata Shaded Broad-bar 682 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scotopteryx luridata plumbaria July Belle 5 1996
moth or butterfly - macro moth Scotopteryx mucronata umbrifera Lead Belle 10 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Selenia dentaria Early Thorn 1700 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Selenia lunularia Lunar Thorn 31 2010
moth or butterfly - macro moth Selenia tetralunaria Purple Thorn 339 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sesia apiformis Hornet Moth 16 2021
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sesia bembeciformis Lunar Hornet Moth 35 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sesiidae a clearwing moth (unidentified) 2 2013
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sideridis reticulata Bordered Gothic 1 1969
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sideridis rivularis Campion 61 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sideridis turbida White Colon 9 2019
moth or butterfly - macro moth Smerinthus ocellata Eyed Hawk-moth 415 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Spaelotis ravida Stout Dart 6 1991
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sphinx ligustri Privet Hawk-moth 1087 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Sphinx pinastri Pine Hawk-moth 7 2020
moth or butterfly - macro moth Spilosoma lubricipeda White Ermine 1352 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Spilosoma lutea Buff Ermine 3358 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Spilosoma urticae Water Ermine 1 2017
moth or butterfly - macro moth Spodoptera exigua Small Mottled Willow 96 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Standfussiana lucernea Northern Rustic 4 1963
moth or butterfly - macro moth Stauropus fagi Lobster Moth 205 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Stilbia anomala Anomalous 7 1995
moth or butterfly - macro moth Subacronicta megacephala Poplar Grey 531 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Synanthedon andrenaeformis Orange-tailed Clearwing 40 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Synanthedon culiciformis Large Red-belted Clearwing 2 2017
moth or butterfly - macro moth Synanthedon flaviventris Sallow Clearwing 4 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Synanthedon formicaeformis Red-tipped Clearwing 15 2021
moth or butterfly - macro moth Synanthedon myopaeformis Red-belted Clearwing 58 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Synanthedon tipuliformis Currant Clearwing 44 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Synanthedon vespiformis Yellow-legged Clearwing 32 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Salebriopsis albicilla a pyralid moth 13 2005
moth or butterfly - micro moth Schreckensteinia festaliella a micro-moth 10 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scoparia a Scoparia species (unidentified) 18 2017
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scoparia ambigualis Common Grey 732 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scoparia basistrigalis a pyralid moth 13 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scoparia pyralella Meadow Grey 131 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scoparia subfusca a pyralid moth 137 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scrobipalpa a Scrobipalpa species (unidentified) 1 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scrobipalpa acuminatella Pointed Groundling 55 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scrobipalpa costella a micro-moth 83 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scrobipalpa nitentella a micro-moth 2 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scrobipalpa obsoletella a micro-moth 1 1999
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scrobipalpa ocellatella Beet Moth 22 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scythris crassiuscula a micro-moth 4 1999
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scythris grandipennis a micro-moth 1 2001
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scythris picaepennis a micro-moth 5 2001
moth or butterfly - micro moth Scythropia crataegella Hawthorn Moth 137 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Semioscopis avellanella a micro-moth 6 2014
moth or butterfly - micro moth Semioscopis steinkellneriana a micro-moth 26 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Sitochroa palealis a pyralid moth 30 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Sitochroa verticalis a pyralid moth 43 2013
moth or butterfly - micro moth Sophronia semicostella a micro-moth 7 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Sorhagenia lophyrella a micro-moth 2 1999
moth or butterfly - micro moth Spatalistis bifasciana a tortrix moth 14 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Spilonota a Spilonota species (unidentified) 6 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Spilonota laricana a tortrix moth 8 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Spilonota ocellana Bud Moth 247 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Spuleria flavicaput a micro-moth 11 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stathmopoda pedella a micro-moth 11 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stenolechia gemmella a micro-moth 2 2012
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla a plume moth 67 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stenoptilia pterodactyla a plume moth 51 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stenoptilia zophodactylus a plume moth 7 2012
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stephensia brunnichella a micro-moth 9 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella a Stigmella species (unidentified) 8 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella aceris a micro-moth 6 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella aeneofasciella a micro-moth 1 1920
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella alnetella a micro-moth 4 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella anomalella Rosy Leaf Miner 36 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella assimilella a micro-moth 5 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella atricapitella a micro-moth 23 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella aurella Golden Pigmy 291 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella aurella form nitens False Golden Pigmy 1 1972
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella basiguttella a micro-moth 6 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella betulicola a moth 2 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella betulicola form nanivora a micro-moth 1 1995
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella catharticella a micro-moth 13 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella centifoliella a micro-moth 7 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella confusella a micro-moth 6 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella continuella a micro-moth 6 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella crataegella a micro-moth 14 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella filipendulae a micro-moth 1 1997
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella floslactella a micro-moth 112 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella glutinosae a micro-moth 2 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella hemargyrella a micro-moth 58 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella hybnerella a micro-moth 48 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella incognitella a micro-moth 3 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella lapponica a micro-moth 7 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella lemniscella a micro-moth 48 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella luteella a micro-moth 15 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella malella Apple Pygmy 3 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella microtheriella a micro-moth 145 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella nylandriella a micro-moth 2 2005
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella obliquella a micro-moth 16 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella oxyacanthella a micro-moth 21 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella paradoxa a micro-moth 4 2011
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella perpygmaeella a micro-moth 26 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella plagicolella a micro-moth 56 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella regiella a micro-moth 19 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella roborella a micro-moth 9 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella ruficapitella a micro-moth 21 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella sakhalinella a micro-moth 12 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella salicis a micro-moth 24 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella samiatella a micro-moth 7 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella sorbi a micro-moth 1 2000
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella speciosa a micro-moth 14 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella splendidissimella a micro-moth 43 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella suberivora a micro-moth 18 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella tiliae a micro-moth 25 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella tityrella a micro-moth 101 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella trimaculella a micro-moth 18 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella ulmivora a micro-moth 21 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Stigmella viscerella a micro-moth 7 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Strophedra nitidana a tortrix moth 3 2017
moth or butterfly - micro moth Strophedra weirana a tortrix moth 13 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Swammerdamia a Swammerdamia species (unidentified) 1 2010
moth or butterfly - micro moth Swammerdamia caesiella a micro-moth 28 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Swammerdamia pyrella a micro-moth 197 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Synaphe punctalis a pyralid moth 3 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Syncopacma a Syncopacma species (unidentified) 1 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Syncopacma larseniella a micro-moth 21 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Syncopacma polychromella a micro-moth 2 2015
moth or butterfly - micro moth Syncopacma taeniolella a micro-moth 12 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Syndemis musculana Dark-barred Twist 250 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Syndemis musculana subsp. musculana a tortrix moth 5 2015
moth or butterfly - moth (macro or micro not listed) moth Sphingidae a hawk-moth (unidentified) 8 2016
plant Sagina a pearlwort (unidentified) 3 2023
plant Sagina apetala Annual Pearlwort 90 2020
plant Sagina apetala subsp. apetala an annual pearlwort 159 2019
plant Sagina apetala subsp. erecta Fringed Pearlwort 87 2019
plant Sagina apetala subsp. filicaulis a Plant 3 2020
plant Sagina maritima Sea Pearlwort 49 2016
plant Sagina nodosa Knotted Pearlwort 18 2018
plant Sagina procumbens Procumbent Pearlwort 749 2023
plant Sagittaria latifolia Duck-potato 1 1998
plant Sagittaria sagittifolia Arrowhead 210 2021
plant Salicornia a glasswort (unidentified) 59 2012
plant Salicornia dolichostachya Long-spiked Glasswort 15 1998
plant Salicornia europaea Common Glasswort 20 2014
plant Salicornia europaea agg. a glasswort 6 2017
plant Salicornia fragilis Yellow Glasswort 5 1996
plant Salicornia obscura Glaucous Glasswort 4 1991
plant Salicornia ramosissima Purple Glasswort 51 2014
plant Salix a willow (unidentified) 1269 2023
plant Salix alba White Willow 544 2023
plant Salix alba 'Britzensis' a willow 1 2016
plant Salix alba x babylonica = S. x sepulcralis Weeping Willow 30 2019
plant Salix aurita Eared Willow 12 2014
plant Salix babylonica a Weeping Willow 88 2023
plant Salix caprea Goat willow 791 2023
plant Salix caprea subsp. caprea a goat willow (occurs in Avon) 900 2017
plant Salix caprea x cinerea = S. x reichardtii a goat willow (often mistaken for Salix caprea spp. caprea) 154 2021
plant Salix cinerea Grey Willow 586 2023
plant Salix cinerea subsp. cinerea a willow 3 2023
plant Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia Rusty Willow 804 2017
plant Salix daphnoides European Violet-willow 10 2013
plant Salix elaeagnos Olive Willow 2 1936
plant Salix euxina x alba = S. x fragilis Crack Willow 2157 2023
plant Salix euxina x alba x babylonica = S. x pendulina Weeping Crack-willow 1 2013
plant Salix euxina x alba x triandra = S. x alopecuroides a willow 2 1932
plant Salix matsudana Contorted Willow 2 2018
plant Salix pentandra Bay Willow 3 2000
plant Salix purpurea Purple Willow 19 2016
plant Salix purpurea x viminalis = S. x rubra Green-leaved Willow 3 2000
plant Salix repens Creeping Willow 2 1987
plant Salix (sallow) a sallow (unidentified) 63 2021
plant Salix triandra Almond Willow 46 2010
plant Salix viminalis Osier 266 2020
plant Salix viminalis x aurita = S. x fruticosa Shrubby Osier 1 1985
plant Salix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithiana Broad-leaved Osier 4 1999
plant Salix viminalis x caprea x cinerea = S. x calodendron Holme Willow 1 1990
plant Salix viminalis x cinerea = S. x holosericea Silky-leaved Osier 6 2014
plant Salix (weeping willow) a weeping willow (unidentified) 3 2023
plant Salix x mollissima nothovar. hippophaifolia a willow 1 1985
plant Salix x mollissima nothovar. undulata a willow 1 1985
plant Salix x pendulina subsp. pendulina a Plant 1 2023
plant Salix x sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma' a Plant 2 1939
plant Salsola kali Saltwort 7 2019
plant Salsola kali subsp. iberica Spineless Saltwort 8 1990
plant Salsola kali subsp. kali Prickly Saltwort 39 2019
plant Salvia a Salvia species (unidentified) 2 2023
plant Salvia nemorosa Balkan Clary 2 1933
plant Salvia officinalis Sage 14 2018
plant Salvia pratensis Meadow Clary 4 2004
plant Salvia reflexa Mintweed 5 1990
plant Salvia sclarea Clary 2 1995
plant Salvia verbenaca Wild Clary 206 2023
plant Salvia verticillata Whorled Clary 1 2002
plant Sambucus a Sambucus species (unidentified) 2 2023
plant Sambucus ebulus Dwarf Elder 23 2022
plant Sambucus nigra Elder 11550 2023
plant Sambucus nigra var. laciniata Cut-leaved Elder 1 2017
plant Sambucus racemosa Red-berried Elder 1 1999
plant Samolus valerandi Brookweed 153 2015
plant Sanguisorba a Sanguisorba species (unidentified) 5 2023
plant Sanguisorba officinalis Great Burnet 33 2017
plant Sanicula europaea Sanicle 550 2023
plant Saponaria officinalis Soapwort 102 2020
plant Sasa a Sasa bamboo (unidentified) 2 2007
plant Sasaella a Sasaella bamboo species (unidentified) 1 2014
plant Sasa palmata Broad-leaved Bamboo 2 2016
plant Sasa ramosa Hairy Bamboo 3 2013
plant Saxifraga a Saxifraga species (unidentified) 1 2014
plant Saxifraga cymbalaria Celandine Saxifrage 16 2015
plant Saxifraga granulata Meadow Saxifrage 23 2023
plant Saxifraga hirsuta Kidney Saxifrage 6 2009
plant Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry Saxifrage 1 1995
plant Saxifraga tridactylites Rue-leaved Saxifrage 335 2023
plant Saxifraga umbrosa x spathularis = S. x urbium Londonpride 5 2010
plant Scabiosa a Scabiosa species (unidentified) 1 2007
plant Scabiosa columbaria Small Scabious 711 2023
plant Scabiosa sp. or Knautia sp. or Succisa sp. or centaurea sp. (unidentified scabious or knapweed or cornflower) a scabious or knapweed or cornflower (unidentified) 2 2011
plant Scabiosa sp. or Knautia sp. or Succisa sp. (unidentified scabious) a scabious (unidentified) 20 2018
plant Scandix iberica a Plant 3 1940
plant Scandix pecten-veneris Shepherd's-needle 44 2011
plant Schkuhria pinnata Dwarf Marigold 1 1940
plant Schoenoplectus lacustris Common Club-rush 161 2019
plant Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Grey Club-rush 50 2014
plant Schoenus nigricans Black Bog-rush 22 2015
plant Scilla autumnalis Autumn Squill 14 2009
plant Scilla bifolia Alpine Squill 2 2019
plant Scilla bithynica a squill 8 2008
plant Scilla forbesii Glory-of-the-snow 5 2018
plant Scilla luciliae Boissier's Glory-of-the-snow 2 2017
plant Scilla siberica Siberian Squill 4 2019
plant Scilla verna Spring Squill 2 1985
plant Scirpoides holoschoenus Round-headed Club-rush 2 1928
plant Scirpus a Scirpus species (unidentified) 3 1999
plant Scirpus sylvaticus Wood Club-rush 13 2006
plant Scleranthus annuus Annual Knawel 7 1998
plant Scleranthus annuus subsp. annuus an annual knawel 8 2007
plant Scorzonera hispanica Scorzonera 1 2002
plant Scorzoneroides autumnalis Autumn Hawkbit 2033 2023
plant Scrophularia a Figwort (unidentified) 11 2023
plant Scrophularia auriculata Water Figwort 1484 2023
plant Scrophulariaceae a Scrophulariaceae species (unidentified) 1 2010
plant Scrophularia nodosa Common Figwort 1363 2023
plant Scutellaria altissima Somerset Skullcap 3 2018
plant Scutellaria galericulata Skullcap 150 2018
plant Scutellaria minor Lesser Skullcap 2 1993
plant Secale cereale Rye 5 2016
plant Securigera varia Crown Vetch 10 2008
plant Sedum a Sedum species (unidentified) 16 2023
plant Sedum acre Biting Stonecrop 1028 2023
plant Sedum album White Stonecrop 394 2023
plant Sedum anglicum English Stonecrop 7 2013
plant Sedum cepaea a stonecrop 1 2016
plant Sedum dasyphyllum Thick-leaved Stonecrop 44 2023
plant Sedum forsterianum Rock Stonecrop 34 2012
plant Sedum rupestre Reflexed Stonecrop 150 2023
plant Sedum sexangulare Tasteless Stonecrop 19 2010
plant Sedum spectabile Butterfly Stonecrop 11 2013
plant Sedum spurium Caucasian-stonecrop 38 2018
plant Sedum stoloniferum Lesser Caucasian-stonecrop 3 2003
plant Sedum telephium Orpine 30 2015
plant Sempervivum a Sempervivum species (unidentified) 1 2016
plant Sempervivum tectorum House-leek 6 2015
plant Senecio a ragwort (unidentified) 258 2023
plant Senecio cineraria x jacobaea = S. x albescens a ragwort 7 1998
plant Senecio inaequidens Narrow-leaved Ragwort 7 2023
plant Senecio jacobaea subsp. jacobaea a Plant 6 2020
plant Senecio jacobaea x aquaticus = S. x ostenfeldii a ragwort 1 1962
plant Senecio sarracenicus Broad-leaved Ragwort 31 2021
plant Senecio squalidus Oxford Ragwort 890 2023
plant Senecio squalidus x vulgaris = S. x baxteri a Plant 3 1944
plant Senecio sylvaticus Heath Groundsel 32 2007
plant Senecio viscosus Sticky Groundsel 69 2015
plant Senecio vulgaris Groundsel 3592 2023
plant Sequoiadendron giganteum Wellingtonia 91 2016
plant Sequoia or sequoiadendron sp. (unidentified redwood) a redwood (unidentified) 7 2016
plant Sequoia sempervirens Coastal Redwood 46 2015
plant Seriphidium maritimum Sea Wormwood 96 2016
plant Serratula a Serratula species (unidentified) 1 1999
plant Serratula tinctoria Saw-wort 275 2019
plant Setaria faberi Nodding Bristle-grass 3 1985
plant Setaria italica Foxtail Bristle-grass 8 1990
plant Setaria parviflora Knotroot Bristle-grass 2 1997
plant Setaria pumila Yellow Bristle-grass 23 2016
plant Setaria verticillata Rough Bristle-grass 11 2018
plant Setaria viridis Green Bristle-grass 51 2016
plant Setaria vulpiseta a Plant 1 1930
plant Sherardia arvensis Field Madder 724 2023
plant Sideritis montana Mountain Ironwort 1 1930
plant Silaum silaus Pepper-saxifrage 573 2021
plant Silene a campion (unidentified) 18 2023
plant Silene behen a Plant 1 1941
plant Silene conica Sand Catchfly 3 1994
plant Silene conoidea a campion 3 1947
plant Silene coronaria Rose Campion 13 2023
plant Silene dichotoma Forked Catchfly 4 1940
plant Silene dioica Red Campion 4299 2023
plant Silene flos-cuculi Ragged Robin 559 2022
plant Silene gallica Small-flowered Catchfly 8 2008
plant Silene latifolia White Campion 766 2021
plant Silene latifolia subsp. alba a white campion 4 2014
plant Silene latifolia x dioica = S. x hampeana Hybrid Campion 65 2012
plant Silene muscipula a campion 3 1939
plant Silene noctiflora Night-flowering Catchfly 21 2010
plant Silene stricta a Plant 1 1922
plant Silene uniflora Sea Campion 74 2019
plant Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion 158 2021
plant Silene vulgaris subsp. vulgaris a bladder campion 302 2016
plant Silybum marianum Milk Thistle 18 2018
plant Sinapis alba White Mustard 19 2016
plant Sinapis alba subsp. alba a white mustard 19 1997
plant Sinapis arvensis Charlock 1460 2023
plant Sison amomum Stone Parsley 707 2023
plant Sisymbrium a Sisymbrium species (unidentified) 1 1996
plant Sisymbrium altissimum Tall Rocket 7 1993
plant Sisymbrium erysimoides French Rocket 2 1939
plant Sisymbrium irio London Rocket 3 1958
plant Sisymbrium loeselii False London Rocket 3 1985
plant Sisymbrium officinale Hedge Mustard 2692 2023
plant Sisymbrium orientale Eastern Rocket 78 2023
plant Sisymbrium septulatum a Plant 2 1964
plant Sisymbrium volgense Russian Mustard 2 1947
plant Sisyrinchium striatum Pale Yellow-eyed-grass 7 2018
plant Sium latifolium Greater Water-parsnip 14 2016
plant Skimmia japonica a Plant 1 2013
plant Smyrnium a Smyrnium species (unidentified) 2 2023
plant Smyrnium olusatrum Alexanders 519 2023
plant Smyrnium perfoliatum Perfoliate Alexanders 1 2013
plant Solanum a Solanum species (unidentified) 2 2020
plant Solanum capsicastrum Winter-cherry 32 2000
plant Solanum crispum Chilean Nightshade 1 2015
plant Solanum diflorum a Plant 1 2000
plant Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet 3684 2023
plant Solanum dulcamara var. marinum a bittersweet 1 1999
plant Solanum laciniatum Kangaroo-apple 1 2019
plant Solanum nigrum Black Nightshade 495 2020
plant Solanum nigrum subsp. nigrum a black nightshade 4 2016
plant Solanum physalifolium Green Nightshade 4 2009
plant Solanum rostratum Buffalo-bur 3 2017
plant Solanum sisymbriifolium Red Buffalo-bur 3 1960
plant Solanum triflorum Small Nightshade 3 1930
plant Solanum tuberosum Potato 37 2020
plant Soleirolia soleirolii Mind-your-own-business 236 2023
plant Solidago a goldenrod (unidentified) 5 2007
plant Solidago canadensis Canadian Goldenrod 193 2019
plant Solidago gigantea Early Goldenrod 15 2017
plant Solidago rugosa Rough-stemmed Goldenrod 1 1988
plant Solidago virgaurea Goldenrod 197 2023
plant Sonchus a sow-thistle (unidentified) 76 2023
plant Sonchus arvensis Perennial Sow-thistle 1183 2021
plant Sonchus arvensis subsp. uliginosus a perennial sow-thistle 1 1984
plant Sonchus asper Prickly Sow-thistle 3532 2023
plant Sonchus oleraceus Smooth Sow-thistle 3409 2023
plant Sophora japonica Scholars Tree 1 2015
plant Sorbaria tomentosa Himalayan Sorbaria 3 1998
plant Sorbus a whitebeam or a service-tree or other Sorbus (unidentified) 13 2023
plant Sorbus anglica English Whitebeam 33 2018
plant Sorbus aria Whitebeam 331 2023
plant Sorbus aria agg. Whitebeam agg. 194 2014
plant Sorbus aria x torminalis = S. x tomentella Wye Whitebeam 2 1992
plant Sorbus aucuparia Rowan 628 2023
plant Sorbus aucuparia x aria = S. x thuringiaca Oakleaf Mountain Ash 34 2015
plant Sorbus bristoliensis Bristol Whitebeam 64 2023
plant Sorbus commixta Japanese Rowan 1 2006
plant Sorbus croceocarpa Orange Whitebeam 8 2015
plant Sorbus decipiens Sharp-toothed Whitebeam 12 2012
plant Sorbus domestica Service-tree 15 2014
plant Sorbus eminens Round-leaved Whitebeam 41 2016
plant Sorbus glabriscula Hupeh Rowan 5 2000
plant Sorbus hybrida Swedish Service-tree 2 2018
plant Sorbus intermedia Swedish Whitebeam 50 2018
plant Sorbus intermedia agg. Swedish Whitebeam (agg.) 49 2007
plant Sorbus 'Joseph Rock' a whitebeam 5 2000
plant Sorbus latifolia Broad-leaved Whitebeam 13 2023
plant Sorbus leighensis a whitebeam 2 2010
plant Sorbus porrigentiformis Grey-leaved Whitebeam 33 2009
plant Sorbus pseudofennica Arran Service-tree 2 2015
plant Sorbus rupicola Rock Whitebeam 1 1975
plant Sorbus sargentiana Sargent's Rowan 1 2000
plant Sorbus thibetica Thibetan Whitebeam 1 1999
plant Sorbus torminalis Wild Service-tree 214 2020
plant Sorbus vestita Himalayan Whitebeam 1 2000
plant Sorbus vilmorinii Vilmorin's Rowan 6 2000
plant Sorbus whiteana White's Whitebeam (new species identified) 15 2011
plant Sorbus (whitebeam) a whitebeam (unidentified) 40 2021
plant Sorbus wilmottiana Wilmott's Whitebeam 44 2019
plant Sorghum bicolor Great Millet 1 1933
plant Sorghum halepense Johnson-grass 17 2011
plant Sparaxis tricolor Harlequin-flower 1 2023
plant Sparganium a bur-reed (unidentified) 45 2013
plant Sparganium angustifolium Floating Bur-reed 2 2009
plant Sparganium emersum Unbranched Bur-reed 180 2016
plant Sparganium erectum Branched Bur-reed 1259 2020
plant Sparganium erectum subsp. erectum a branched bur-reed 7 2006
plant Sparganium erectum subsp. microcarpum a branched bur-reed 1 1921
plant Sparganium erectum subsp. neglectum a branched bur-reed 2 1936
plant Spartina a Spartina species (unidentified) 15 2017
plant Spartina anglica Common Cord-grass 241 2017
plant Spartina maritima x alterniflora = S. x townsendii Townsend's Cord-grass 16 2007
plant Spartium junceum Spanish Broom 3 2011
plant Spergula arvensis Corn Spurrey 68 2019
plant Spergularia a Spergularia species (unidentified) 6 2013
plant Spergularia marina Lesser Sea-spurrey 180 2019
plant Spergularia media Greater Sea-spurrey 209 2017
plant Spergularia purpurea a Plant 1 1931
plant Spergularia rubra Sand Spurrey 11 2012
plant Spergularia rupicola Rock Sea-spurrey 8 2006
plant Spiraea a spiraea (unidentified) 4 2018
plant Spiraea aggregate a Plant 1 2001
plant Spiraea canescens Himalayan Spiraea 6 2010
plant Spiraea cantoniensis x trilobata = S. x vanhouttei Van Hotte's Spiraea 1 2008
plant Spiraea multiflora x thunbergii = S. x arguta Bridal-spray 1 1992
plant Spiraea salicifolia Bridewort 3 2004
plant Spiranthes a Spiranthes species (unidentified) 2 2009
plant Spiranthes spiralis Autumn Lady's-tresses 209 2021
plant Spirodela polyrhiza Greater Duckweed 588 2018
plant Stachys a woundwort (unidentified) 23 2023
plant Stachys annua Annual Yellow Woundwort 3 1938
plant Stachys arvensis Field Woundwort 34 2019
plant Stachys byzantina Lamb's-ear 26 2020
plant Stachys germanica Downy Woundwort 1 1931
plant Stachys officinalis Betony 951 2023
plant Stachys officinalis var. officinalis a Plant 1 2000
plant Stachys palustris Marsh Woundwort 388 2020
plant Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort 4581 2023
plant Stachys sylvatica x palustris = S. x ambigua Hybrid Woundwort 16 2018
plant Staphylea pinnata Bladdernut 2 1999
plant Stellaria a stichwort (unidentified) 31 2023
plant Stellaria alsine Bog Stitchwort 165 2023
plant Stellaria graminea Lesser Stitchwort 999 2021
plant Stellaria holostea Greater Stitchwort 1778 2023
plant Stellaria media Common Chickweed 3677 2023
plant Stellaria media agg. Chickweed 108 2022
plant Stellaria neglecta Greater Chickweed 319 2019
plant Stellaria nemorum Wood Stitchwort 1 2000
plant Stellaria pallida Lesser Chickweed 71 2014
plant Stellaria palustris Marsh Stitchwort 10 2008
plant Stratiotes aloides Water-soldier 10 2017
plant Suaeda maritima Annual Sea-blite 192 2017
plant Succisa a Succisa species (unidentified) 1 1999
plant Succisa pratensis Devil's-bit Scabious 981 2023
plant Sutera cordata Ornamental Bacopa 1 2010
plant Symphoricarpos a Symphoricarpos species (unidentified) 1 2016
plant Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry 1077 2023
plant Symphoricarpos microphyllus x orbiculatus = S. x chenaultii Pink Snowberry 2 2017
plant Symphoricarpos orbiculatus a Plant 6 2017
plant Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii Amethyst or Coralberry 1 1985
plant Symphytum a comfrey (unidentified) 86 2023
plant Symphytum asperum Rough Comfrey 8 2012
plant Symphytum bulbosum Bulbous Comfrey 1 2007
plant Symphytum caucasicum Caucasian Comfrey 9 2016
plant Symphytum grandiflorum Creeping Comfrey 24 2023
plant Symphytum officinale Common Comfrey 1169 2023
plant Symphytum officinale var. ochroleucum a common comfrey 1 1932
plant Symphytum officinale var. purpureum a common comfrey 1 2007
plant Symphytum officinale x asperum = S. x uplandicum Russian Comfrey 371 2023
plant Symphytum officinale x asperum x grandiflorum = S. 'Hidcote Blue' Hidcote Comfrey 18 2023
plant Symphytum officinale x asperum x tuberosum a Plant 3 2016
plant Symphytum orientale White Comfrey 49 2023
plant Symphytum tuberosum Tuberous Comfrey 23 2023
plant Syringa a Syringa species (unidentified) 2 2023
plant Syringa vulgaris Lilac 440 2023
reptile Serpentes a Serpentes species (unidentified) 1 2008
reptile Squamata a snake or lizard (unidentified) 3 2019
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Sagartia troglodytes Cave-dwelling Anemone 1 1938
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Sertularia argentea a Sea-fan/Sea Anemone/Jellyfish 1 1936
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Sertularia cupressina a Sea-fan/Sea Anemone/Jellyfish 5 1995
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Swiftia a Swiftia species (unidentified) 1 2021
slime mould Stemonitis a Stemonitis species (unidentified) 3 2012
slime mould Stemonitis flavogenita a slime mould 1 1999
slime mould Stemonitis fusca a slime mould 6 2020
slime mould Stemonitis fusca var. fusca a slime mould 6 2013
slime mould Stemonitis lignicola a slime mould 1 1997
slime mould Stemonitis nigrescens a slime mould 3 1982
slime mould Stemonitis smithii a slime mould 1 2000
slime mould Stemonitis virginiensis a slime mould 1 2005
slime mould Stemonitopsis hyperopta a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Stemonitopsis typhina a slime mould 2 2008
slime mould Symphytocarpus flaccidus a slime mould 2 2017
slime mould Symphytocarpus trechisporus a slime mould 2 1997
spider Saaristoa abnormis a money spider 3 2003
spider Saaristoa firma a money spider 1 1996
spider Salticidae a Salticidae species (unidentified) 6 2022
spider Salticus a Salticus species (unidentified) 8 2020
spider Salticus cingulatus a jumping spider 1 2014
spider Salticus scenicus a Zebra Spider 96 2023
spider Sardinidion blackwalli a comb-footed spider 1 2023
spider Savignia frontata a money spider 16 2019
spider Scotophaeus blackwalli Mouse Spider 13 2020
spider Scytodes thoracica Spitting Spider 7 2018
spider Segestria a Segestria species (unidentified) 3 2023
spider Segestria bavarica a six-eyed spider 5 2014
spider Segestria florentina Tube Web Spider 75 2023
spider Segestria senoculata Snake-back Spider 28 2023
spider Silometopus ambiguus a money spider 2 2019
spider Simitidion simile a comb-footed spider 2 1965
spider Sitticus pubescens a jumping spider 1 2009
spider Sparassidae a Sparassidae species (unidentified) 2 2021
spider Steatoda a false widow spider (unidentified) 6 2023
spider Steatoda bipunctata Rabbit Hutch Spider 10 2017
spider Steatoda grossa Cupboard Spider 17 2023
spider Steatoda nobilis Noble False Widow Spider 26 2023
spider Stemonyphantes lineatus a money spider 7 2023
springtail Seira domestica a springtail (Collembola) 5 2019
springtail Symphypleona a Symphypleona species (unidentified) 1 2023
stylops Stylops a Stylops species (unidentified) 1 1978
stylops Stylops melittae a stylop 2 1978
tick or mite (acarine) Stenacis euonymi a gall mite 9 2022
true fly - Saltella sphondylii a lesser dung fly 8 2004
true fly - Sapromyza a Sapromyza species (unidentified) 1 1999
true fly - Sapromyza albiceps a fly 2 2001
true fly - Sapromyza basalis a fly 6 2020
true fly - Sapromyza hyalinata a fly 2 2020
true fly - Sapromyza opaca a fly 10 2009
true fly - Sapromyza quadricincta a fly 2 2018
true fly - Sapromyza quadripunctata a fly 14 2022
true fly - Sapromyza sexpunctata a fly 8 2013
true fly - Sarcophaga a flesh fly (unidentified) 39 2023
true fly - Sarcophaga carnaria a flesh fly 28 2021
true fly - Sarcophaga crassimargo a flesh fly 6 2006
true fly - Sarcophaga dissimilis a flesh fly 4 2013
true fly - Sarcophaga haemorrhoa a flesh fly 6 2002
true fly - Sarcophaga incisilobata a flesh fly 6 2003
true fly - Sarcophaga nigriventris a flesh fly 8 2009
true fly - Sarcophaga pumila a flesh fly 8 2013
true fly - Sarcophaga subvicina a flesh fly 2 2003
true fly - Sarcophaga vagans a flesh fly 3 2002
true fly - Sarcophaga villeneuvei a flesh fly 1 2003
true fly - Sarcophagidae a Sarcophagidae species (unidentified) 5 2023
true fly - Scaptomyza flava a fruit fly 4 2020
true fly - Scaptomyza graminum a fruit fly 5 2022
true fly - Scaptomyza griseola a fruit fly 1 2001
true fly - Scaptomyza pallida a fruit fly 30 2019
true fly - Scatella a Scatella shore fly (unidentified) 1 2007
true fly - Scatella lacustris a shore fly 23 2009
true fly - Scatella paludum a shore fly 9 2002
true fly - Scatella stagnalis a shore fly 22 2009
true fly - Scathophaga a dung fly (unidentified) 13 2023
true fly - Scathophaga calida a dung fly 1 2017
true fly - Scathophaga furcata a dung fly 17 2022
true fly - Scathophaga inquinata a dung fly 5 2009
true fly - Scathophaga litorea a dung fly 6 2009
true fly - Scathophaga lutaria a dung fly 2 2003
true fly - Scathophaga stercoraria Yellow Dung Fly 221 2023
true fly - Scathophaga suilla a dung fly 7 2012
true fly - Scathophagidae a Scathophagidae species (unidentified) 1 2017
true fly - Scatopse notata a fly 6 2017
true fly - Scatopsidae a Scatopsidae species (unidentified) 1 1997
true fly - Schoenomyza litorella a muscid fly 14 2009
true fly - Schwenckfeldina carbonaria a fly 13 2020
true fly - Sciara hemerobioides a fly 4 2022
true fly - Sciaridae a Sciaridae species (unidentified) 20 2008
true fly - Sciomyzidae a Sciomyzidae species (unidentified) 3 2015
true fly - Seioptera vibrans a fly 3 2014
true fly - Sepedon sphegea a snail-killing fly 7 2018
true fly - Sepedon spinipes a snail-killing fly 8 2001
true fly - Sepsidae a Sepsidae species (unidentified) 2 2021
true fly - Sepsis a Sepsis species (unidentified) 1 2017
true fly - Sepsis cynipsea a lesser dung fly 27 2022
true fly - Sepsis duplicata a lesser dung fly 4 2003
true fly - Sepsis flavimana a lesser dung fly 14 2013
true fly - Sepsis fulgens a lesser dung fly 47 2022
true fly - Sepsis orthocnemis a lesser dung fly 11 2022
true fly - Sepsis punctum a lesser dung fly 11 2009
true fly - Sepsis violacea a lesser dung fly 3 1998
true fly - Setacera a Setacera species (unidentified) 1 1997
true fly - Setacera micans a shore fly 1 2022
true fly - Sicus a Sicus species (unidentified) 1 2014
true fly - Silba fumosa a fly 15 2013
true fly - Simuliidae a black fly (unidentified) 45 2016
true fly - Simulium a Simulium species (unidentified) 1 2010
true fly - Simulium equinum a black fly 1 2002
true fly - Simulium ornatum complex a black fly 2 1997
true fly - Simulium variegatum a black fly 1 1998
true fly - Siphona a Siphona species (unidentified) 4 2023
true fly - Siphona geniculata a parasitic fly 23 2013
true fly - Siphonella oscinina a fly 1 1995
true fly - Solieria pacifica a parasitic fly 3 2013
true fly - Spanochaeta dorsalis a muscid fly 3 2001
true fly - Spelobia clunipes a lesser dung fly 1 1995
true fly - Spelobia parapusio a lesser dung fly 1 1996
true fly - Sphaerocera curvipes a lesser dung fly 1 2015
true fly - Sphaeroceridae a Sphaeroceridae species (unidentified) 3 2008
true fly - Spilogona marina a muscid fly 1 2000
true fly - Spiniphora dorsalis a scuttle fly 3 2020
true fly - Stearibia nigriceps a fly 1 2002
true fly - Stegana coleoptrata a fruit fly 2 2000
true fly - Stomorhina lunata a blue bottle or green bottle 1 2020
true fly - Stomoxys calcitrans Stable Fly 4 2022
true fly - Stratiomys a Stratiomys soldier fly (unidentified) 3 2019
true fly - Suillia affinis a fly 16 2022
true fly - Suillia atricornis a fly 6 2022
true fly - Suillia bicolor a fly 8 2020
true fly - Suillia dumicola a fly 1 1949
true fly - Suillia fuscicornis a fly 2 2003
true fly - Suillia humilis a fly 1 2000
true fly - Suillia notata a fly 3 2020
true fly - Suillia pallida a fly 8 2020
true fly - Suillia ustulata a fly 1 2000
true fly - Suillia variegata a fly 30 2023
true fly - Swammerdamella brevicornis a fly 3 2008
true fly - Sylvicola a Sylvicola species (unidentified) 8 2023
true fly - Sylvicola cinctus a window gnat 28 2022
true fly - Sylvicola fenestralis a window gnat 4 2006
true fly - Sylvicola punctatus a window gnat 35 2022
true fly - Syntormon a Syntormon species (unidentified) 1 2022
true fly - cranefly Symplecta hybrida a cranefly 1 1999
true fly - cranefly Symplecta pilipes a cranefly 3 2004
true fly - cranefly Symplecta stictica a cranefly 17 2009
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga anaces an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2013
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga depressifrons an insect - true fly (Diptera) 2 2006
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga melanura an insect - true fly (Diptera) 2 2008
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga rosellei an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2002
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga sexpunctata an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2003
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga sinuata an insect - true fly (Diptera) 5 2013
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga teretirostris an insect - true fly (Diptera) 4 2003
true fly - (diptera) Sarcophaga variegata an insect - true fly (Diptera) 3 2017
true fly - (diptera) Scatopsciara atomaria a fly 1 2001
true fly - (diptera) Sceptonia cryptocauda an insect - true fly (Diptera) 3 2006
true fly - (diptera) Scoliocentra confusa an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2000
true fly - (diptera) Sphaerophoria interrupta an insect - true fly (Diptera) 16 2021
true fly - (diptera) Stigmatomeria crassicornis a fungus gnat 5 2020
true fly - (diptera) Stiphrosoma cingulatum an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2009
true fly - (diptera) Sturmia bella an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2003
true fly - fly Solva marginata a fly 5 2004
true fly - hoverfly Scaeva pyrastri a hoverfly 104 2022
true fly - hoverfly Scaeva selenitica a hoverfly 6 2023
true fly - hoverfly Sericomyia silentis a hoverfly 12 2021
true fly - hoverfly Sericomyia superbiens a hoverfly 2 2001
true fly - hoverfly Sphaerophoria a Sphaerophoria hoverfly (unidentified) 59 2023
true fly - hoverfly Sphaerophoria fatarum a hoverfly 1 1999
true fly - hoverfly Sphaerophoria menthastri a hoverfly 12 2002
true fly - hoverfly Sphaerophoria rueppellii a hoverfly 5 2018
true fly - hoverfly Sphaerophoria scripta a hoverfly 269 2023
true fly - hoverfly Sphaerophoria species B a hoverfly 1 2017
true fly - hoverfly Sphaerophoria taeniata a hoverfly 4 2021
true fly - hoverfly Sphegina clunipes a hoverfly 10 2008
true fly - hoverfly Sphegina elegans a hoverfly 2 2003
true fly - hoverfly Sphegina verecunda a hoverfly 2 1999
true fly - hoverfly Syritta pipiens a hoverfly 266 2023
true fly - hoverfly Syrphidae a hoverfly (unidentified) 175 2023
true fly - hoverfly Syrphus a Syrphus hoverfly (unidentified) 97 2023
true fly - hoverfly Syrphus ribesii a hoverfly 215 2023
true fly - hoverfly Syrphus torvus a hoverfly 30 2022
true fly - hoverfly Syrphus vitripennis a hoverfly 135 2023
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Saigusaia flaviventris a fungus gnat 11 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Sceptonia fumipes a fungus gnat 1 2001
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Sciophila fenestella a fungus gnat 2 2003
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Sciophila hirta a fungus gnat 1 2000
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Semudobia betulae a gall midge 1 1999
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Serromyia femorata a biting midge 2 1997
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Smittia aterrima a non-biting midge 2 1983
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Smittia pratorum a non-biting midge 3 1983
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Symmerus annulatus a fungus gnat 4 2001
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Synapha vitripennis a fungus gnat 5 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Synendotendipes impar a non-biting midge 1 1983
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Synplasta gracilis a fungus gnat 3 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Syntemna hungarica a fungus gnat 1 2000
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Sicus ferrugineus a fly 62 2023
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Sphenella marginata a gall fly 17 2023
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Stemonocera cornuta a gall fly 1 2016
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Scellus notatus a dolichopodid fly 4 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Scenopinus fenestralis a window fly 1 1995
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Scenopinus niger a window fly 2 2020
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Sciapus platypterus a dolichopodid fly 18 2020
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Sybistroma obscurellum a dolichopodid fly 14 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Sympycnus pulicarius a dolichopodid fly 21 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Sympycnus spiculatus a dolichopodid fly 1 2000
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Syntormon bicolorellum a dolichopodid fly 4 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Syntormon denticulatum a dolichopodid fly 9 2003
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Syntormon macula a dolichopodid fly 1 1952
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Syntormon pallipes a dolichopodid fly 30 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Syntormon pumilus a dolichopodid fly 8 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Syntormon zelleri a dolichopodid fly 1 1987
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Systenus pallipes a dolichopodid fly 1 1948
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Systenus scholtzii a dolichopodid fly 1 2000
true fly - soldier or snipe fly Sargus bipunctatus Twin-spot Centurion 18 2022
true fly - soldier or snipe fly Sargus flavipes Yellow-legged Centurion 4 2022
true fly - soldier or snipe fly Sargus iridatus Iridescent Centurion 10 2021
true fly - soldier or snipe fly Stratiomyidae a Stratiomyidae soldier fly (unidentified) 21 2016
true fly - soldier or snipe fly Stratiomys potamida Banded General 16 2021
true fly - soldier or snipe fly Stratiomys singularior Flecked General 17 2021
true fly - soldier or snipe fly Symphoromyia immaculata a snipe fly 1 2000
worm Sabellaria a Sabellaria species (unidentified) 1 1939
worm Sabellaria alveolata Honeycomb Worm 18 2019
worm Satchellius mammalis Little Tree Worm 8 2017
worm Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger an annelid 4 1995
worm Spirobranchus triqueter an annelid 2 1972