BRERC Record Summary
Species Recorded
Taxon Scientific Name Common Name Records Latest
algae or stonewort Tolypella glomerata Clustered stonewort 3 1990
algae or stonewort Tolypella intricata Tassel stonewort 12 2014
algae or stonewort Tolypella salina a stonewort 1 1922
algae or stonewort Trentepohlia a Trentepohlia species (unidentified) 3 2013
algae or stonewort Trentepohlia aurea an alga 3 2023
amphibian Triturus a triturus newt (unidentified) 24 2023
amphibian Triturus cristatus Great Crested Newt 1850 2023
amphibian Triturus or Lissotriton a newt (unidentified) 1044 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tachysphex pompiliformis a solitary wasp 3 2010
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Temnothorax nylanderi an ant 6 2016
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredinidae a Tenthredinidae species (unidentified) 3 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredininae a Tenthredininae species (unidentified) 1 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo a Tenthredo species (unidentified) 2 2018
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo arcuata a sawfly 17 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo arcuata/brevicornis/notha/schaefferi agg. Complex Tenthredo arcuata 2 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo atra a sawfly 1 2001
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo brevicornis a sawfly 1 2023
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo colon (s.l.) an insect - hymenopteran 1 2015
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo livida a sawfly 4 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo maculata a sawfly 4 2015
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo mesomela a sawfly 14 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo notha a sawfly 1 2001
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo omissa a sawfly 1 2020
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredopsis a Tenthredopsis species (unidentified) 2 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredopsis coquebertii a sawfly 1 1999
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredopsis litterata a sawfly 1 1999
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredopsis nassata a sawfly 6 2016
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredopsis ornata a sawfly 1 2000
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo scrophulariae a sawfly 58 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo temula a sawfly 9 2013
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo thompsoni a sawfly 3 2014
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tenthredo zona a sawfly 2 2021
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tetrastichus a Tetrastichus wasp (unidentified) 1 2014
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Theocolax formiciformis a chalcid wasp 1 1969
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tiphia femorata a solitary wasp 4 2013
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tiphia minuta Small Tiphia 14 2006
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus a Diomorus species (unidentified) 1 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus affinis a chalcid wasp 70 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus auratus a chalcid wasp 46 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus bedeguaris a chalcid wasp 6 2007
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus chloromerus a chalcid wasp 1 1995
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus flavipes a chalcid wasp 59 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus geranii a chalcid wasp 12 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Torymus geranii/auratus an insect - hymenopteran 8 1998
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tranosema rostrale an insect - hymenopteran 1 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tranosemella praerogator an insect - hymenopteran 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Triaspis pallipes a braconid wasp 1 1997
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trichiosoma a Trichiosoma species (unidentified) 2 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trichiosoma tibiale a clubhorned sawfly 2 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trichomalopsis potatoriae a chalcid wasp 1 1995
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trichomalus posticus a chalcid wasp 1 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trichopria aequata a small parasitic wasp 2 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trichopria verticillata a small parasitic wasp 2 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trichrysis cyanea a rubytail wasp 9 2002
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tromatobia lineatoria an ichneumon wasp 6 2019
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trybliographa rapae a small parasitic wasp 5 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trybliographa scotica a small parasitic wasp 2 2009
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trychosis legator an insect - hymenopteran 2 2003
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trypoxylon attenuatum Slender Wood Borer Wasp 19 2008
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trypoxylon clavicerum Club Horned Wood Borer Wasp 3 2014
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Trypoxylon figulus Black Wood Borer Wasp 9 2005
ant, bee, wasp, sawfly or ichneumon (and others) Tycherus elongatus an ichneumon wasp 1 2002
bacterium Tolypothrix a Tolypthrix blue-green algae (unidentified) 1 1998
beetle Tachinus a Tachinus species (unidentified) 1 2018
beetle Tachinus laticollis a rove beetle 6 2022
beetle Tachinus pallipes a rove beetle 2 2020
beetle Tachinus rufipes a rove beetle 80 2021
beetle Tachinus subterraneus a rove beetle 12 2021
beetle Tachyerges salicis a weevil 7 2015
beetle Tachyerges stigma a weevil 2 1985
beetle Tachyporus a Tachyporus rove beetle (unidentified) 9 2023
beetle Tachyporus chrysomelinus a rove beetle 33 2020
beetle Tachyporus chrysomelinus agg. a rove beetle 1 1969
beetle Tachyporus dispar a rove beetle 44 2022
beetle Tachyporus formosus a rove beetle 4 2020
beetle Tachyporus hypnorum a rove beetle 158 2023
beetle Tachyporus nitidulus a rove beetle 12 2020
beetle Tachyporus obtusus a rove beetle 24 2022
beetle Tachyporus pallidus a rove beetle 4 2018
beetle Tachyporus solutus a rove beetle 16 2022
beetle Tachyporus tersus a rove beetle 1 2008
beetle Taeniapion urticarium a seed weevil 10 2015
beetle Tanysphyrus lemnae Duckweed Weevil 31 2007
beetle Taphrorychus bicolor a bark or ambrosia beetle 1 2016
beetle Tasgius ater a rove beetle 6 2017
beetle Tasgius globulifer a rove beetle 4 2020
beetle Tasgius melanarius a rove beetle 2 2014
beetle Tasgius morsitans a rove beetle 14 2020
beetle Telmatophilus caricis a silken fungus beetle 1 2014
beetle Telmatophilus typhae a silken fungus beetle 1 2001
beetle Temnocerus nanus a leafroller weevil 1 2019
beetle Tenebrio a mealworm beetle (unidentified) 1 2013
beetle Tenebrio molitor Mealworm Beetle 9 2022
beetle Tetratoma ancora a shiny fungus beetle 1 2020
beetle Tetratoma desmarestii a shiny fungus beetle 1 2016
beetle Tetratoma fungorum a shiny fungus beetle 1 2001
beetle Tetropium gabrieli Larch Longhorn 1 2017
beetle Tetrops praeustus a longhorn beetle 14 2022
beetle Thamiaraea cinnamomea a rove beetle 1 2001
beetle Thanasimus formicarius Ant Beetle 2 2006
beetle Thanatophilus sinuatus a sexton beetle 2 1995
beetle Thryogenes festucae a weevil 2 2000
beetle Thryogenes nereis a weevil 12 2009
beetle Tillus elongatus a chequered beetle 18 2022
beetle Timarcha goettingensis a Lesser Bloody-nosed Beetle 18 2023
beetle Timarcha tenebricosa Bloody-nosed Beetle 51 2021
beetle Tournotaris bimaculatus a weevil 2 2015
beetle Trachodes hispidus a weevil 2 1979
beetle Trachyphloeus a Trachyphloeus species (unidentified) 2 2013
beetle Trachyphloeus alternans a weevil 3 1968
beetle Trachys subglaber a jewel beetle 4 2019
beetle Trachys troglodytes Devil's-bit Jewel Beetle 2 2004
beetle Trechoblemus micros a ground beetle 8 1999
beetle Trechus obtusus a ground beetle 17 2022
beetle Trechus quadristriatus a ground beetle 68 2020
beetle Trechus rubens a ground beetle 1 2014
beetle Tribolium castaneum Rust-red Flour Beetle 3 2013
beetle Trichius fasciatus Bee Beetle 1 1979
beetle Trichosirocalus troglodytes a weevil 85 2021
beetle Triplax aenea a shiny fungus beetle 4 2021
beetle Triplax russica a shiny fungus beetle 3 2017
beetle Trixagus carinifrons a small false click beetle 2 2020
beetle Trixagus dermestoides a small false click beetle 10 2021
beetle Trixagus obtusus a small false click beetle 7 2019
beetle Tropiphorus elevatus a weevil 2 2009
beetle Trox scaber a hide beetle 3 2020
beetle Trypodendron a Trypodendron species (unidentified) 1 1964
beetle Trypodendron domesticum a bark or ambrosia beetle 3 2021
beetle Tychius junceus a weevil 2 1968
beetle Tychius meliloti a weevil 4 2014
beetle Tychius picirostris a weevil 15 2017
beetle Tychius squamulatus a weevil 4 2018
beetle Tychius stephensi a weevil 1 2007
beetle Tychus niger a short-winged mould beetle 5 2018
beetle Typhaea stercorea Hairy Fungus Beetle 1 1971
beetle Typhaeus typhoeus Minotaur Beetle 5 2022
beetle Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata 16-spot Ladybird 103 2023
bird Tachybaptus ruficollis Little Grebe 11553 2024
bird Tachymarptis melba Alpine Swift 5 2002
bird Tadorna a Tadorna species (unidentified) 1 2012
bird Tadorna ferruginea Ruddy Shelduck 101 2010
bird Tadorna tadorna Shelduck 18069 2024
bird Taeniopygia guttata Zebra Finch 2 2018
bird Tarsiger cyanurus Red-flanked Bluetail 62 2014
bird Tauraco leucotis White-cheeked Turaco 1 2013
bird Thalasseus sandvicensis Sandwich Tern 218 2022
bird Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Red-and-yellow Barbet 1 2016
bird Tringa erythropus Spotted Redshank 1109 2022
bird Tringa flavipes Lesser Yellowlegs 107 2020
bird Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper 1007 2022
bird Tringa nebularia Greenshank 3162 2023
bird Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper 6400 2022
bird Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper 1 1986
bird Tringa totanus Redshank (bird) 14118 2024
bird Troglodytes troglodytes Wren 44558 2024
bird Troglodytidae a Troglodytidae species (unidentified) 4 2023
bird Turdus a thrush (unidentified) 122 2017
bird Turdus iliacus Redwing 16158 2024
bird Turdus merula Blackbird 74148 2024
bird Turdus philomelos Song Thrush 27753 2024
bird Turdus pilaris Fieldfare 9645 2024
bird Turdus pilaris/iliacus Redwing/Fieldfare 6 2010
bird Turdus ruficollis Black-throated Thrush 1 1996
bird Turdus torquatus Ring Ouzel 578 2022
bird Turdus viscivorus Mistle Thrush 9063 2024
bird Turdus viscivorus/philomelos Mistle/Song Thrush 4 2005
bird Tyto alba Barn Owl 3714 2024
booklouse or barklouse Trichadenotecnum sexpunctatum a booklouse or barklouse 1 2002
booklouse or barklouse Trichopsocus brincki an insect - booklouse (Psocoptera) 2 2015
booklouse or barklouse Trichopsocus clarus a booklouse or barklouse 2 2008
bristletail (silverfish and allies) Thermobia domestica Fire-brat 1 1976
bryozoan Tegella a Tegella species (unidentified) 1 1941
bug Tachycixius a Tachycixius species (unidentified) 1 2019
bug Tachycixius pilosus a lacehopper 14 2023
bug Taphropeltus contractus a ground bug 1 1996
bug Temnostethus (Montandoniella) gracilis a flower bug or bloodsucking bug 3 2020
bug Temnostethus (Montandoniella) pusillus a flower bug or bloodsucking bug 1 2020
bug Teratocoris a Teratocoris species (unidentified) 1 2015
bug Teratocoris antennatus a plantbug or grassbug 3 2004
bug Teratocoris saundersi a plantbug or grassbug 3 2020
bug Tetraneura (Tetraneura) ulmi Fig Gall 3 2022
bug Thamnotettix dilutior a leafhopper 9 2022
bug Thyreocoris scarabaeoides Negro Bug 2 2006
bug Tingis a Tingis species (unidentified) 1 2016
bug Tingis (Tingis) ampliata Creeping Thistle Lacebug 26 2022
bug Tingis (Tingis) cardui Spear Thistle Lacebug 27 2023
bug Trama (Trama) rara an aphid 1 2023
bug Trama (Trama) troglodytes an aphid 1 2015
bug Trapezonotus a Trapezonotus species (unidentified) 1 2021
bug Trapezonotus (Trapezonotus) arenarius a ground bug 4 2019
bug Tremulicerus distinguendus a leafhopper 1 2018
bug Tremulicerus tremulae a leafhopper 1 2013
bug Tremulicerus vitreus a leafhopper 1 2019
bug Trigonotylus caelestialium a plantbug or grassbug 4 2022
bug Trigonotylus ruficornis a plantbug or grassbug 1 2018
bug Trioza a Trioza species (unidentified) 2 2008
bug Trioza alacris Bay Sucker 1 2014
bug Trioza centranthi a jumping plantlouse 9 2023
bug Trioza urticae a jumping plantlouse 6 2019
bug Tritomegas bicolor Pied Shieldbug 15 2023
bug Troilus luridus a shield bug 23 2023
bug Tuberculatus (Tuberculoides) annulatus an aphid 1 2015
bug Tuberolachnus (Tuberolachnus) salignus Large Willow Aphid 4 2020
bug Tupiocoris rhododendri a plantbug or grassbug 1 2016
bug Tuponia (Chlorotuponia) brevirostris a plantbug or grassbug 1 2020
bug Turrutus socialis a leafhopper 1 2019
bug Typhlocyba quercus a leafhopper 2 2023
caddis fly Tinodes a Tinodes species (unidentified) 1 2023
caddis fly Tinodes unicolor a caddisfly 1 2018
caddis fly Tinodes waeneri a caddisfly 3 2013
caddis fly Triaenodes bicolor a caddisfly 27 2013
caddis fly Trichoptera a caddisfly (unidentified) 101 2023
crustacean Talitrus saltator a sand hopper 7 2023
crustacean Tigriopus brevicornis a crustacean 2 1973
crustacean Trichoniscidae a Trichoniscidae species (unidentified) 1 2023
crustacean Trichoniscus pusillus agg. a woodlouse 2 2015
fish Taurulus bubalis Sea Scorpion 1 1933
fish Thunnus thynnus Blue-fin tuna 1 2016
fish Thymallus thymallus Grayling (fish) 4 2003
fish Tinca tinca Tench 14 2018
fish Trachinus draco Greater Weever 1 1933
fish Trachurus trachurus Horse Mackerel 2 1940
fish Trigla lyra Piper 1 1879
fish Trisopterus luscus Pouting 3 1991
fish Trisopterus minutus Poor Cod 3 2018
fungus Tapesia fusca an ascomycete fungus 3 2010
fungus Taphrina alni Alder Tongue 6 2022
fungus Taphrina betulina an ascomycete fungus 2 2014
fungus Taphrina padi an ascomycete fungus 8 2017
fungus Taphrina populina an ascomycete fungus 1 2023
fungus Taphrina pruni an ascomycete fungus 6 2023
fungus Taphrina ulmi an ascomycete fungus 2 1997
fungus Tarzetta catinus a fungus 6 2010
fungus Tarzetta cupularis a fungus 6 2011
fungus Tatraea dumbirensis an ascomycete fungus 1 1995
fungus Tephrocybe anthracophila a basidiomycete fungus 2 2013
fungus Tephrocybe atrata a basidiomycete fungus 6 1996
fungus Tephrocybe baeosperma a basidiomycete fungus 4 1992
fungus Tephrocybe confusa a basidiomycete fungus 2 1990
fungus Tephrocybe impexa a fungus 6 2006
fungus Tephrocybe platypus a fungus 1 2004
fungus Tephrocybe rancida a basidiomycete fungus 2 1996
fungus Tephrocybe tylicolor a basidiomycete fungus 2 1997
fungus Terana coerulea Cobalt Crust 49 2023
fungus Thelephora anthocephala a coral fungus 2 2015
fungus Thelephora caryophyllea a basidiomycete fungus 1 2014
fungus Thelephora palmata a basidiomycete fungus 3 2010
fungus Thelephora penicillata a basidiomycete fungus 1 2000
fungus Thelephora terrestris Earth-fan 4 2012
fungus Thelonectria veuillotiana an ascomycete fungus 4 2014
fungus Tomentella badia a basidiomycete fungus 2 2008
fungus Tomentella crinalis a basidiomycete fungus 2 2008
fungus Tomentella sublilacina a basidiomycete fungus 1 2008
fungus Toninia episema a fungus 2 2016
fungus Torula herbarum a fungus 1 2010
fungus Trametes a Trametes species (unidentified) 6 2023
fungus Trametes gibbosa Lumpy Bracket 98 2018
fungus Trametes hirsuta a basidiomycete fungus 18 2020
fungus Trametes ochracea a basidiomycete fungus 6 2023
fungus Trametes pubescens a basidiomycete fungus 8 2013
fungus Trametes suaveolens a basidiomycete fungus 1 2004
fungus Trametes versicolor Turkey Tail fungus 348 2024
fungus Tranzschelia anemones a rust 1 2023
fungus Tranzschelia discolor a rust 2 2008
fungus Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae a rust 1 2008
fungus Trechispora cohaerens a basidiomycete fungus 1 2008
fungus Trechispora farinacea a basidiomycete fungus 9 2005
fungus Trechispora laevis a fungus 2 2008
fungus Trechispora mollusca a basidiomycete fungus 1 2013
fungus Trechispora nivea a basidiomycete fungus 1 2000
fungus Trechispora stellulata a fungus 1 2008
fungus Tremella encephala a basidiomycete fungus 1 2002
fungus Tremella foliacea a basidiomycete fungus 9 2011
fungus Tremella globispora a basidiomycete fungus 5 2000
fungus Tremella mesenterica Golden Jelly Fungus 153 2023
fungus Trichaptum abietinum a basidiomycete fungus 24 2023
fungus Trichoderma aureoviride a fungus 1 2020
fungus Trichoderma pulvinatum an ascomycete fungus 6 2005
fungus Trichoglossum hirsutum a fungus 9 2020
fungus Trichoglossum hirsutum var. hirsutum an ascomycete fungus 8 2000
fungus Tricholoma a Tricholoma basidiomycete fungus (unidentified) 3 2023
fungus Tricholoma acerbum a basidiomycete fungus 2 1998
fungus Tricholoma albobrunneum a basidiomycete fungus 5 2010
fungus Tricholoma album a basidiomycete fungus 56 2020
fungus Tricholoma argyraceum a basidiomycete fungus 27 2014
fungus Tricholoma atrosquamosum var. atrosquamosum a basidiomycete fungus 10 2010
fungus Tricholoma atrosquamosum var. squarrulosum a basidiomycete fungus 1 1997
fungus Tricholoma basirubens a fungus 4 2007
fungus Tricholoma batschii a fungus 1 2005
fungus Tricholoma cingulatum a basidiomycete fungus 3 2023
fungus Tricholoma columbetta a basidiomycete fungus 2 2008
fungus Tricholoma fulvum a basidiomycete fungus 16 2012
fungus Tricholoma imbricatum a basidiomycete fungus 14 2014
fungus Tricholoma inocybeoides a basidiomycete fungus 1 2006
fungus Tricholoma lascivum a basidiomycete fungus 44 2013
fungus Tricholoma orirubens a basidiomycete fungus 7 2014
fungus Tricholoma populinum a basidiomycete fungus 1 2023
fungus Tricholoma resplendens a basidiomycete fungus 1 1996
fungus Tricholoma saponaceum a fungus 2 2005
fungus Tricholoma saponaceum var. saponaceum Soap Tricholoma 1 2013
fungus Tricholoma scalpturatum Yellowing Knight 34 2017
fungus Tricholoma sciodes a basidiomycete fungus 4 2010
fungus Tricholoma sejunctum a basidiomycete fungus 4 1997
fungus Tricholoma stans a fungus 2 2009
fungus Tricholoma stiparophyllum a basidiomycete fungus 15 2023
fungus Tricholoma sulphurescens a basidiomycete fungus 3 2009
fungus Tricholoma sulphureum a basidiomycete fungus 17 2014
fungus Tricholoma sulphureum var. hemisulphureum a fungus 19 2008
fungus Tricholoma sulphureum var. sulphureum a basidiomycete fungus 25 2010
fungus Tricholoma terreum a basidiomycete fungus 44 2023
fungus Tricholoma ustale a basidiomycete fungus 2 2010
fungus Tricholoma ustaloides a basidiomycete fungus 4 2005
fungus Tricholomella constricta a basidiomycete fungus 21 2014
fungus Tricholomopsis rutilans Plums and Custard 54 2015
fungus Trichothecium roseum a fungus 1 2010
fungus Trimmatostroma betulinum a fungus 1 1999
fungus Trimmatostroma salicis a fungus 2 2010
fungus Triphragmium filipendulae a rust 2 2018
fungus Triphragmium ulmariae Meadowsweet Rust 4 2017
fungus Trochila craterium an ascomycete fungus 1 1998
fungus Trochila ilicina Holly Speckle 51 2020
fungus Tubaria an agaric (unidentified) 1 1995
fungus Tubaria confragosa an agaric 2 2002
fungus Tubaria conspersa an agaric 8 2013
fungus Tubaria dispersa an agaric 38 2014
fungus Tubaria furfuracea Scurfy Twiglet 230 2022
fungus Tubaria romagnesiana an agaric 3 2006
fungus Tuber aestivum Summer Truffle 2 2000
fungus Tuberculina persicina a fungus 2 2008
fungus Tuber excavatum a fungus 1 1959
fungus Tuber foetidum a fungus 1 1959
fungus Tuber puberulum a fungus 4 2008
fungus Tuber rapaeodorum a fungus 1 1959
fungus Tubeufia cerea a fungus 1 1991
fungus Tulasnella pallida a fungus 2 2008
fungus Tulasnella violea a basidiomycete fungus 1 1997
fungus Tylopilus felleus Bitter Bolete 5 2010
fungus Typhula erythropus a chantarelle 3 1995
fungus Typhula phacorrhiza a chantarelle 2 2009
fungus Typhula setipes a chantarelle 2 2020
fungus Typhula sphaeroidea a fungus 1 2020
fungus Tyromyces chioneus a basidiomycete fungus 2 2007
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Tetrix a Tetrix species (unidentified) 4 2023
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Tetrix subulata Slender Ground-hopper 140 2023
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Tetrix undulata Common Ground Hopper 180 2023
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Tettigonia viridissima Great Green Bush Cricket 78 2020
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Tettigoniidae a Tettigoniidae species (unidentified) 3 2018
grasshopper, cricket or true cricket Tettigoniidae sp. or Gryllidae sp. (unidentified cricket) a cricket (unidentified) 42 2020
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Tetrastemma a Tetrastemma species (unidentified) 2 1973
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Theromyzon tessulatum a leech 48 2013
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Tricladida a Tricladida flatworm (unidentified) 5 2013
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Trocheta subviridis a leech 2 2024
leech, flatworm or ribbon worm Turbellaria a flatworm (unidentified) 31 2018
lichen Tephromela atra a lichen 4 2020
lichen Tephromela atra var. atra Black Shields 3 2011
lichen Thelidium decipiens a lichen 4 2018
lichen Thelidium incavatum a lichen 3 2018
lichen Thelidium minutulum a lichen 2 2020
lichen Thelotrema lepadinum a lichen 5 2019
lichen Toninia aromatica a lichen 20 2018
lichen Toninia sedifolia a lichen 7 2018
lichen Toninia verrucarioides a lichen 1 1991
lichen Trapelia coarctata a lichen 1 2002
lichen Trapelia glebulosa s. lat. a lichen 1 1985
lichen Trapelia obtegens a lichen 1 1985
lichen Trapeliopsis a Trapeliopsis species (unidentified) 1 2011
lichen Trapeliopsis flexuosa a lichen 1 1991
lichen Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla a lichen 2 1996
liverwort Trichocolea tomentella Handsome Woollywort 1 1909
liverwort Tritomaria quinquedentata Lyon's Notchwort 2 1991
mammal Talpa europaea Mole 1756 2024
mammal - marine Tursiops truncatus Bottle-nosed Dolphin 3 1986
millipede Tachypodoiulus niger White-legged Snake Millipede 43 2023
mollusc Tandonia a Tandonia species (unidentified) 2 2023
mollusc Tandonia budapestensis Budapest Slug 14 2023
mollusc Tandonia sowerbyi Sowerby's Slug 19 2023
mollusc Tenellia adspersa Lagoon Sea-slug 1 1974
mollusc Testacella (Testacella) maugei Mauge's Shelled Slug 2 2004
mollusc Theodoxus fluviatilis River Nerit 1 1900
mollusc Trochulus a Trochulus species (unidentified) 2 2023
mollusc Trochulus hispidus Hairy Snail 59 2023
mollusc Trochulus (Trochulus) striolatus Strawberry Snail 156 2023
moss Taxiphyllum wissgrillii Depressed Feather-moss 5 2006
moss Tetraphis pellucida Pellucid Four-tooth Moss 19 2023
moss Thamnobryum a Thamnobryum species (unidentified) 1 2023
moss Thamnobryum alopecurum Fox-tail Feather-moss 176 2023
moss Thuidium a Thuidium species (unidentified) 2 1941
moss Thuidium assimile Philibert's Tamarisk-moss 3 2016
moss Thuidium tamariscinum Common Tamarisk-moss 92 2023
moss Tortella inflexa Sassari Crisp-moss 2 2016
moss Tortella nitida Neat Crisp-moss 21 2023
moss Tortella tortuosa Frizzled Crisp-moss 24 2023
moss Tortula a Tortula species (unidentified) 2 1941
moss Tortula lanceola Lance-leaved Pottia 5 2023
moss Tortula marginata Bordered Screw-moss 4 2017
moss Tortula modica Blunt-fruited Pottia 13 2023
moss Tortula muralis Wall Screw-moss 144 2023
moss Tortula muralis var. muralis a wall screw-moss 9 2003
moss Tortula protobryoides Tall Pottia 4 2023
moss Tortula subulata Awl-leaved Screw-moss 2 2023
moss Tortula subulata var. subulata an awl-leaved screw-moss 1 1991
moss Tortula truncata Common Pottia 10 2023
moss Tortula viridifolia Bristly Pottia 3 1990
moss Trichodon cylindricus Cylindric Ditrichum 1 1998
moss Trichostomum brachydontium Variable Crisp-moss 25 2023
moss Trichostomum crispulum Curly Crisp-moss 26 2023
moth or butterfly - butterfly Thecla betulae Brown Hairstreak 17 2011
moth or butterfly - butterfly Thymelicus Essex Skipper or Small Skipper or Lulworth Skipper (unidentified) 107 2020
moth or butterfly - butterfly Thymelicus lineola Essex Skipper 550 2023
moth or butterfly - butterfly Thymelicus sylvestris Small Skipper 5446 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tethea ocularis Figure of Eighty 241 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tethea ocularis octogesimea a Figure of Eighty 7 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tethea or Poplar Lutestring 16 2018
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tetheella fluctuosa Satin Lutestring 33 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thalpophila matura Straw Underwing 983 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thera britannica Spruce Carpet 474 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thera cupressata Cypress Carpet 571 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thera juniperata a moth 2 2021
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thera juniperata subsp. juniperata Juniper Carpet 14 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thera obeliscata Grey Pine Carpet 184 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Theria primaria Early Moth 142 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tholera cespitis Hedge Rustic 40 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tholera decimalis Feathered Gothic 49 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thumatha senex Round-winged Muslin 53 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Thyatira batis Peach Blossom 354 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tiliacea aurago Barred Sallow 518 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tiliacea citrago Orange Sallow 56 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Timandra comae Blood-vein 1052 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Trachea atriplicis Orache Moth 1 2016
moth or butterfly - macro moth Trichiura crataegi Pale Eggar 28 2014
moth or butterfly - macro moth Trichoplusia ni Ni Moth (The) 16 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Trichopteryx carpinata Early Tooth-striped 38 2020
moth or butterfly - macro moth Trichopteryx polycommata Barred Tooth-striped 2 1950
moth or butterfly - macro moth Triodia sylvina Orange Swift 1092 2023
moth or butterfly - macro moth Triphosa dubitata Tissue 75 2022
moth or butterfly - macro moth Tyria jacobaeae Cinnabar 1242 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tachystola acroxantha Ruddy Streak 1726 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Taleporia tubulosa a bagworm moth 5 2013
moth or butterfly - micro moth Telechrysis tripuncta a micro-moth 1 2011
moth or butterfly - micro moth Teleiodes luculella Crescent Groundling 13 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Teleiodes sequax a micro-moth 15 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Teleiodes vulgella a micro-moth 122 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Teleiopsis diffinis a micro-moth 4 2020
moth or butterfly - micro moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta False Codling Moth 1 1997
moth or butterfly - micro moth Thiotricha subocellea a micro-moth 10 2016
moth or butterfly - micro moth Thisanotia chrysonuchella a pyralid moth 6 2002
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tinea columbariella a micro-moth 1 1991
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tinea pallescentella Large Pale Clothes Moth 10 2005
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tinea pellionella Case-bearing Clothes Moth 88 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tinea semifulvella a micro-moth 67 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tinea trinotella a micro-moth 106 2022
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tineola bisselliella Common Clothes Moth 39 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tischeria dodonaea a micro-moth 3 2019
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tischeria ekebladella Oak Carl 25 2021
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tortricodes alternella a tortrix moth 28 2017
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tortrix a Tortrix species (unidentified) 1 2013
moth or butterfly - micro moth Tortrix viridana Green Oak Tortrix 181 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Triaxomera fulvimitrella a micro-moth 1 2007
moth or butterfly - micro moth Triaxomera parasitella a micro-moth 8 2023
moth or butterfly - micro moth Trifurcula immundella a micro-moth 1 1906
plant Taeniatherum caput-medusae Medusa-head 3 1939
plant Tagetes erecta African Marigold 1 1989
plant Tagetes minuta Southern Marigold 3 1959
plant Tagetes patula French Marigold 1 2014
plant Tagetes sp. or Calendula sp. or Glebionis sp. or Schkuhria sp. or Caltha sp. or Bidens sp. (unidentified marigold) a marigold or a marsh marigold or a dwarf marigold or a bur-marigold (unidentified) 1 2015
plant Tamarix gallica Tamarisk 49 2017
plant Tanacetum a Tanacetum species (unidentified) 1 2013
plant Tanacetum parthenium Feverfew 522 2020
plant Tanacetum vulgare Tansy 495 2023
plant Taraxacum a dandelion (unidentified) 556 2023
plant Taraxacum acutum a dandelion 1 2001
plant Taraxacum agg. a Plant 1308 2023
plant Taraxacum ancistrolobum a dandelion 2 1989
plant Taraxacum anglicum a dandelion 1 1915
plant Taraxacum atactum a dandelion 3 1991
plant Taraxacum boekmanii a dandelion 2 1991
plant Taraxacum brachyglossum a dandelion 6 2000
plant Taraxacum bracteatum a dandelion 2 2016
plant Taraxacum britannicum a dandelion 4 2010
plant Taraxacum croceiflorum a dandelion 1 1991
plant Taraxacum duplidentifrons a dandelion 2 1989
plant Taraxacum exacutum a dandelion 1 2010
plant Taraxacum expallidiforme a dandelion 3 1992
plant Taraxacum faeroense a dandelion 2 1940
plant Taraxacum fulvum a dandelion 1 2016
plant Taraxacum glauciniforme a dandelion 1 1992
plant Taraxacum hamatiforme a dandelion 1 2020
plant Taraxacum hamatulum a dandelion 2 1989
plant Taraxacum hamatum a dandelion 18 2020
plant Taraxacum hamiferum a dandelion 3 1989
plant Taraxacum huelphersianum a dandelion 1 2010
plant Taraxacum lacistophyllum a dandelion 7 1992
plant Taraxacum laeticolor a dandelion 1 1989
plant Taraxacum laevigatum Lesser Dandelion 10 2012
plant Taraxacum lamprophyllum a dandelion 2 2020
plant Taraxacum laticordatum a dandelion 1 1992
plant Taraxacum latissimum a dandelion 1 1989
plant Taraxacum multicolorans a dandelion 4 1992
plant Taraxacum nordstedtii a dandelion 11 1992
plant Taraxacum ochrochlorum a dandelion 1 1992
plant Taraxacum officinale agg. Dandelion 3299 2023
plant Taraxacum oxoniense a dandelion 5 1992
plant Taraxacum palustre agg. a dandelion 15 2000
plant Taraxacum pannulatum a dandelion 1 1992
plant Taraxacum proximum a dandelion 2 1991
plant Taraxacum pseudohamatum a dandelion 6 2020
plant Taraxacum remanentilobum a dandelion 1 1992
plant Taraxacum rubicundum a dandelion 5 1992
plant Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma a Plant 8 2000
plant Taraxacum sect. vulgaria a daisy or composite 45 2002
plant Taraxacum sellandii a dandelion 1 1991
plant Taraxacum subbracteatum a dandelion 4 1992
plant Taraxacum subexpallidum a dandelion 2 2010
plant Taraxacum subhamatum a dandelion 3 2020
plant Taraxacum vastisectum a dandelion 1 2005
plant Taxodium distichum Swamp Cypress 2 2000
plant Taxus a Taxus species (unidentified) 7 2023
plant Taxus baccata Yew 1778 2023
plant Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' Irish Yew 3 2013
plant Teesdalia nudicaulis Shepherd's Cress 3 2013
plant Telekia speciosa Yellow Oxeye 1 2019
plant Tellima grandiflora Fringe-cups 26 2023
plant Tetradium daniellii Korean Euodia 2 2015
plant Tetragonolobus maritimus Dragon's Teeth 8 2023
plant Teucrium a Teucrium species (unidentified) 1 1980
plant Teucrium botrys Cut-leaved Germander 1 2005
plant Teucrium chamaedrys Wall Germander 20 2019
plant Teucrium resupinatum a Plant 1 1925
plant Teucrium scordium Water Germander 1 2008
plant Teucrium scorodonia Wood Sage 948 2023
plant Thalictrum aquilegiifolium French Meadow-rue 1 1989
plant Thalictrum flavum Common Meadow-rue 112 2019
plant Thalictrum minus Lesser Meadow-rue 14 2015
plant Thelypteris palustris Marsh Fern 1 1930
plant Thlaspi a penny-cress (unidentified) 2 2013
plant Thlaspi arvense Field Penny-cress 212 2023
plant Thlaspi caerulescens Alpine Penny-cress 8 2007
plant Thlaspi macrophyllum Caucasian Penny-cress 4 2006
plant Thuja a thuja (unidentified) 5 2009
plant Thuja occidentalis American Arbor-vitae 67 2004
plant Thuja plicata Western Red-cedar 76 2023
plant Thujopsis dolabrata a juniper 3 2000
plant Thymus a thyme (unidentified) 8 2019
plant Thymus polytrichus Wild Thyme 781 2023
plant Thymus polytrichus subsp. britannicus a Plant 19 2010
plant Thymus pulegioides Large Thyme 131 2016
plant Thymus serpyllum Breckland Thyme 3 1979
plant Thymus vulgaris Thyme 23 2018
plant Tilia a lime (unidentified) 268 2020
plant Tilia cordata Small-leaved Lime 385 2023
plant Tilia cordata x dasystyla = T. x euchlora Caucasian Lime 2 2016
plant Tilia 'Petiolaris' Pendent Silver-lime 18 2017
plant Tilia platyphyllos Large-leaved Lime 185 2023
plant Tilia platyphyllos 'Rubra' a lime 1 2014
plant Tilia platyphyllos x cordata = T. x europaea Common Lime 897 2023
plant Tilia tomentosa Silver-lime 19 2016
plant Torilis a hedge-parsley (unidentified) 25 2015
plant Torilis arvensis Spreading Hedge-parsley 36 2023
plant Torilis japonica Upright Hedge-parsley 1672 2023
plant Torilis leptophylla a Plant 1 1922
plant Torilis nodosa Knotted Hedge-parsley 119 2023
plant Trachycarpus fortunei Chusan Palm 20 2000
plant Trachyspermum ammi Ajowan 3 1936
plant Trachystemon orientalis Abraham-Isaac-Jacob 12 2013
plant Tragopogon a goat's-beard or salsify (unidentified) 5 2013
plant Tragopogon porrifolius Salsify 35 2020
plant Tragopogon pratensis Goat's-beard 1593 2023
plant Tragopogon pratensis subsp. minor a goat's-beard 94 2019
plant Tragopogon pratensis subsp. pratensis a goat's-beard 1 1984
plant Tribulus terrestris Small Caltrops 2 1937
plant Trichomanes speciosum Killarney Fern 7 2016
plant Trichophorum planifolium Bashful Bulrush 1 1913
plant Trifolium a clover (Trifolium) (unidentified) 111 2023
plant Trifolium angustifolium Narrow Clover 1 1927
plant Trifolium arvense Hare's-foot Clover 38 2019
plant Trifolium aureum Large Trefoil 2 1999
plant Trifolium campestre Hop Trefoil 782 2021
plant Trifolium diffusum a Plant 1 1922
plant Trifolium dubium Lesser Trefoil 2447 2023
plant Trifolium fragiferum Strawberry Clover 296 2021
plant Trifolium glomeratum Clustered Clover 5 1998
plant Trifolium hybridum Alsike Clover 208 2019
plant Trifolium incarnatum Crimson Clover 1 2019
plant Trifolium incarnatum subsp. incarnatum a crimson clover 1 1984
plant Trifolium lappaceum Bur Clover 1 1938
plant Trifolium medium Zigzag Clover 215 2019
plant Trifolium micranthum Slender Trefoil 112 2016
plant Trifolium ornithopodioides Bird's-foot clover 15 2014
plant Trifolium pannonicum Hungarian Clover 1 1999
plant Trifolium pratense Red Clover 6500 2023
plant Trifolium pratense var. sativum a red clover 5 2021
plant Trifolium purpureum a Plant 1 2014
plant Trifolium repens White Clover 7188 2023
plant Trifolium resupinatum Reversed Clover 2 1953
plant Trifolium scabrum Rough Clover 90 2014
plant Trifolium squamosum Sea Clover 117 2016
plant Trifolium squarrosum a Plant 1 1955
plant Trifolium striatum Knotted Clover 101 2014
plant Trifolium subterraneum Subterranean Clover 21 2012
plant Trifolium suffocatum Suffocated Clover 17 2015
plant Trifolium tomentosum Woolly Clover 7 2008
plant Triglochin maritimum Sea Arrowgrass 274 2023
plant Triglochin palustre Marsh Arrowgrass 89 2018
plant Trigonella caerulea Blue Fenugreek 1 1939
plant Trigonella foenum-graecum Fenugreek 2 1936
plant Trigonella glabra a Plant 1 1958
plant Trigonella polyceratia a Plant 1 1922
plant Trigonella procumbens a Plant 1 1922
plant Trinia glauca Honewort 165 2023
plant Tripleurospermum a scentless or sea mayweed (unidentified) 2 2020
plant Tripleurospermum decipiens a Plant 1 1927
plant Tripleurospermum inodorum Scentless Mayweed 1732 2022
plant Tripleurospermum maritimum Sea Mayweed 52 2016
plant Tripleurospermum maritimum ( a scentless or sea mayweed 16 2017
plant Tripleurospermum maritimum subsp. maritimum a scentless mayweed 1 1984
plant Tripleurospermum maritimum x inodorum a mayweed 3 1982
plant Tripleurospermum sp. or Matricaria sp. a mayweed or Pineapple Weed (unidentified) 6 2020
plant Trisetum flavescens Yellow Oat-grass 1790 2021
plant Tristagma uniflorum Spring Starflower 13 2023
plant Triticum aestivum Bread Wheat 181 2021
plant Triticum durum Pasta Wheat 3 1986
plant Tropaeolum majus Nasturtium 20 2020
plant Tsuga a Tsuga species (unidentified) 1 2000
plant Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock 12 2011
plant Tulipa a tulip (unidentified) 3 2019
plant Tulipa gesneriana Garden Tulip 24 2019
plant Tulipa sylvestris Wild Tulip 7 2019
plant Turgenia latifolia Greater Bur-parsley 3 1939
plant Tussilago farfara Colt's-foot 1896 2023
plant Typha a Typha species (unidentified) 11 2023
plant Typha angustifolia Lesser Bulrush 30 2018
plant Typha latifolia Bulrush 1059 2023
plant Typha latifolia x angustifolia = T. x glauca Hybrid Reedmace 6 2006
reptile Trachemys a Trachemys species (unidentified) 1 2010
reptile Trachemys scripta subsp. elegans Red-eared Terrapin 2 2019
roundworm (nematoda) Tylenchida a Tylenchida species (unidentified) 1 2009
sea-fan, sea anemone or jellyfish Tubularia indivisa Organ Pipes Hydroid 10 1976
slime mould Trichia affinis a slime mould 4 2017
slime mould Trichia botrytis a slime mould 7 2017
slime mould Trichia botrytis var. botrytis a slime mould 3 2008
slime mould Trichia contorta a slime mould 1 2016
slime mould Trichia decipiens a slime mould 2 2023
slime mould Trichia decipiens var. decipiens a slime mould 4 2008
slime mould Trichia meylanii a slime mould 2 2008
slime mould Trichia munda a slime mould 1 2008
slime mould Trichia persimilis a slime mould 3 2008
slime mould Trichia scabra a slime mould 6 2008
slime mould Trichia varia a slime mould 16 2017
slime mould Tubifera ferruginosa Red Rasberry Slime Mould 24 2020
spider Talavera aequipes a jumping spider 2 2016
spider Tallusia experta a money spider 1 2019
spider Tegenaria a Tegenaria species (unidentified) 6 2017
spider Tegenaria domestica Common House Spider 9 2017
spider Tegenaria duellica/saeva ( a cobweb spider 1 2007
spider Tegenaria saeva a cobweb spider 9 2016
spider Tegenaria silvestris a cobweb spider 6 2007
spider Tenuiphantes alacris a money spider 3 1988
spider Tenuiphantes flavipes a money spider 26 2003
spider Tenuiphantes mengei a money spider 10 1997
spider Tenuiphantes tenuis a money spider 89 2019
spider Tenuiphantes zimmermanni a money spider 38 2019
spider Tetragnatha a Tetragnatha species (unidentified) 28 2023
spider Tetragnatha extensa a long-jawed spider 48 2023
spider Tetragnatha montana a long-jawed spider 96 2022
spider Tetragnatha nigrita a long-jawed spider 1 2014
spider Tetragnatha obtusa a long-jawed spider 3 1985
spider Tetragnatha pinicola a long-jawed spider 2 2013
spider Tetragnatha striata a long-jawed spider 5 2021
spider Tetragnathidae a Tetragnathidae species (unidentified) 12 2018
spider Textrix denticulata a cobweb spider 13 2015
spider Theridiidae a Theridiidae species (unidentified) 35 2023
spider Theridion a Theridion species (unidentified) 4 2017
spider Theridion familiare a comb-footed spider 1 2003
spider Theridion melanurum a comb-footed spider 7 2013
spider Theridion mystaceum a comb-footed spider 4 2014
spider Theridion pictum a comb-footed spider 7 2013
spider Theridion varians a comb-footed spider 14 2014
spider Theridiosoma gemmosum a ray spider 3 1999
spider Thomisidae a Thomisidae species (unidentified) 20 2023
spider Thomisidae sp. or Philodromidae sp. (unidentified crab spider) a crab spider (unidentified) 12 2018
spider Tibellus maritimus a running crab spider 1 1999
spider Tibellus oblongus a running crab spider 8 2022
spider Tiso vagans a money spider 1 1995
spider Trachyzelotes pedestris a ground spider 3 2003
spider Trochosa a Trochosa wolf spider (unidentified) 4 2023
spider Trochosa ruricola a wolf spider 15 2013
spider Trochosa terricola a wolf spider 15 2019
spider Troxochrus scabriculus a money spider 2 1998
springtail Tomoceridae a Tomoceridae species (unidentified) 1 2023
springtail Tomocerus a Tomocerus species (unidentified) 5 2017
springtail Tomocerus minor a springtail (Collembola) 2 2015
springtail Tomocerus vulgaris a springtail (Collembola) 9 2020
stonefly Taeniopteryx a Taeniopteryx species (unidentified) 1 2018
thrip Thripidae a Thripidae thrip (unidentified) 1 2016
thrip Thrips flavus a thrip 1 1993
thrip Thysanoptera a thrip (unidentified) 3 2018
tick or mite (acarine) Tetranychus a Tetranychus mite (unidentified) 2 2014
tick or mite (acarine) Tetranychus urticae a mite 5 2021
tick or mite (acarine) Trombidium a Trombidium species (unidentified) 11 2023
tick or mite (acarine) Trombidium holosericeum Velvet Mite 3 2020
true fly - Tachina fera a parasitic fly 52 2023
true fly - Tachinidae a Larvaevoridae species (unidentified) 6 2023
true fly - Tachypeza a Tachypeza species (unidentified) 1 2023
true fly - Tanypodinae a Tanypodinae species (unidentified) 1 1991
true fly - Tephritidae a Tephritidae species (unidentified) 5 2018
true fly - Tephritini a Tephritini species (unidentified) 1 2023
true fly - Tephrochlamys flavipes a fly 13 2021
true fly - Tephrochlamys rufiventris a fly 5 2022
true fly - Tetanocera a Tetanocera species (unidentified) 8 2022
true fly - Tetanocera arrogans a snail-killing fly 20 2013
true fly - Tetanocera elata a snail-killing fly 14 2009
true fly - Tetanocera ferruginea a snail-killing fly 9 2022
true fly - Tetanocera hyalipennis a snail-killing fly 8 2003
true fly - Tetanocera robusta a snail-killing fly 4 2002
true fly - Tetanura a Tetanura species (unidentified) 1 2012
true fly - Tetanura pallidiventris a snail-killing fly 3 2000
true fly - Thaumatomyia hallandica a fly 6 2009
true fly - Thaumatomyia notata a fly 19 2009
true fly - Thelaira a Thelaira species (unidentified) 1 2010
true fly - Thelaira nigripes a parasitic fly 6 2020
true fly - Themira annulipes a lesser dung fly 20 2022
true fly - Themira lucida a lesser dung fly 3 2003
true fly - Themira minor a lesser dung fly 8 2008
true fly - Themira putris a lesser dung fly 2 2002
true fly - Themira superba a lesser dung fly 1 2000
true fly - Thienemannimyia a Thienemannimyia species (unidentified) 1 1983
true fly - Thoracochaeta zosterae a lesser dung fly 1 2003
true fly - Thricops foveolatus a muscid fly 1 1960
true fly - Thricops semicinereus a muscid fly 2 2003
true fly - Thricops simplex a muscid fly 1 1991
true fly - Tinearia alternata a moth fly 3 1979
true fly - Tipuloidea a Tipuloidea species (unidentified) 5 2023
true fly - Tipulomorpha a Tipulomorpha species (unidentified) 1 2023
true fly - Tomosvaryella kuthyi a big-headed fly 1 1999
true fly - Tomosvaryella sylvatica a big-headed fly 6 2008
true fly - Trachysiphonella ruficeps a fly 2 2006
true fly - Trachysiphonella scutellata a fly 2 2006
true fly - Trichocera a Trichocera species (unidentified) 1 2018
true fly - Tricholauxania praeusta a fly 13 2022
true fly - Trichomyia urbica a moth fly 6 2020
true fly - Trichopalpus fraternus a dung fly 2 1983
true fly - Trichosia caudata a fly 2 2021
true fly - Tricimba cincta a fly 6 2008
true fly - Tricimba lineella a fly 1 2008
true fly - Tricogena rubricosa a fly 1 2000
true fly - Trigonometopus frontalis a fly 1 2009
true fly - Trimerina madizans a shore fly 4 2004
true fly - Trixa conspersa a parasitic fly 10 2019
true fly - Trypetoptera punctulata a snail-killing fly 4 2006
true fly - Typhamyza bifasciata a fly 3 2009
true fly - cranefly Tasiocera murina a cranefly 1 2020
true fly - cranefly Tipula a Tipula cranefly (unidentified) 26 2023
true fly - cranefly Tipula cava a cranefly 3 1998
true fly - cranefly Tipula confusa a cranefly 9 2022
true fly - cranefly Tipula fascipennis a cranefly 7 2021
true fly - cranefly Tipula flavolineata a cranefly 2 2019
true fly - cranefly Tipula fulvipennis a cranefly 6 2021
true fly - cranefly Tipula irrorata a cranefly 3 2021
true fly - cranefly Tipula lateralis a cranefly 27 2022
true fly - cranefly Tipula luna a cranefly 2 2001
true fly - cranefly Tipula lunata a cranefly 8 2020
true fly - cranefly Tipula luteipennis a cranefly 1 2014
true fly - cranefly Tipula maxima a cranefly 29 2023
true fly - cranefly Tipula obsoleta a cranefly 5 2022
true fly - cranefly Tipula oleracea a cranefly 60 2023
true fly - cranefly Tipula pabulina a cranefly 3 2005
true fly - cranefly Tipula pagana a cranefly 6 2022
true fly - cranefly Tipula paludosa a cranefly 55 2022
true fly - cranefly Tipula pruinosa a cranefly 1 1983
true fly - cranefly Tipula rufina a cranefly 2 2020
true fly - cranefly Tipula selene a cranefly 1 2020
true fly - cranefly Tipula signata a cranefly 2 2003
true fly - cranefly Tipula staegeri a cranefly 1 2003
true fly - cranefly Tipula subcunctans a cranefly 1 2003
true fly - cranefly Tipula submarmorata a cranefly 1 2000
true fly - cranefly Tipula unca a cranefly 8 2005
true fly - cranefly Tipula variicornis a cranefly 1 1996
true fly - cranefly Tipula varipennis a cranefly 1 1998
true fly - cranefly Tipula vernalis a cranefly 23 2023
true fly - cranefly Tipula vittata a cranefly 8 2022
true fly - cranefly Tipulidae a cranefly (unidentified) 94 2023
true fly - (diptera) Tephritis matricariae an insect - true fly (Diptera) 2 2018
true fly - (diptera) Thaumatomyia glabra an insect - true fly (Diptera) 3 2009
true fly - (diptera) Thripomorpha coxendix an insect - true fly (Diptera) 7 2013
true fly - (diptera) Trichinomyia flavipes an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2003
true fly - (diptera) Trichosia confusa an insect - true fly (Diptera) 1 2001
true fly - (diptera) Tricyphona immaculata an insect - true fly (Diptera) 11 2022
true fly - fly Tetanocera phyllophora a snail-killing fly 1 1983
true fly - fly Tetanocera punctifrons a snail-killing fly 6 2013
true fly - horse fly Tabanidae a horsefly (unidentified) 18 2021
true fly - horse fly Tabanus a Tabanus horse fly (unidentified) 4 2021
true fly - horse fly Tabanus autumnalis Large Marsh Horsefly 25 2022
true fly - horse fly Tabanus bovinus Pale Giant Horsefly 4 2014
true fly - horse fly Tabanus bromius Band-eyed Brown Horsefly 47 2023
true fly - hoverfly Trichopsomyia flavitarsis a hoverfly 2 2001
true fly - hoverfly Tropidia scita a hoverfly 40 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Taxomyia taxi a gall midge 16 2023
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Tetragoneura sylvatica a fungus gnat 2 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Trichocera annulata a winter gnat 16 2022
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Trichocera major a winter gnat 2 2022
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Trichocera regelationis a winter gnat 7 2021
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Trichocera saltator a winter gnat 3 2003
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Trichonta falcata a fungus gnat 1 2000
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Trichonta terminalis a fungus gnat 2 2020
true fly - midge, gnat or mosquito Trichonta vitta a fungus gnat 3 2021
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Tephritis bardanae a gall fly 7 2023
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Tephritis formosa a gall fly 14 2023
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Tephritis hyoscyami a gall fly 5 2002
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Tephritis neesii a gall fly 46 2021
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Tephritis ruralis a gall fly 2 2010
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Tephritis vespertina a gall fly 17 2023
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Terellia colon a gall fly 2 2006
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Terellia longicauda a gall fly 21 2019
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Terellia ruficauda a gall fly 14 2022
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Terellia serratulae a gall fly 8 2008
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Terellia tussilaginis a gall fly 17 2020
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Terellia vectensis a gall fly 2 1990
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Terellia winthemi a gall fly 1 2006
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Thecophora atra a fly 28 2009
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Thecophora fulvipes a fly 11 2006
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Trupanea stellata a gall fly 1 1994
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Trypeta artemisiae a gall fly 1 2016
true fly - picture-winged, conopid or stilt-legged fly Trypeta zoe a gall fly 4 2017
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Tachydromia aemula a dance fly 6 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Tachydromia arrogans a dance fly 1 2022
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Tachydromia umbrarum a dance fly 4 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Tachypeza fuscipennis a dance fly 2 2006
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Tachypeza nubila a dance fly 12 2021
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Tachytrechus notatus a dolichopodid fly 2 2002
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Teuchophorus calcaratus a dolichopodid fly 1 2000
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Teuchophorus monacanthus a dolichopodid fly 1 1948
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Teuchophorus nigricosta a dolichopodid fly 1 2000
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Teuchophorus simplex a dolichopodid fly 2 2001
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Teuchophorus spinigerellus a dolichopodid fly 16 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Thereva nobilitata a stiletto fly 15 2017
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Thrypticus bellus a dolichopodid fly 2 2009
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Trichina bilobata a dance fly 1 2006
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Trichina clavipes a dance fly 2 2020
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Trichina elongata a dance fly 1 2021
true fly - robber, empid or dolichopid fly Trichopeza longicornis a dance fly 6 2022
water-bear (tardigrade) Tardigrada a Tardigrada water-bear (unidentified) 1 2017
woodlouse Trachelipus rathkii a woodlouse 1 1948
woodlouse Trichoniscus pusillus Common Pygmy Woodlouse 31 2023
woodlouse Trichoniscus pygmaeus a woodlouse 3 2011
worm Terebella lapidaria an annelid 2 1936
worm Tubifex a Tubifex species (unidentified) 3 2018
worm Tubifex/Potamothrix sp. a Tubifex/Potamothrix oligochaete worm (unidentified) 2 2008
worm Tubifex tubifex a mud worm 1 2018
worm Tubificidae a Tubificidae worm (unidentified) 5 2007