External Links

Development Tools and Data

Here are the open source tools and freely-available data used in this project.

Apache HTTP Server
Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4 Documentation
Expressions in Apache HTTP Server
RewriteRule Flags
Apache Reverse Proxy Guide
What is it and How to Configure Reverse Proxy
Redirect vs Rewrite
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Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat 10 Documentation
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About the blink(1)
Smart LED controller with built-in USB firmware
Tips and Tricks for blink1-tool
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Debian Linux
Debian Releases
Release Notes for Debian 12 (bookworm), 64-bit PC
Debian Reference
Linux 'man' Pages
The Linux Kernel documentation
Device Mapper (dm-crypt)
Internet Automated Dynamic DNS Client (inadyn)
Understanding SSHFS
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Debian Live Build
An abrupt End to Debian Live - actually just the end of an era!
The Debian Live Project
Debian Live Manual
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Diceware Password Generator
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GDAL Home Page
GDAL/OGR 3.6.2 Release Notes
GPKG – GeoPackage vector
PostgreSQL / PostGIS
Cheat sheet for GDAL/OGR command-line geodata tools
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GeoServer Home Page
GeoServer 2.25.1 Release
GeoServer (latest stable) User Manual
Java Considerations
Container Considerations
Will GeoServer run over Tomcat 10.x?
Creating [Objects] in GeoServer using REST
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Living Standard
HTTP Response Status Codes
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OpenJDK 17
Breaking Old Jars
Java Version History
JVM Tutorial - Java Virtual Machine Architecture Explained for Beginners
Guide to the Most Important JVM Parameters
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Javascript Reference
You might not need jQuery
AJAX: Getting Started
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Leo's Home Page
Leo's Documentation Page
Packaged for Debian by Sparkers
Sparky Stable Repositories
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Let's Encrypt
Transport Layer Security
Free, Automated, and Open Certificate Authority
How It Works
Is the Free SSL Certificate from Let’s Encrypt Safe?
Let’s Encrypt works with DynDNS.org? That doesn’t seem right
Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
ACME Client Implementations
getssl - CLIENT of choice
DNS-01 - CHALLENGE of choice
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MDN Web Docs
The Mozilla Developer Network
Web Technologies
HTTP Authentication
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Proxy Servers and Tunneling
Firefox Developer Tools
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Domain Registration
Dynamic DNS
DNS Records Cheat Sheet
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Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
OGC® Standards and Supporting Documents
Web Feature Service
Web Map Service
Communicating with a WFS service in a web browser
GeoPackage Encoding Standard
Getting Started With GeoPackage
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The OmniDB Handbook
Writing SQL Queries
OmniDB on GitHub
Version 3.0.3b released Dec 17, 2020
How to use OmniDB behind a Proxy Web Server with Apache 2.4
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OpenLayers Home Page
OpenLayers Releases
Changelog and Upgrade Notes
v6.15.0 API Doc
v6.15.0 Examples
The OL Package
OpenLayers + Webpack
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Welcome to OpenStreetMap!
The OpenStreetMap Community
The OpenStreetMap Foundation
Standard tile layer/Key
EPSG 3857 or 4326 for Web Mapping
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OS Mapping
Open Government Licence
A Guide to Coordinate Systems in Great Britain
OS Transform (JavaScript helper functions)
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On GitHub
Man Page
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What is the Purpose of PostGIS on PostgreSQL?
PostGIS 3.3.0 Released
PostGIS 3.3.2, 3.2.4, 3.1.8, 3.0.8 Patch Releases
PostGIS 3.3 Manual
PostGIS 3.3 Cheatsheet
ST_Transform (for coordinate transformations)
On Wikipedia
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About PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 15 Documentation
SELECT, TABLE, WITH -- retrieve rows from a table or view
Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server
Using Postgres with Latin1 (ISO8859-1) and Unicode (utf-8) character sets
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psqlODBC - PostgreSQL ODBC driver
psqlODBC Releases
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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
Sunsetting Python 2
What’s New In Python 3.0
Python 3.11.2 Documentation
Unicode HOWTO
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QGIS Home Page
Features of QGIS
A Gentle Introduction to GIS
QGIS Installers
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REST (a sort of Holy Grail of web services)
On Wikipedia
Roy Fielding's Dissertation
REST API Tutorial
Learn REST: A Tutorial
Serve a RESTful API from any Postgres Database
Clean URLs
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On Wikipedia
rsync Home Page
rsync Documentation
What does f+++++++++ mean in rsync logs?
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ISO 9660 Rock Ridge Filesystem Manipulator
Detailed Manual
Emulation of ISO 9660 program mkisofs
Emulation of CD/DVD/BD program cdrecord
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